I had the same problem weeks ago, it happens with IE6 right?

I didn't find a solution, but I have an alternative that works fine.
This problem ocurred when I called the JSP manually, I mean by writing the
URL in the address bar. So one day accidentally I used a form to invoke the
JSP and the problem was gone!

I haven't figured out yet the cause of this problem, but it only happens in
IE6, as I've made tests with IE5, NN and Opera and I have no problem.

Hope this helps

Luis Javier

----- Original Message -----
From: "Juan Fuentes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 12:53 PM
Subject: Downloading files with MS IE

> I have a JSP to download files. It works great with NS but fails with
> IE.
> At first, it seems to work, because the Explorer opens a window to
> select if I want to open the file, or save it to disk. But once I push
> the OK button, IE shows an error telling that server cannot be reached
> (or something similar, I have a Spanish version of the Explorer)
> Thanks
> --
> ··················································
> Juan Fuentes Nieto                   Essi Projects
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]    t +34 977 221 182
> http://www.essiprojects.com      f +34 977 230 170
> ··················································

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