I would like to use one of the osgManipulator::Draggers.  However, I am using 
osgUtil::SceneView and dont have any osgViewer::Viewers.  Also my application 
is using vrJuggler and vrJuggler is what is getting the keyboard mouse events 
and I am getting them from vrJuggler.  From what I determined from the 
osgmanipulator example and by looking around at your source code is that I 
have to call handle on the Dragger every frame and pass it an 
osgManipulator::PointerInfo, osgGA::GUIEventAdapter, and 
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter.  However, since I am not using a Viewer I don't have 
these.  I am thinking that I have to create a GUIEventAdapter and set the key 
and mouse information that vrJuggler is passing me and use that one with the 
Dragger. Same witht the PointerInfo. Am I on the right track or is there some 
other way that I should be going about this?


Joan Slottow

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