I am using NT 40 workstation and Windows 2000 Server with Orion 1.0 final
It doesn't look like you solved your shutdown problems yet.

I installed Orion and first ran java -jar orion.jar -install
After entering my pw for admin I ran: java -jar orion.jar
I then opened another command console and did the following:

java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin admin -shutdown
Error: com.evermind.reflect.UndeclaredExceptionTypeException:

ava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:80 admin admin -shutdown
Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
Caught EOFException while reading the stream header; nested exception is:
        java.io.StreamCorruptedException: Caught EOFException while reading
the stream header

What am I doing wrong?  I want to be able to shutdown nicely without using


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