I am trying to access a orion server on other machine.
While I think supplied the correct information, the QueueConnections seems to still 
connecting on localhost. 
Here is my code:
      Hashtable htEnv = new Hashtable();
      htEnv.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://");
      htEnv.put("java.naming.security.principal", "admin");
      htEnv.put("java.naming.security.credentials", "1234");
      InitialContext objContext = new InitialContext(htEnv);
      QueueConnectionFactory objFactory = 
      QueueConnection objConnection = objFactory.createQueueConnection();
      Queue objQueue = (Queue)objContext.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/" + strQueueName);

and here is the error message(which is triggered by objConnection.start()):
    javax.jms.JMSException: Unable to connect to JMSServer (  
           at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection.start(JAX)        
           at com.ufoasia.emidway.stub.Receiver.<init>(Receiver.java:36) 
           at com.ufoasia.emidway.stub.Receiver.main(Receiver.java:100)

Can any body tell me if this is a bug or I need to config elsewhere in order to 
connect to orion server on other machine.
Thx so much for the information.

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