I do not know the solution, but three things come to my mind...

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Wilcox
Using DataSource ds = (DataSource)
instead of DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/DefaultDS"); (or
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jdbc/DefaultDS not found in

I suggest You start Orion in console mode (java -jar orion.jar -console).
There, You see the datasources (Global application, Context).

For one thing, the JNDI-name to lookup is "jdbc/DefaultDS", not
"java:comp/jdbc/DefaultDS" and not at all "java:comp/env/jdbc/DefaultDS".
This is where You should see the datasource in the console tree.

Second, You can check if datasource is ok by clicking "list tables" in the
console. If this doen't work, its your setting, not your application.

Third, I do not know Oracle settings, but
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@ultra:1521:account_type" looks strange to me. Does
this string contain a server name and no "/"-characters? Obviously (by
looking at the exception thrown), the Oracle-JDBC driver looks up a
character which it does not find (index -1). Maybe some "/"s? Anyway, what a
lousy driver not catching url-parse errors...


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