I downloaded and installed Orion 1.2.0 on a Suse 6.4 Linux machine with JDK
1.2.2 and have the following problem:
When I start the server, it tells me that it cannot find the WEB-INF/web.xml
file for initializing the default web site.
The directory structure on Linux is case sensitive, and there is a web-inf
directory in the default-web-app tree. When I rename it to WEB-INF, the
server initializes fine, but when I try to run the JSP samples, it cannot
find its classes.

Am I doing something wrong here? The installation of 1.3.XX on another
machine worked fine.


Quintessence Consulting GmbH, Willy Gielen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Tel. +49 (5130) 5888-21 - Fax: +49 (5130) 5888-58
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