That is because in JBuilder you deploy your beans to IAS. You specify a
Datasource name. You have to specify a different DataSourc name for Orion
too. That can not be done inside of JBuilder. For Orion:

1 Open
2 Add an attribute default-data-source="<your-data-source>" to the element
3 Remove any ejb deployment descriptors below this directory (orion-ejb-jar.
4 Start Orion. Orion should now deploy your ejbs again.
5 Check in an orion-ejb-jar.xml file in any <entity-deployment> element for
an attribute data-source. Hopefully it should now use your Data Source.


-----Original Message-----
From: ahfei
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: 2001-01-07 18:00
Subject: ejb deployment problem


 i'm developing ejb using jbuilder4.The EJBs work well in inprise app
server. when i deploy it to orion,it works too. but  i found 
the datasource that i specified doesn't be used,orion uses a default
datasource (HSQL) service my EJBs.WHY ? can somebody help me?
thanks in advance.

            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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