
i filed the following bug to bugzilla:

The following problem occurs in 1.4.4 but not in 1.3.8:

1) one thread calls a findXY() (lets say findAll() ) on a home interface
2) this will take a while. while thread 1 is processing the findAll()
   another thread calls remove() for one of the remotes that are expected
   to be returned by findAll().
3) the findXY() returnes NULL.

in summary: everytime one of the underlaying entities are removed(), the finder 
methods of orion 1.4.4 always returns NULL. i guess this must be a bug.

Robert kruger reported in bug #181 that orion1.4.4 does not allow to return a non
serializable value to a client in the same VM. 
I guess the method which creates the collection for findAll() runs into trouble 
if an underlaying bean no longer exists, and so the whole process of 
serialization fails, resulting in a NULL returned to the client.

if this problem is not yet known, i can attach a test case.

what do you think? is this a bug?



| /Thomas Hertz   |           [y] hybris GmbH | Software Engineering |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Schwere-Reiter-Strasse 35 | tel +49 89 306697- 0 |
| www.hybris.de   | Haus 16, D-80797 Muenchen | fax +49 89 306697-99 |
| pgp fingerprint: D070 5D86 BE2D C3AF E2CC D2D8 C29A 7F68 7407 629E |

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