AQ> Question(s)
AQ> 1/ The two parameters 'osname' and 'processor' are mandatory.
AQ> Does anybody can tell me whether it's right ?
well, they can never be selected so any clause with an osname and
processor is useless. However, we did not make them explicitly
mandatory so a header without osname/processor should not generate
an error.

AQ> 2/ If so, perhaps the mandatory aspect of those two parameters
AQ> could be explicitly written  p.60 and the order of the parameter's
AQ> presentation be changed to reflect this importance.
Thanks for the suggestion, we will discuss this for R5.

Kind regards,

     Peter Kriens

AQ> Dear all,

AQ> Here are my comments and questions concerning the chapter 3.9
AQ> (pp. 59-63) of the OSGi Core Specification Release 4.

AQ> *) Bundle-NativeCode manifest header syntax (p. 60)

AQ> I would like to be totally sure to correctly understand the
AQ> syntax of the 'nativecode' element of this header. 
AQ> This element is composed of one or more 'path' element and one or more 
'parameter' element.
AQ> One ore more 'parameter' implies that one at least of the
AQ> architected attributes is mandatory.
AQ> Reading further the section  3.9.1 (p. 62) describing the native
AQ> code algorithm, the first step of the process seems to imply that
AQ> 'osname' and 'processor' are both required in a native clause.
AQ> Indeed, the other parameters can be not specified, but those can't.

AQ> Question(s)
AQ> 1/ The two parameters 'osname' and 'processor' are mandatory.
AQ> Does anybody can tell me whether it's right ?
AQ> 2/ If so, perhaps the mandatory aspect of those two parameters
AQ> could be explicitly written  p.60 and the order of the parameter's
AQ> presentation be changed to reflect this importance.

AQ> *) Native Code Algorithm (p. 62)

AQ> Perhaps I'm stupid. But I do NOT understand the last but one
AQ> paragraph. It begins with "If a selection filter .." and ends with
AQ> "... optional clause is specified.". The paragraph before is
AQ> absolutly clear, but this one exceeds my capacities. Plz help ! 

AQ> Regards,

Peter Kriens                              Tel +33467542167
9C, Avenue St. Drézéry                    AOL,Yahoo: pkriens
34160 Beaulieu, France                    ICQ 255570717
Skype pkriens                             Fax +1 8153772599

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