Hey there,

I'm trying to get the EJBsamples running.  I'm on Win2K and using Orion
v1.4.  I installed according to the instructions but got the following
when Orion tried to auto-deploy ejbsamples:

java.lang.InternalError: name was null
        at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:96)
        at java.lang.Error.<init>(Error.java:52)
        at java.lang.InternalError.<init>(InternalError.java:43)
        at com.evermind.server.deployment.SecurityRole.<init>(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.NamespaceAccessController.am8(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.NamespaceAccessController.a7(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.deployment.EnterpriseArchive.n8(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.deployment.EnterpriseArchive.p_(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.ServerComponent.amu(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.ServerComponent.amv(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.XMLApplicationServerConfig.aln(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.XMLApplicationServerConfig.by(JAX)
        at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig.ay(JAX)
        at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig.ay(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.ServerComponent.ay(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.ServerComponent.update(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.XMLApplicationServerConfig.update(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.up(JAX(Compiled Code))
        at com.evermind.server.hc.run(JAX(Compiled Code))
        at com.evermind.util.g.run(JAX(Compiled Code))
        at com.evermind.util.f.run(JAX)

I did, however, get the thing to work from within the admin console.  I
was able to launch the product and cart.  Wha's up?


 Michael S. Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      ____       _
 Axian, Inc.   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              // |_  __(_) ___  _ __
 4800 SW Griffith Dr., Ste. 202             //| |\\/ /| |/ _ \| '_ \
 Beaverton, OR  97005 USA             _____//_| | / / | | |_| | | | |
 Voice: (503)644-6106 x122           ((   //  |_|/_/\\|_|\_/|_|_| |_|
 Fax:   (503)643-8425                 ``-''          ``-''
 http://www.axian.com/               Software Consulting and Training

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