I have a texture which is updated/changed multiple times with the help of shaders (by rendering to texture). Now I like to store the different stages of the texture - before and after applying the different shaders.

 I search something like:

 osg::Texture2D texture = ...
 osg::Texture2D texCopy1 = texture.clone();
osg::Texture2D texCopy1= dynamic_cast<osg::Texture2D*>(texture->clone(osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL ));

I tried to use the "clone()" method like in the second example of my code snipplet, but unfortunately I do not get an satisfying result.

(I know, one possibility might be to store the output of each shader directly in different texture-objects, but this is not what I prefere to do.)

 Has anyone some hints for how to handle it?

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