Hi All,

I keep all my J2EE java .jar files under jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/ext/, including
the newest servlet sdk 2.2. I just downloaded it twice from java.sun.com.
However, whenever I have the servlet.jar in this directory, the Orion server
won't start. It gives me the error:

Servlet API version 2.2 or greater required.
orion.jar contains the Servlet 2.2 API but a
case of library shadowing has been detected.
Remove any potential old/offending libraries
from the classpath and retry.
The offending library resides at: file:/E:/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/ext/servlet.jar

If I remove the servlet.jar, then the Orion server can start. Why is this
jar file giving me problems, if it's the correct version. I would like to
keep the servlet.jar file in the jdk1.2.2 subfolder so when I do my
programming, my IDE can find the servlet api and compile my classes
properly. Any comments are appreciated.

Steven Rock

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