For now, we have solved our blocking problems by turning off some foreign
keys. This is ok, but we would like to put them back in the database. The
good thing is that I know orion is considering both calls part of the same
transaction because if I set the context to rollbackOnly it will rollback
ss ;-)
> -Original Message-
> From: Andre Vanha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Viernes, 25 de Mayo de 2001 14:15
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Serious problem with Orion transaction
> processing: multiple
> c onnecti
> Interesting problem. It could be th
Interesting problem. It could be that there is a bug in orion, but since
this problem is so likely to happen anytime you use multiple connections I
would suspect the problem was taken care of.
A couple of hints:
>From which context are you executing your JDBC calls? Servlet or EJB? How
are yo