Yes. In the web.xml file (the J2EE standard web application control
file) there's a node set called "welcome-file-list" which allows you to
control this.

To wit:


On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Patrick wrote:

> Joe,
> Just a quick question.  In other web servers I can set the directory
> index file, the default in apache is index.html.  However I want to set
> an order of index files to look for.  In apache I could set it up to be
> index.html index.jsp index.shtml
> so the order starts with the leftmost.. Is there a similar method for
> OAS?
> I hope I don't belittle you by asking such childish questions, but I
> want to make my point clear.  Thanks in advance for any help you can
> offer.
> BTW, as a work around I'm using the document.location.href="index.jsp"
> as a javascript onLoad event in my index.html files to redirect to the
> proper index.jsp files.. I hope you have a better and less expensive
> solution.
> --
> Patrick Lacson

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]      HOMES.COM Developer

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