FYI "so in other words the price [of Orion] scales much better."


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian ::
    Supporting YOUR world

------ Forwarded Message
From: "David E. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Open For Business
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 18:01:20 -0700
Subject: Re: [Ofbiz-devel] Re: [Ofbiz-users] OFBiz Performance on various
app servers after optimizing OFBiz

One other thing I forgot to mention about Orion. It DOES perform better than
Resin, 1.6e6/hour compared to 1.1e6/hour, that's like 50% faster, and the
cost of both Orion and Resin is per box.

Hypothetically lets say you had a four processor box running OFBiz with
either Orion or Resin. Looking at prices at Dell (even though you can do
better...) a four processor PowerEdge 6400 server with 4 Pentium III Xeon
700Mhz chips with 1Mb cache and 2Gb RAM will run you pretty close to
I'm not SURE what the performance would be like on something like that
compared to something like the PIII 1Ghz, certainly not 15 times as fast (I
guess it could be), let's say it's 10 times as fast (to keep it easy).

In that case you would be delivering 16 million hits an hour with Orion and
11 million an hour with Resin.

So, we do our little analysis again:

Orion 1.5.3: 16million/(1500 + 15,000) = 969
Resin 2.0.4: 11million/(500 + 15,000) = 709
Weblogic 6.1: 626,400/(10,000 + 15,000) = 25.1
Tomcat 4.0.1: 216,000/(0 + 15,000) = 14.4

So, Resin is more expensive in hits per hour per dollar on a bigger server
than a smaller server, while Orion is fast enough that it is cheaper in hits
per hour per dollar on the bigger server, and it a much better deal than
Resin there, so in other words the price scales much better.

-David Jones

On Thursday 07 February 2002 17:32, you wrote:
> Mike,
> Those are very valuable $0.02, and I completely agree. In the paragraph on
> Orion I mentioned that because of such a little difference, if you need the
> extra things that Orion has, definately go for it. If all you need it a
> Servlet container (and use Tyrex for JTA and pooling, and OFBiz for other
> stuff), then Resin seems to be the best choice.
> If a shop already has Orion and is using it for other things, they can be
> sure they made a good choice, in my opinion.
> Later,
> -David
> On Thursday 07 February 2002 17:23, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
> > These performance tests are really valuable - but I'd like to point out
> > that you don't take features into account ;)
> >
> > Woe betide me to start applying numerical calculations to relative
> > feature sets - but I think the below shows that really your choice is
> > between a J2EE server and a Servlet Container (Orion vs Resin). The
> > others are just also-rans.
> >
> > The cost/performance differences are negligible, but the feature sets of
> > these two servers are quite different. (With Orion you get a full EJB
> > container, JMS server, etc etc which you don't get with Resin).
> >
> > Before this starts sounding too much like an ad ;) I'll stop - but choose
> > your features, then your server - not the other way around!
> >
> > My $0.02.
> >
> > -mike
> >
> > On 8/2/02 11:09 AM, "David E. Jones" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) penned the words:
> > > Last night I sent a message to the ofbiz-devel list reporting the
> > > results of some performance enhancements in OFBiz from optimizing
> > > certain little pieces of code.
> > >
> > > I did some more tests today on the speed of the new improved OFBiz on
> > > various app servers. The following numbers are average server response
> > > times with 20 threads continuously hitting the server (ie when each
> > > thread gets a response it immediately sends another hit, keeping about
> > > 20 requests in the queue at all times). The test was done with JMeter
> > > on one computer and the app server & OFBiz on my PIII 1Ghz laptop.
> > > Running Linux (kernel 2.4.10, Suse 7.3) and Sun's JDK 1.4 for all but
> > > Weblogic, which requires JDK 1.3, and yes 1.4 is slightly (like 5%)
> > > faster.
> > >
> > > The page hit was ecommerce/control/main with the default catalog. It
> > > had two products in the Featured Products category and two top level
> > > categories displayed on the side. This isn't a very realistic test for
> > > large catalogs, but is a medium sized page to test the app server
> > > container preformance.
> > >
> > > Here they are, in order from fastest to slowest:
> > > Orion 1.5.3: 0.045s (45 milliseconds) - 444 pages/sec - 1.6
> > > million/hour Resin 2.0.4: 0.065s (65 milliseconds) - 307 pages/sec -
> > > 1.1 million/hour Weblogic 6.1: 1.15s (1,150 milliseconds) - 17.4
> > > pages/sec - 62,640/hour Tomcat 4.0.1: 3.3s (3,300 milliseconds) - 6
> > > pages/sec - 21,600/hour
> > >
> > > The pages per second counts are calculated as follows: (1/avg.
> > > time)*20, because of the 20 continuous threads hitting it.
> > >
> > > As you can see Orion & Resin perform very similarly but Weblogic and
> > > Tomcat are left in the dust. Before optimizing OFBiz Weblogic was the
> > > fastest, coming in about twice as fast as Orion and Resin.
> > >
> > > I know from past (good?) experience with Weblogic that they have a lot
> > > of tuning parameters, so chances are you can increase the thread pool
> > > size or something to get it to go faster. I reduced the number of
> > > threads hitting it and it did somewhat better, but never came close to
> > > the speed of Orion or Resin, it's webapp container must be just plain
> > > heavier. For the $10,000 per CPU range, I think I'll pass, even though
> > > I'm sure it can do better than what it was in this test (I don't think
> > > it'll ever touch Orion or Resin for webapp speed).
> > >
> > > Tomcat was by far the slowest. It seemed to run all right for a little
> > > while, and then have little periods of slowness where page times jumped
> > > up from an average of about 2 seconds to an average of about 5 seconds.
> > > Over the minute it levelled out to about 3.3 seconds as listed above.
> > >
> > > So, which to choose? If you need EJB and other features that Orion
> > > provides and want to pay more for them ($1500 per server), then go for
> > > it. It is a little bit difficult to configure (or maybe it's just me?),
> > > but it runs REALLY well.
> > >
> > > If you have a smaller budget and are fine with Tyrex (open source from
> > > Exolab) as your DB connection pool and TX monitor, then go for Resin.
> > > OFBiz runs great on it, and it's only $500 per server.
> > >
> > > On price/performance Resin wins (pages per second/dollars):
> > > Resin: 1.1million/500 = 2200
> > > Orion: 1.6million/1500 = 1066
> > > Weblogic: 62,640/10,000 = 6.264
> > > Tomcat: 21,600/0 = N/A
> > >
> > > With that sort of calculation you could argue that Tomcat really does
> > > win, beacuse it costs nothing so the (pages per second/dollars) would
> > > be infinite, effectively. But lets factor in the cost of a server. A
> > > cheap PIII 1Ghz supported server from Dell (PowerEdge 500SC) that is
> > > similar to my laptop with 512Mb RAM, plain IDE hard disk (doesn't
> > > matter much on an app server) with 3yrs of next business day support is
> > > $850. So, lets recalculate with that in the mix:
> > >
> > > Resin 2.0.4: 1.1million/(500 + 850) = 814
> > > Orion 1.5.3: 1.6million/(1500 + 850) = 680
> > > Tomcat 4.0.1: 21,600/(0 + 850) = 25.4
> > > Weblogic 6.1: 62,640/(10,000 + 850) = 5.77
> > >
> > > So, from this calculation we can see that for the price, you will get
> > > the best volume from Resin. When you consider the hardware price in
> > > with everything else, Resin will give you 32 times more bang for the
> > > buck, and Orion will give you VERY close to that, in spite of being
> > > more expensive: 26 times more bang for the buck.
> > >
> > > Pretty interesting, huh? If you would like to do some performance tests
> > > and need more detail, let me know, but you should have most of the
> > > detail you need here. Do post something back if you get very different
> > > results, or if you can tweak Weblogic to get better numbers (especially
> > > if they get better than Orion or Resin, because that would surprise
> > > me).
> > >
> > > Later,
> > > -David Jones
> > >
> > >
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> > >
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