RE: How are database JOINS achieved with EJBs?

2000-05-30 Thread Steven W. Rock
I'm not sure why everyone is under the impression that anything in a database needs to be an entity bean. I never felt this, nor got this from the Java community. I would recommend reading the SUN java Blueprints document. They barely use entity beans at all. It is very well thought out and has

Problem with orion.jar and servlet.jar

2000-05-04 Thread Steven W. Rock
Hi All, I keep all my J2EE java .jar files under jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/ext/, including the newest servlet sdk 2.2. I just downloaded it twice from However, whenever I have the servlet.jar in this directory, the Orion server won't start. It gives me the error: Servlet API version 2.2 or

RE: J2EE SDK Deployment tool

2000-05-03 Thread Steven W. Rock
.ear is an enterprise application jar file that contains all the ejb jar files, the .war (web jar file) and the xml deployment descriptor for the application. The complete app is jarred into this one file. Here is the breakdown of all the jar files. 1. EJB Module ( .jar file)