Title: RE: load-balancer problem

you will probably want to use the database for this.
all instances use the same database, so locking here applies to all instanaces.
you can use an entity bean to access the database.

-----Original Message-----
From: Min-Hua Luo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 8:29 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: load-balancer problem


  I have three islands and 2 orion instances per
island for clustering. In my javabean, I have a hash
table that needs to be synchronized within the same
JVM. This hash table stores information global to the
whole application. When one connection lock this
table, no other connections are allowed to access it.
This works fine if the application runs in a SINGLE
JVM. However, when I deploy this application to
multiple islands, each islands and orion within the
islands have independent JVM, thus I cannot lock a
SINGLE hash table anymore. Different connections to
different islands and/or orions will have their own
hash table within their JVM.
  So the question is, how can I configure orion load
balancer and cluster so all orion instances among all
islands share the same hash table object so I can
guarantee the single hash table locking? Thanks a lot.


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