Download JVMI2 from this site :

Copy the jvmi-folder  to the hotspot directory of the installed JRE
Set an environment variable (PATH) to point to the bin-folder: e.g. "C:
detatch the service-description file (runAsService.xml) to Orion directory,
edit the file
Start a command editor, set current directory to Orion ("C:\orion")
test the application from command line by typing: jvmi2 -cp c:
\orion\orion.jar com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer

To install Orion as a service
 jvmi2 -f runAsService.xml

To remove Orion service:
from the Orion directory, run : jvmi -r orion (orion is the service-name
from the xml install description)

(See attached file: runAsService.xml)

-- Tore Velle <o)))))><
Phone: +4790911252

Attachment: runAsService.xml
Description: Binary data

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