I have copied below code from the wrapper generated by Orion for the
NetwsItem.getText method in the news sample. Usually one doesn't get to see
the code generated for bean wrappers but one occasion Orion crashed while
deploying and it left behind the java files for the wrappers.

java.lang.String _submitter = object.submitter;
java.lang.String _text = object.text;
java.util.Locale _locale = object.locale;
java.util.Date _date = object.date == null ? null : new
java.lang.String _subject = object.subject;
com.evermind.ejb.NewsItem _parent = object.parent;
    response = object.getText();
catch(Throwable e)
this.dirty = this.dirty || (((_submitter == null) != (object.submitter ==
|| (_submitter != null && !_submitter.equals(object.submitter))
|| ((_text == null) != (object.text == null))
|| (_text != null && !_text.equals(object.text))
|| ((_locale == null) != (object.locale == null))
|| (_locale != null && !_locale.equals(object.locale))
|| ((_date == null) != (object.date == null))
|| (_date != null && !_date.equals(object.date))
|| ((_subject == null) != (object.subject == null))
|| (_subject != null && !_subject.equals(object.subject))
|| ((_parent == null) != (object.parent == null))
|| (_parent != null && !_parent.equals(object.parent)));

It seems like in order to figure out if the fields in a CMP have been
modified, orion compares all CMP field values before and after any method is
called in the entity bean. I understand that it makes the programming of
entity beans easier if one doesn't have to worry about keeping track if any
fields have been modified. However, the current Orion solution gets to be very
inefficient as the number of fields increases, the size of data in a String
field increases etc. Is there any way to prevent Orion from figuring out the
dirty state on it's own and instead using an isModified method provided in the
entity bean?

Jay Jayaprasad

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