
Due to some Xalan classLoading problems, I need to get a particular jar
(bsf.jar) into the classpath.

Putting the jar in the jar in the orion/lib directory doesnt work.

But, I can edit the manifest.mf file of the orion.jar and it works fine.

This is fine for development but would be a nightmare to deploy (if the user
updates their version of orion the manifest file is gone).

So I thought I might be able to write an orionwrapper.jar file with a
manifest file that is exactly the same as the orion.jar manifest file PLUS
includes all the extra jars I need PLUS the orion.jar.


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Name: "Orion Application Server"
Main-Class: com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer
Created-By: 1.2 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Implementation-Vendor: "Evermind"
Class-Path: orion.jar lib/reportext.jar lib/bsf.jar lib/xerces.jar ejb.jar
jndi.jar jdbc.jar jta.jar parser.jar jaxp.jar lib/xalan.jar tools.jar
jsse.jar jnet.jar jcert.jar activation.jar mail.jar saxon.jar
Implementation-Title: "com.evermind.server"
Implementation-Version: "1.0.0"

Name: javax/servlet/
Specification-Version: 2.2
Implementation-Title: javax.servlet

Name: javax/servlet/jsp/
Specification-Version: 1.1
Implementation-Title: javax.servlet.jsp

This also gives me the added bonus of controlling the version of
Xalan/Xerces thats used.

Has anyone done this before or know if its a good idea?  Can anyone see any



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