Have only one application per java instance.  Each with their own
application.xml, and whatever other things they need.

Another option is to put the configuration items into the web.xml of each of
your apps, perhaps as initialization parameters to a startup servlet.  That
startup servlet can then put those parameters into a configuration object
that is specific to your application.


                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Ari Halberstadt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   Tuesday, January 09, 2001 1:30 PM
                To:     Orion-Interest
                Subject:        RE: how to set environment properties for an

                This is what I originally did, and it works fine if you have
just one copy of
                the app running. What I need to do, though, is run two
copies of the app, each
                one with a slightly different config, but system environment
properties apply to
                all apps running within an instance of orion. I need a
per-app config, like what
                would be provided in orion-application.xml or orion-web.xml,
only I can't find a
                way to do this.

                Tony Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/04/2001 17:47:43

                Please respond to Orion-Interest






                 To:      Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


                 cc:      (bcc: Ari Halberstadt/Lycos)




                 Subject: RE: how to set environment properties for an app?


                To do this, we pass in environment variables on the command
line to the call
                to java that starts orion using the -D option

                java -Dconfig=OUR.CONFIG.STRING -jar /opt/orion/orion.jar

                You can then access them using

                String configKey = System.getProperty("config");

                Hope that helped.

                Tony Wilson


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