U.S. and Israel evacuate staff from Uzbekistan
By C.J. Chivers The New York Times

MOSCOW Signs of instability deepened Friday in Uzbekistan after Israel
swiftly evacuated most of its diplomats from the country amid fresh
warnings of terror attacks, and the U.S. Embassy authorized much of
its staff to leave as well.
Only the Israeli ambassador and a senior official remained in
Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, according to Mark Legev, a spokesman for
Israel's Foreign Ministry, who said that 13 other embassy employees
and their families flew out of Uzbekistan on Thursday night.
The evacuation came as the United States issued a warning saying that
it had received new information that Islamic terror groups were
planning attacks, perhaps against Americans.
The warning mentioned four terror organizations - Al Qaeda, the
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Islamic Jihad Union and the
Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement - that it said are active in the
Diplomats from both countries declined to release details of the
intelligence. Legev said in a telephone interview only that Israel had
received "a specific threat against an Israeli target by an extremist
element." After the threat was evaluated, he said, the decision was
quickly made for most of the diplomatic corps to leave.
The threats underscored the fresh difficulties in Uzbekistan for the
United States, whose activities in the country are being restricted
simultaneously by the risks of terror attacks and by diplomatic chill.
The Uzbek government, stung by criticism of its bloody crackdown on a
prison break and antigovernment demonstration last month, and
increasingly isolated by its antidemocratic posture, has adopted a
cooler position toward the United States, which has used a former
Soviet air base near the Afghan border since late in 2001.
This week, the Uzbek government refused to renew visas for 54 Peace
Corps volunteers, who were forced to leave the country, according to
Barbara Daly, the Peace Corps' spokeswoman in Washington.
The nation's stability and direction are in question. An authoritarian
state with a population deeply resentful of its central government's
repression and corruption, it has been buffeted by terror attacks and
wider public unrest and has suffered three waves of violence since
early last year.
In April 2004, several attacks, including ones by suicide bombers,
were staged in Tashkent and Bukhara, an ancient Silk Road city in the
country's west. Nearly 50 people were killed, according to official
Uzbek reports.
Three more suicide bombers struck nearly simultaneously last July, one
each at the Israeli Embassy, the American Embassy and the Uzbek
general prosecutor's office in Tashkent. In addition to the bombers,
at least two more people died.
The country, an ally of the United States in efforts against
terrorists, has been enveloped by uncertainty since May 13, when Uzbek
security forces used gunfire to put down a revolt, prison break and
large antigovernment demonstration in Andijon, a city in the
northeastern Fergana Valley.
Witnesses say hundreds of unarmed people were killed when the
authorities resorted to indiscriminate force.
The Uzbek government says 36 soldiers and 137 others, mostly armed
men, died.
By either account, it was the worst violence of its sort in a
post-Soviet region since the Soviet Union collapsed.
With violence apparently fueled both by social disaffection and
militant Islamists, it is not entirely clear who has been responsible
for each outbreak - a subject of debate among diplomats, analysts,
scholars and intelligence officials.
The government of President Islam Karimov, who routinely blames
Uzbekistan's ills on Islamic terrorists, has said the Andijon uprising
was planned by international terror groups and a faction of Hizb
ut-Tahrir, or Party of Liberation, a mostly underground organization
that seeks to create governments ruled by its view of Islamic
The party, which says it is peaceful, has denied any involvement.
Demonstrators who survived the crackdown contend the uprising was
organized by local men made desperate by the economic underdevelopment
and repression that have become synonymous with Karimov's regime.
MOSCOW Signs of instability deepened Friday in Uzbekistan after Israel
swiftly evacuated most of its diplomats from the country amid fresh
warnings of terror attacks, and the U.S. Embassy authorized much of
its staff to leave as well.
Only the Israeli ambassador and a senior official remained in
Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, according to Mark Legev, a spokesman for
Israel's Foreign Ministry, who said that 13 other embassy employees
and their families flew out of Uzbekistan on Thursday night.
The evacuation came as the United States issued a warning saying that
it had received new information that Islamic terror groups were
planning attacks, perhaps against Americans.
The warning mentioned four terror organizations - Al Qaeda, the
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Islamic Jihad Union and the
Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement - that it said are active in the
Diplomats from both countries declined to release details of the
intelligence. Legev said in a telephone interview only that Israel had
received "a specific threat against an Israeli target by an extremist
element." After the threat was evaluated, he said, the decision was
quickly made for most of the diplomatic corps to leave.
The threats underscored the fresh difficulties in Uzbekistan for the
United States, whose activities in the country are being restricted
simultaneously by the risks of terror attacks and by diplomatic chill.
The Uzbek government, stung by criticism of its bloody crackdown on a
prison break and antigovernment demonstration last month, and
increasingly isolated by its antidemocratic posture, has adopted a
cooler position toward the United States, which has used a former
Soviet air base near the Afghan border since late in 2001.
This week, the Uzbek government refused to renew visas for 54 Peace
Corps volunteers, who were forced to leave the country, according to
Barbara Daly, the Peace Corps' spokeswoman in Washington.
The nation's stability and direction are in question. An authoritarian
state with a population deeply resentful of its central government's
repression and corruption, it has been buffeted by terror attacks and
wider public unrest and has suffered three waves of violence since
early last year.
In April 2004, several attacks, including ones by suicide bombers,
were staged in Tashkent and Bukhara, an ancient Silk Road city in the
country's west. Nearly 50 people were killed, according to official
Uzbek reports.
Three more suicide bombers struck nearly simultaneously last July, one
each at the Israeli Embassy, the American Embassy and the Uzbek
general prosecutor's office in Tashkent. In addition to the bombers,
at least two more people died.
The country, an ally of the United States in efforts against
terrorists, has been enveloped by uncertainty since May 13, when Uzbek
security forces used gunfire to put down a revolt, prison break and
large antigovernment demonstration in Andijon, a city in the
northeastern Fergana Valley.
Witnesses say hundreds of unarmed people were killed when the
authorities resorted to indiscriminate force.
The Uzbek government says 36 soldiers and 137 others, mostly armed
men, died.
By either account, it was the worst violence of its sort in a
post-Soviet region since the Soviet Union collapsed.
With violence apparently fueled both by social disaffection and
militant Islamists, it is not entirely clear who has been responsible
for each outbreak - a subject of debate among diplomats, analysts,
scholars and intelligence officials.
The government of President Islam Karimov, who routinely blames
Uzbekistan's ills on Islamic terrorists, has said the Andijon uprising
was planned by international terror groups and a faction of Hizb
ut-Tahrir, or Party of Liberation, a mostly underground organization
that seeks to create governments ruled by its view of Islamic
The party, which says it is peaceful, has denied any involvement.
Demonstrators who survived the crackdown contend the uprising was
organized by local men made desperate by the economic underdevelopment
and repression that have become synonymous with Karimov's regime.
MOSCOW Signs of instability deepened Friday in Uzbekistan after Israel
swiftly evacuated most of its diplomats from the country amid fresh
warnings of terror attacks, and the U.S. Embassy authorized much of
its staff to leave as well.
Only the Israeli ambassador and a senior official remained in
Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, according to Mark Legev, a spokesman for
Israel's Foreign Ministry, who said that 13 other embassy employees
and their families flew out of Uzbekistan on Thursday night.
The evacuation came as the United States issued a warning saying that
it had received new information that Islamic terror groups were
planning attacks, perhaps against Americans.
The warning mentioned four terror organizations - Al Qaeda, the
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Islamic Jihad Union and the
Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement - that it said are active in the
Diplomats from both countries declined to release details of the
intelligence. Legev said in a telephone interview only that Israel had
received "a specific threat against an Israeli target by an extremist
element." After the threat was evaluated, he said, the decision was
quickly made for most of the diplomatic corps to leave.
The threats underscored the fresh difficulties in Uzbekistan for the
United States, whose activities in the country are being restricted
simultaneously by the risks of terror attacks and by diplomatic chill.
The Uzbek government, stung by criticism of its bloody crackdown on a
prison break and antigovernment demonstration last month, and
increasingly isolated by its antidemocratic posture, has adopted a
cooler position toward the United States, which has used a former
Soviet air base near the Afghan border since late in 2001.
This week, the Uzbek government refused to renew visas for 54 Peace
Corps volunteers, who were forced to leave the country, according to
Barbara Daly, the Peace Corps' spokeswoman in Washington.
The nation's stability and direction are in question. An authoritarian
state with a population deeply resentful of its central government's
repression and corruption, it has been buffeted by terror attacks and
wider public unrest and has suffered three waves of violence since
early last year.
In April 2004, several attacks, including ones by suicide bombers,
were staged in Tashkent and Bukhara, an ancient Silk Road city in the
country's west. Nearly 50 people were killed, according to official
Uzbek reports.
Three more suicide bombers struck nearly simultaneously last July, one
each at the Israeli Embassy, the American Embassy and the Uzbek
general prosecutor's office in Tashkent. In addition to the bombers,
at least two more people died.
The country, an ally of the United States in efforts against
terrorists, has been enveloped by uncertainty since May 13, when Uzbek
security forces used gunfire to put down a revolt, prison break and
large antigovernment demonstration in Andijon, a city in the
northeastern Fergana Valley.
Witnesses say hundreds of unarmed people were killed when the
authorities resorted to indiscriminate force.
The Uzbek government says 36 soldiers and 137 others, mostly armed
men, died.
By either account, it was the worst violence of its sort in a
post-Soviet region since the Soviet Union collapsed.
With violence apparently fueled both by social disaffection and
militant Islamists, it is not entirely clear who has been responsible
for each outbreak - a subject of debate among diplomats, analysts,
scholars and intelligence officials.
The government of President Islam Karimov, who routinely blames
Uzbekistan's ills on Islamic terrorists, has said the Andijon uprising
was planned by international terror groups and a faction of Hizb
ut-Tahrir, or Party of Liberation, a mostly underground organization
that seeks to create governments ruled by its view of Islamic
The party, which says it is peaceful, has denied any involvement.
Demonstrators who survived the crackdown contend the uprising was
organized by local men made desperate by the economic underdevelopment
and repression that have become synonymous with Karimov's regime.
MOSCOW Signs of instability deepened Friday in Uzbekistan after Israel
swiftly evacuated most of its diplomats from the country amid fresh
warnings of terror attacks, and the U.S. Embassy authorized much of
its staff to leave as well.
Only the Israeli ambassador and a senior official remained in
Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, according to Mark Legev, a spokesman for
Israel's Foreign Ministry, who said that 13 other embassy employees
and their families flew out of Uzbekistan on Thursday night.
The evacuation came as the United States issued a warning saying that
it had received new information that Islamic terror groups were
planning attacks, perhaps against Americans.
The warning mentioned four terror organizations - Al Qaeda, the
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Islamic Jihad Union and the
Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement - that it said are active in the
Diplomats from both countries declined to release details of the
intelligence. Legev said in a telephone interview only that Israel had
received "a specific threat against an Israeli target by an extremist
element." After the threat was evaluated, he said, the decision was
quickly made for most of the diplomatic corps to leave.
The threats underscored the fresh difficulties in Uzbekistan for the
United States, whose activities in the country are being restricted
simultaneously by the risks of terror attacks and by diplomatic chill.
The Uzbek government, stung by criticism of its bloody crackdown on a
prison break and antigovernment demonstration last month, and
increasingly isolated by its antidemocratic posture, has adopted a
cooler position toward the United States, which has used a former
Soviet air base near the Afghan border since late in 2001.
This week, the Uzbek government refused to renew visas for 54 Peace
Corps volunteers, who were forced to leave the country, according to
Barbara Daly, the Peace Corps' spokeswoman in Washington.
The nation's stability and direction are in question. An authoritarian
state with a population deeply resentful of its central government's
repression and corruption, it has been buffeted by terror attacks and
wider public unrest and has suffered three waves of violence since
early last year.
In April 2004, several attacks, including ones by suicide bombers,
were staged in Tashkent and Bukhara, an ancient Silk Road city in the
country's west. Nearly 50 people were killed, according to official
Uzbek reports.
Three more suicide bombers struck nearly simultaneously last July, one
each at the Israeli Embassy, the American Embassy and the Uzbek
general prosecutor's office in Tashkent. In addition to the bombers,
at least two more people died.
The country, an ally of the United States in efforts against
terrorists, has been enveloped by uncertainty since May 13, when Uzbek
security forces used gunfire to put down a revolt, prison break and
large antigovernment demonstration in Andijon, a city in the
northeastern Fergana Valley.
Witnesses say hundreds of unarmed people were killed when the
authorities resorted to indiscriminate force.
The Uzbek government says 36 soldiers and 137 others, mostly armed
men, died.
By either account, it was the worst violence of its sort in a
post-Soviet region since the Soviet Union collapsed.
With violence apparently fueled both by social disaffection and
militant Islamists, it is not entirely clear who has been responsible
for each outbreak - a subject of debate among diplomats, analysts,
scholars and intelligence officials.
The government of President Islam Karimov, who routinely blames
Uzbekistan's ills on Islamic terrorists, has said the Andijon uprising
was planned by international terror groups and a faction of Hizb
ut-Tahrir, or Party of Liberation, a mostly underground organization
that seeks to create governments ruled by its view of Islamic
The party, which says it is peaceful, has denied any involvement.
Demonstrators who survived the crackdown contend the uprising was
organized by local men made desperate by the economic underdevelopment
and repression that have become synonymous with Karimov's regime.

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