Hi rafael,

complex OR mapping is solved pretty comprehensively in 2.0 and that too in public 
draft 2. But what you say for SQL is not fully true.

For heavy duty operations like full search of database it is prohibitively expensive 
to get large number of EJBs returned in searches then discard
most of them. ANY serious application has to finally start using data access objects 
and start accessing the database for high volume general

Independence from tables and database is more a myth with EJB than reality!


-----Original Message-----
From: Rafael Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 1:11 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re[2]: EJB vs Servlets

I'm currently developing a big project using EJBs,a backend for a
one-hour delivery company. In fact, I'm using CMP EJB for the data and
a fakade object for processing.There were few factors that influenced the
.- You don't have to code in SQL. That says a lot on easy manteinance.
.- Don't need to understand, as a programmer, the how of inner working of
   your RDMBS.
.- If you have a RDBMS for development and another for production, you
    don't need to write SQL Scripts to recreate the table structure.
.- The migration of data from one RDMBS to another is very easy.
.- You can leave the transaction processing to the App Server.

We encounter only 2 main disadvantages:
.- Complex OR-Mapping are nor possible, and the ejbLoad-ejbStore
   method is not trustworthy.
.- For each object you need to create AT LEAST 3 classes

The first issue is solved using a Fakade class (see Fakade Pattern, I
don't have the URL rigth now).
The second issue is being solved by using a home made automated tool
that generates the required classes.

Anyway, EJB vs Servlets is a topic for a loooong discusion.

Best Regards

Rafael Alvarez                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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