> From: Chris Lott <ch...@chrislott.org>
> Subject: Re: [Origami] Origami visual journal
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 4:50 PM, Azulet <azu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Another time I like to take notes and look back on progress is for
> origami artist trading cards (atc). I enjoy hearing and sharing stories of
> inspirations and creative process.
> >
> http://azuleteats.blogspot.com/2013/06/2013-june-ousa-artist-trading-cards.html
> This is the first time, as far as I can remember, that I've heard of
> origami ATCs, though it makes perfect sense. Is this a common
> form/activity at conventions?
> c
> --
> Chris Lott <ch...@chrislott.org>

Hi Chris,
I'm starting a new thread since there are likely more ATC experts on
the list who can chime in.

Whether the ATC activity is common for conventions depends on the
organizers. I know the OUSA convention had ATCs for a number of years
already (need to suggest an OUSA ATC gallery online someday).

I'm new to the origami ATCs as well since I just started last year.
Two out of three trades I participated are associate with conventions
(Origami USA convention in NYC, Origami Heaven in Long Island). I got
inspired to join because my friends showed off their awesome
collections from previous trades.

The Origami Meetup group also had a small group swap at one of our
monthly meetings (not related to conventions). I know there are also
mail-in swaps but I have not joined one.

So if you attend a convention in the future, keep your eyes open for
potential ATC groups. Or you can also start your own! Below are the
instructions from the OUSA convention trade organizer last year for
some ideas. Keep in mind other trades may have diff themes, diff
number of cards, mail-in rules, etc.


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