I've posted some time ago about the Luminic tessellations I made to my
bachelor's graduation project. Since 2013, I started designing some models,
including tessellations, so soon I want to share them to the community for
suggestions and comments about them.

The models I've been working were designed using simple bases and other
paper shapes (pentagon, hexagon, octagon). In a near future, I want to make
a book, but for now, I only have the crease pattern and the picture of the
models. All the models are original, using some inspiration from
tessellations, explorations of the shapes I've mentioned and a few of them
with free folding.

Expect the models soon, but in the meantime, I you want to look my work and
support it, please follow me on instagram and facebook, and feel free to
explore, like or leave a comment. Thank you so much and greetings from
Puerto Rico.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/origami_esquilin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrigamiEsquilin

*John O. Rodríguez Esquilín*
Artista Plástico
Diseño Gráfico y Fotografía

*Origami Esquilín*
*Arte y accesorios en Origami*


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