Sure, i know this, but (as pointed out) the database access seems not to be
the 'rock tied to the feet'. Almost all CPU power gets eaten by orion's java
process, and normally (at least this is my experience), a pure jdbc/database
combination has more or less equal loads on both sides.


Jens Stutte

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Karl Avedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 21. März 2000 18:49
An: Orion-Interest
Cc: Orion-Interest
Betreff: Re: EJB performance


Note that when using BMP Entity beans a request is made to the db for every
(no select * from...). This makes getting a large number of BMP entity beans
remarkably slow,

however, your test seems awfully slow even considering that so we will do
more internal benchmarking to see if we find it to be very slow due to some

Karl Avedal

Jens Stutte wrote:

> Hi,
> i made some tests regarding the EJB performance. Well... i know it's still
> beta, and EJB is never lightning fast. But are you expecting some serious
> improvements of performance with the release version ? Not to get me
> i like the product and so on (and i know it's a general problem for EJB
> servers, too). Well, here are some facts:
> I have an entity bean (bean managed), with 4737 instances. After
> the server, a findAll and a call of one business-get method (so that it
> be instanciated) from a remote client of these take aprox. 160 s (orion
> 0.9.4 on an Athlon 600 Linux box with 256 MB, Classic VM, build 1.2.2-L,
> green threads, javacomp), that means ca. 33 ms per bean. To obtain this
> result, i optimized the retrieving of DB connections with a cache to not
> connect newly to the DB for every bean. The transaction type of all
> methods is "required" (as usual). Memory is no matter since memory usage
> the server only grows by 12MB. There is no other application running.
> 160s of CPU time are consumed almost all by the orion server, the DB
> (informix) uses less than 1% of the time. And the CPU usage is at 100% all
> the time (so there is no lock or waiting for ports/network or similar). Of
> course this is not representive and others are welcome to post me their
> results. But to me it seems pretty much to guarantee a good response time
> a production system (and the used server should be sufficient for a -
> - production system, at least with another 256 MB of DRAM). Just for my
> curiousity: What process in instanciating an entity bean is such complex
> that it takes so much time? I know, the logic is very complex (with
> transactions and so on), but it seems pretty linear to me (correct me, if
> i'm wrong). If it's for me, i'd prefer much more memory consumption, if it
> helps the performance...
> Any suggestions on improving the performance are very appreciated, best
> regrads and keep on the good work,
> Jens Stutte
> ____________________________________________
> NetMedia GmbH
> Schubertstr. 8
> 66111 Saarbruecken
> Germany
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