
Unless I'm seriously misunderstanding some part of JMS or JNDI,
it appears that Orion's JNDI implementation prevents one from
using Orion's JMS server across a cluster of Orion EJB containers.

Suppose I have two Orion servers, A and B, each running its own
set of EJ beans, and I want to use server A as the JMS server for
the pair.  On server A I can get the appropriate JMS
ConnectionFactory through JNDI by fetching the default
InitialContext and looking up jms/TopicConnectionFactory. On
server B, however, I'd need to get the InitialContext from server
A to look up the factory.  I haven't been able to figure out how
to do this.

The RMIInitialContextFactory (default?) apparently ignores
the Context.PROVIDER_URL setting, so I always end up with
the local InitialContext on B.

The ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, on the other hand,
always throws the exception starting with

javax.naming.NamingException: META-INF/application-client.xml resource not

although I made a sample application-client.xml and put it in
META-INF of my application.  Even if this worked, it is my
understanding that this InitialContext would be useful only
for getting to remote EJBs described in application-client.xml
and not anything else on server A, so it doesn't really solve
my problem.

Is there any way of getting ahold of JMS ConnectionFactories
from remote machines?


Dejan Vucinic

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