Hello Patrick,

On Nov 3, 2009, at 14:09 , Patrick Ohly wrote:

I have checked, the InsertItemAsKey() implementation returns a 510 error
code. This error code is passed up until it reaches
sysync::TBinfileImplDS::implProcessItem(), where it is handled like

1962    error:
1963 // report OS specific error codes as item text back to the originator
1964      ok=false;
1965 PDEBUGPRINTFX(DBG_ERROR,("Database Error --> SyncML status %ld, dberr=%ld",(long)statuscode,(long)lastDBError()));
1966      aStatusCommand.addErrorCodeString(lastDBError());
1967    done:
1968      aStatusCommand.setStatusCode(statuscode);
1969      return ok;
1970    } // TBinfileImplDS::implProcessItem

First observation: lastDBError() is provided by
sysync::TCustomImplDS::lastDBError() and always returns 0. This means a rather uninformative "Err = 0" is added to the outgoing Status. Is there
a way to provide a more meaningful error string or code?

By pure coincidence we just ran into that as well today (confused by the Err = 0 info). I have changed that (and will push as soon as I have a stable state again, other work in progress :-) such that both debug log and <Status> text will only show a message if there IS in fact a DB-specific error code. Note that for DB Api at this time the net effect will be that NO error code will be shown.

Second observation: the failure is not recorded and thus doesn't show up
in the sync statistics or the overall sync result. Is this expected?

Not really. I'd expect it to get recorded as "rejected". I'll have a look.

Should this be handled by the application sitting on top of
libsynthesis, by communicating with the DB backends directly?


That would
be possible in SyncEvolution, but IMHO it would violate the layering
principle in libsynthesis.

Yes :-)

Just for the record, the log shows the problem like this:

[2009-11-03 14:05:14.384] ical20: Internal error: attempt to reduce state from 'client_maps_sent' to 'data_access_done' - aborting [2009-11-03 14:05:14.384] ical20: testState=FALSE - expected state=='data_access_done', found state=='client_maps_sent'
–[2009-11-03 14:05:14.384] End of 'SyncHdr' [->top] [->enclosing]

The "extracting event" error is something that I hard-coded in the
calendar backend. Note the "Internal error". I'm not sure whether it is

Probably not, but I'm not absolutely sure.

Best Regards,

Lukas Zeller (l...@synthesis.ch)
Synthesis AG, SyncML Solutions  & Sustainable Software Concepts
i...@synthesis.ch, http://www.synthesis.ch

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