Dear orion users, I am faced in problems with rmi-client, in web
container I have a rmi client that perform a lookup in an rmi-server (a
simple application, where the rmi-client will lookup to rmi-server and
the object in rmi-server, just execute a external native application),
the simple app, just has a method doLogin (), and nothing more, the
problem is in getting SecurityExceptions, in line where I am performing
the Naming.lookup ("rmi://rmi-server/myReference"), before the lookup I
am setting the System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager ());
(but before this I am verifying if orion has a
System.getSecurityManager==null, and doesn't has one).
        When I perfom this rmi-client from a single dos prompt (in same server
machine), all works fine, and this perform good from J2EE 1.2.1 RI too.
        So, if anyone known anything, please response to list.

        very thanks 4 all

Claudio Miranda

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