Title: RE: I require step by step install instructions for Pet Store1.1.2 on Orion please?

Add import="java.io.*" to your errorpage.jsp in the main <%@page%>tag.

Kesav Kumar
Software Engineer
Voquette, Inc.
650 356 3740
Voquette...Delivering Sound Information

-----Original Message-----
From: Ganasen Gounden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 7:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: I require step by step install instructions for Pet
Store1.1.2 on Orion please?

Thanks. I managed to download the new version. IT all works now except when I save an order I get an error as follows. Any help appreciated.

500 Internal Server Error
Error parsing JSP page /petstore/template.jsp

Syntax error in source/errorpage.jsp.java:53: Class PrintWriter not found. (JSP page line 37)
 exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out));
1 error

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/22/01 03:22PM >>>
I'll get you started, but I'm working on linux so perhaps I make an
error somewhere

1) Download and install java SDK
2) Download and install java J2EE
3) SET JAVA_HOME=<path to java directory. e.g. c:\jdk1.3.1>
4) SET J2EE_HOME=<path to j2ee directory, e.g. c:\j2sdkee1.2.1
(or put these two veriables in the system properties somewhere)
5) Go to the jps1.1.2 components directory and type `build'. This builds
the EJB's
6) Go to the jps1.1.2 petstore directory and type `build'. This creates
an ear in the ..\build directory that
also contains all the EJB beans build in step 5.
7) copy this ear file to the orion\applications directory
8) Edit file orion\config\server.xml (below the line starting with
   <application name="petstore" path="../applications/petstore.ear" />
9) Edit file orion\config\default-web-site.xml (below the line starting
with <default-web-app ...
   <web-app application="petstore" name="petstore" root="/petstore" />
10) start orion (in the orion directory type java -jar orion.jar). You
should now see something with
   deploying petstore application, petstoreEjb, etc.
11) Open web browser and type http://localhost:80/petstore and you are
in business.

Ganasen Gounden wrote:

> Hello
> I have installed Orion 1.4.5 on Windows NT successfully.
> I now need to install the Petstore 1.1.2 Application.

> Could someone please provide me with a step by step guideline.
> The existing information is confusing or incomplete or refers to the older version.
> I am also new to Orion and J2ee.
> My recommendation is that the Orion developers have a working version of the product bundled into the download
> of Orion. It will help me and others save a lot of problems in trying to get a j2ee sample application running quick and easily.

> Please realise that many of us do these downloads for evaluation and demonstration to our management. It is very disappointing when we have to battle in doing this.

> I have had a bash at Jboss, Enhydra, In-q-my, Oracle 9ias, Jrun, and now Orion. They all have similar challenges in getting Pet Store up and running.

> I
>   do not mean to be a nag but many thanks in advance if you can help.
> Regards
> Gan Gounden
> City of Cape Town
> Ph (021) 400-2174
> Fax (021) 425-1096
> Cell 083-63-59-268
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Mark Kettner
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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fax:    +31 20 8848747

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