Hello congratulation for the first Servlet 2.3 implementation.

I have a question, not related to orion but rather to the 2.3 API.

I am looking closely to
and I am wondering how we can replicate the wrapped response to the actual
For example, suppose I want to develop a general purpose filter, I have to
set many parameters (content type, for example ..) from the response
returned by filter.getNext(), but there are no getContentType() ...  Not
only the content type, maybe It would be usefull to get generated headers
form the getNext() ...
it apears that we have no chance to get the headers form the wraper and set
the actual response accordingly ..
Maybe I missed something
If it is not the case .. this really so bad ... (the only solution I found
is to loopback on the server and the filter to behave as an HTTP client)

Could you please answer to my personal address (I am no longer subscribing
to the orion-interest list ...
too many messages ;-)

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