Hi again,

i am running orion on an AMD Athlon/600 with Linux, jdk 1.2.2-L (Classic VM,
green threads,  javacomp) backed by an informix database on the same server.
I have a session bean which itself accesses a bunch of entity beans (with
bean managed persistence, large validity-timeout) both reading and writing.
Though absolute performance constantly increased with every orion version, i
wonder, why the server uses only 30-40 % of the CPU resources under heavy
load (meaning: subsequent calls to this session bean from ONE remote
client). I figured out, that the DB uses ~10% and orion 20-25% of the CPU -
the rest is idle time. Memory usage does not matter, it's all in physical

Is this informix specific ? Or does this happen with other databases, too?
Are there timeouts in the RMI or database communication (the network to the
remote client does not matter, same when started directly on the server)? Or
is this even intended to preserve resources for other requests ?


Jens Stutte

[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.netmedia.de

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