Hi All,
I have following problem with orion.
In myservlet ana jsp pages i store some informations in the session (some object for example user object,or cusotmer ex)
and when i tried to access any object in the session some times i recieved java.lag.ClassCastException.
I know in what case this exception throwed but in other application servers(resin,tomcat,weblogic) i didnot recieved any time this exception.
My code looklies this..Let say after loggin the system i store the user object inthe session and all of the jsp pages i checks the user object is valid inthe session.
User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user');
commands return some times castexception.I suppose it return only this exceptiuon when the session is allready timeout.But normally if the session is expired the user object should return as null.(so i will understant the session expired and i will redirect the page login page again..)but onthe orion (only) it throws exception..Same thing is also for request.getAttribute("some_object_name") it also throws this exception but some times it workss.
And second thing in the the servlet body any time if you forward the response and request object with
RequestDispatcher.forward(req,res) command the response and request should forwarded successfuly but when you try to forward them second time you will get an exception IllegalStateException.This normal.But on the orion you can forward them more then once time and you will not cacth an exception..So the code listed below make strange thingg.
try {
            Do something
catch (Exception ex) {
          request.setAttribute("exception", ex.getMessage());
           url = "/error/error.jsp";
           ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
           RequestDispatcher rd = sc.getRequestDispatcher(response.encodeURL(url));
ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
RequestDispatcher rd = sc.getRequestDispatcher(response.encodeURL(url));
Normaly this code procces like this if you cacth an exception while proccesing try body your request and response object forwarded the error.jsp page.you will see the error.jsp and the following code procced but it could not run because you allready forward them some at the secon time you get an exceptiopn but its not important because you saw the error.jsp and the other parts not works.
But in orion i forward objects to the error.jsp and also it forward the object also success.jsp.So you will see the both of page in navigator window at the same time..an it not trows this illagelStateException.and also if you are proccessing some operation with forwarded response and request object in your succes page it colud run properly because the response and request object not forwarded properly for second page in fact..
so these are the my problems..
Any comments welcome..

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