about carrying out city virtual competition 
decoratively – applied creativity 
"Olympic Games 2014:  Russia , forward!"
1 .      General provisions
The present Provision on carrying out city virtual competition decoratively – 
applied creativity "the Olympic Games 2014:  Russia , forward! " (further - 
Competition) defines an order of the organization and carrying out Competition, 
criteria of evaluation of works, structure of participants, regulates jury work.
2 .      Purpose and problems of competition
The purpose of this Competition – involvement of children in vigorous creative 
activity, and also development of patriotic spirit of younger generation.
Problems of competition:
·         development of creative potential of the participants directed on 
formation of love to the Homeland;
·         creation of conditions for creative self-realization of participants, 
developments of their art and creative abilities;
·         identification and support of talented youth.
3 .      Organizers of competition
The organizer of competition – municipal state educational institution of 
additional education of children "City station of young technicians"  Saratov .
Functions of the organizer of competition: 
·          development of Provision on competition;
·          collecting competitive works;
·         formation of jury and ensuring its work;
·         rewarding of participants and winners of competition.
4 .      Participants of competition
For participation in competition children aged from 6 till 17 years are 
invited. Competition is held in 3 age groups:
- 1 – 4th class;
- 5 – 8th class;
- 9 – 11th class.
5 .      Competition nominations
All competitive works in any nomination have to be performed from paper (it is 
possible to use any kinds of paper – a tracing-paper, a cardboard, a crepe 
paper, etc.). Competition is held on the following nominations:
1)     Origami
2)     Application
3)     Souvenirs
Works in any of the presented nominations have to reflect, anyway, the main 
scope of Competition, i.e. to be connected with future Winter Olympic Games in  
Sochi in  2014. In competitive works winter sports, Olympic Games symbols, 
symbolics of the city of  Sochi or Krasnaya Polyana, etc. can be reflected.
6 .      Requirements to registration of works
Works on competition are provided in electronic form: it can be the photo or 
work video. The participant of competition has to send the letter to the terms 
established by these Situation with work on the e-mail address MKOUDOD "City 
station of young technicians": 
- in the column "letter subject" to specify: "on competition "the Olympic Games 
2014:  Russia , forward! ";
- in the text of the letter to specify the following data:
§         Surname, name of the author;
§         Work name;
§         Nomination;
§         Age of the author, class;
§         Name of educational institution;
§         Surname, name, middle name of the head (completely), contact phone of 
the head.
- to attach the photo or video of work to the letter (to press the Attach the 
File button and to choose from the list).
ATTENTION! The works participating in other virtual competitions, aren't 
7 .      Jury work
1 . The structure of jury of competition is approved by the organizer of 
2 . The jury defines winners of competition, being guided by the following 
• compliance of work of the nomination of competition; 
• creative approach in performance of work;
• complexity of work;
• originality; 
• mastery.
Each of these criteria is estimated on five-point system.
Winners are awarded by memorable diplomas and the diplomas, to all participants 
Certificates of the participant are issued.
8 .      Organization and carrying out competition
The provision on Competition is dispatched by e-mail in educational 
institutions of the city.
Competition is held  from July 1 to September 30, 2013 .
Works on competition are accepted till  September 30, 2013 .
Summing up till  October 10, 2013 .
Rewarding of winners and participants of competition will take place  on 
October 10, 2013 .
9 .      Contact information
The organizer – municipal state educational institution of additional education 
of children "City station of young technicians"  Saratov .
Address:  Saratov ,  Ryabinovskaya St. 6
Phone: 55-16-12
E-mail address:

Tatiyana Serzhantova

Tatiyana Serzhantova

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