Hi, all
Guys, do you have met this kind of mouse behavior?
Thats what I do:
Build QTOSG application that add few object in scene (comupositeview). When I 
highlight object mouse stands exactly at point where it have to be. Like in 
this picture. [Image: http://i.imgur.com/9bRy3Mj.png ] (word "mouse" is actual 
cursor position, to highlight it have to be in yellow square area). So all is 
perfect. But! When I add new item to scene in already builded application via 
same code (button) it starts act like this. [Image: 
http://i.imgur.com/KI59HkO.png ]. To highlight it i have to move mouse in that 
point as mentioned on second picture. And this behavior is applied only to new 
objects that was added by button in already running application. With old ones 
that was added during building mouse acting normal as on first picture. Can it 
be because of composite view? Or its because of objects was added after event 
handler for mouse was added? Or it's qt weird interaction? Just give direction 
to me and I'll try fix it. But I have searched a lot and didn't found anythi
 ng about it(except old report about same bug in osg 2.4).
OSG 3.2, QT 5.4. 


Thank you!


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