Hi All
I am new to EJB, and desparately
need a JSP-EJB example,
including directory structure,
deployment descriptor, and so on.
I am familiar with JSP, taglib,
as Orion has plenty of demos.
But since I can't get any EJB
full-cycle demo, I still can't install
any yet.
Can som
Having some problems while deleting a EJB. When i delete the ejb by ejbobject.remove()
method the dependent objects and relationship entries are not
deleted from the database. Should this not be done automatically by the app server.
Is this a problem in Orion or is there some explicit delet
How do I setup Orion to be just a standalone App
Server. I want to use a differnt JSP/servlet engine.
Duwayne Sy
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I'm getting the following exception when creating a topic subscriber with a
selector and I cannot figure out what to make of the exception comment:
javax.jms.InvalidSelectorException: No args should be passed to a constant
([parameter: SenderId], [void])
at com.evermind.server.j
whenever i try to persist a 1-1 relationship between a bean and dependent class i get
the following exception during deployment
Auto-deploying Cart (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the previous
... CartEJB_PersistenceManager2.java:87: Incompatible type for =. Explici
I am just getting started to with ejb and basically I
have Orion as an ejb server (middle) and Resin as
jsp/servlet server (front). I want to know the basic
requirements of Orion for deployment. What files it
needs etc. So far I know I need the home/remote/class
+ META-INF/ejb-jar.xml files. All w
>From the EJB 1.1 Spec (18.1.2 - Programming restrictions):
"An enterprise bean must not attempt to listen on a socket, accept
connections on a socket, or use a socket for multicast.
The EJB architecture allows an enterprise bean instance to be a network
socket client, but it does not allow it to