Hello all,

I'm having trouble understanding how to use Line Segment intersection in my 
situation. From the way I understand it, my scene graph currently looks like 
[Image: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/5669/myscene.gif ]

What I want to do is use my pen/wand to intersect geometry in the Board Geode. 
I need to know the coordinates of this intersection in the coordinate frame of 
the Board Geode. To do this I think I should be using Line Segment Intersection 
with IntersectionVisitor.

Reading other posts on the forum I've gathered that the intersection that is 
returned is in the coordinate frame of the geometry that's being intersected. 
Cool! That's just as I need it.

Also, the start and end position of the line segment is in the coordinate frame 
of the node you start the visitor on. Here's where I lose it.

I need to define the segment based on the position of my pen/wand but I need to 
test intersection against the Board Geode. To me, that suggests that I need to 
start the IntersectionVisitor on the ShadowScene node so it will travel down 
and visit the Board Geode. However, if I do this I'll need to define my line 
segment in the coordinate frame of the ShadowScene, not the coordinate frame of 
my pen...and I don't know how to do that.

So my questions are these: Am I misunderstanding IntersectionVisitor or some 
other part of the process, or do I need to find my pen in the ShadowScene 
coordinate frame? If the latter, how does one do this?

Thank you sincerely for your time and any insight you can offer,

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