
I've created new import/export plugin for models stored in particular format. 
There are animations included, which are imported also without any problem. 
However i would like to have possibility to edit such animations in my editor 
or add new ones. In fact, my models are collected from different parts loaded 
from different files, so each file creates one osgAnimation object, then each 
node (geometry part) inside such file uses UpdateMatrixTransform and each 
transformation is created using channels. When such file is imported, animation 
is registered in BasicAnimationManager.
And here is the question regarding strategy of creating and importing such 
animations - is above approach is right one? Maybe each animated node in each 
file should create separate osgAnimation object? After loading i would like to 
have possibility to add new animation to existing one or add it to object not 
animated yet.

For example: let's say i have node (not animated) in the tree, which is 
connected to some animated parent. I would like to add separate animation to 
it, how to do that? Create UpdateMatrixTransform and channels and then put it 
into parent animation object? Or create new animation and add to manager? Or in 
fact it really doesn't matter to which animation data are added?

Thank you!


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