Re: How can I use an BLOB datatype

2000-11-30 Thread Joachim Peer
hi, here's the code i am currently using in my [Non-ejb] code i think using BMP it would be easily to integrate, but if anybody has found a better way on serializing objects into a database, please show ;=) here my code fragments: a) write blob into database: PreparedStatement ps =

Re: Does Orion work woth Ms access

2000-11-28 Thread Joachim Peer
hi, try data-source name="my demo datasource" class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource" pooled-location="jdbc/myDemoDS" url="jdbc:odbc:demo" connection-driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" username="" password="" / don't forget to register your database properly in your