I hope this is what u are looking for.
In the principals.xml file in orion\config you have to set the flag to false in the following line
"  <user username="admin" password="123" deactivated="true"> "
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 5:18 AM
Subject: Application Client JNDI

I'm trying to reach my EJB's through an application client (for JUnit testing).
I can't seem to find a combination of userid and password that will gain me
access to them.
When the ORMI login dialog box appears, everything I enter fails as an
'invalid userid/password'. Where exactly is Orion looking???
For this particular application, I've implemented my own UserManager class,
but not RoleManager or EJBUserManager. As a web application, everything runs
fine. Must I implement these others as well for an Application client to work?
Gordon Reynolds

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