Just as a suggestion have you tried the ear assembler tool provided with
1.3.8 orion? Just use the "java -jar earassembler.jar" and you will see the
tool. Once you are done creating your application, open up the "java -jar
orionconsole.jar" and "install application". A "ear deployer" window will
come up and you can add your JNDI names, Web Context root and such to
finally deploy your application.

If you have any trouble with using these applications, I can help you out.
Give it a try.

Ozzie Gurkan

--- Johan Fredriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there anyone out there who have created / can create a simple working
> tutorial to create a ear file from a running orion installation?
> I've tried ant, but I didn't get it to work.
> I've manually configured all XML-files which rules out deploytool, since
> reverse enginering does not seem to work ( or I haven't found a button
> called that... )
> Zipping all the files and unpacking it on the server works, but it seems
> unprofessional. :)
> Appreciate any comments/suggestions bat-files... Yes running orion on a
> Windows NT machine. And Solaris. Works great.
> regards
> Johan Fredriksson

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