
I've got a pretty large terrain database in the OpenFlight format. I've written 
an algorithm that samples the elevation at various/lots of points throughout 
the entire database. To accomplish this I'm wrapping a LineSegmentIntersector  
inside an IntersectionVisitor.

This first iteration of the algorithm took forever seemingly because each 
height query would page in one of the OpenFlight tiles, perform the height 
query, and discard that data. So the next height query would have to page in 
the same data again. To address this issue I started giving the 
IntersectionVisitor a reference to my DatabaseCacheReadCallback.

This second iteration of my algorithm sped up performance dramatically. 
However, if I set the maximum number of files to cache to too high a number it 
will crash OSG. Presumably, because I'm running out of memory before the cache 
is full.

Any suggestions on how to handle this? It would be nice if I could set a memory 
size on the cache file as opposed to the number of files. It would be nice if I 
could somehow tell OSG to gracefully handle this error. I'm sure the API 
address this issue and I'm just missing it, any suggestions?

Here is a code sample of what I'm doing...


        osg::Vec3d lineStart(xyPoint.x(), xyPoint.y(), -1000000);
        osg::Vec3d lineEnd(xyPoint.x(), xyPoint.y(), 1000000);
        osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector> lineSegmentIntersector =
            new osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(lineStart, lineEnd);
        osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor> intersectionVisitor = new 
                osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections = 
        if(intersections.size() > 0)
            const osg::Vec3d& intersectionPoint = 

Thank you!


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