Halo folks! I have been trying to make a find all function with Orion 1.0 rc1 and I get a warning message that tells me that the resultsett is already closed. This cant be the case as all I do is this: Context context = new InitialContext(); Bruker_navnHome home = (Bruker_navnHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(context.lookup("java:comp/env/e jb/padda/Bruker_navn"), Bruker_navnHome.class); Collection c = home.findAll(); The ententitybean is a CMP and has only public Collection findAll() throws FinderException, RemoteException; and the orion-ejb-jar.xml look like this <finder-method query=""> <!-- Generated SQL: "select bruker, planomr_id, region_id, fylke_nummer, passord, nivaa, navn, telefon, mobil, message_flag, avdeling, ledig_2, toolbar_visible, toolbar_text, toolbar_alignmet, help_desk, no_of_logins, accu_time, vis_klokke, halleluja, version, auto_login, email, forced_commit, commit_reason, do_dll_update, grunneier_access from dbo.Bruker_navn" --> <method> <ejb-name>ejb/padda/Bruker_navn</ejb-name> <method-name>findAll</method-name> <method-params> </method-params> </method> </finder-method> I can't see where I went wrong here. All other methods for the entity bean works. This annoys me to say the least. Do anybody have a solution to this or a suggestion. I have tried to use a where clause with bruker = "%" no dice! Regards, Torgeir Lerkerød