[osint] Ft. Dix Investigation Update

2007-05-08 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/FtDix050807 Fort Dix target of terror plot 8 May 2007 UPDATE 9:30 PM: Based upon open source (OSINT) reporting the six arrests made last night by federal law enforcement officers constitutes only a partial apprehension of the active Al Qaeda-inspired

[osint] Iraq-al Qaeda ties

2007-04-20 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Iraq, Al-Qaeda and Abu Nidal. The ties that bind. Abu Nidal (a/k/a Sabri Khalil al-Banna) was assassinated by Saddam Hussein's al-Mukhabarat thugs on August 16, 2002. The assassination was carried out by 30 men of the Mukhabarat Office 8 assassination squad in an al-Mukhabarat owned building

[osint] Islamic Courts Union Returns to Somalia

2007-03-23 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Naturally, the US restrained Ethiopia from totally eradicating them. Routing them is not sufficient.they have to be tracked down and eliminated totally. Bruce http://analysis.threatswatch.org/2007/03/islamic-courts-union-returns-t/ Islamic Courts Union Returns to Somalia The

[osint] Criticism of Islam to become illegal thoughout Europe?

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://stoptheaclu.com/archives/2007/01/15/criticism-of-islam-to-become-ille gal-thoughout-europe/ Criticism of Islam to become illegal thoughout Europe? The Germans have suddenly discovered a very modern use for their history: Germany intends to introduce a Europe-wide law

[osint] Eight killed as goods train derails

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/subcontinent/20 07/January/subcontinent_January462.xml http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/subcontinent/2 007/January/subcontinent_January462.xmlsection=subcontinentcol section=subcontinentcol Eight killed as

[osint] 3 killed, more than 70 injured in Thai train crash

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/theworld/2007/J anuary/theworld_January375.xml http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/theworld/2007/ January/theworld_January375.xmlsection=theworldcol section=theworldcol 3 killed, more than 70 injured in Thai

[osint] FW: Propaganda: Listed once again in the front page

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://muslims4khilafah.blogspot.com/2007/01/listed-once-again-in-front-page .html Listed http://muslims4khilafah.blogspot.com/2007/01/listed-once-again-in-front-pag e.html once again in the front page I believe we as Muslims must keep the pressure on the Kuffar.They are attacking

[osint] Inside Guantanamo North

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://thechronicleherald.ca/NovaScotian/552730.html Inside Guantanamo North Three terrorism suspects held in Canada spend five years in legal limbo By MICHELLE SHEPHARD The Toronto Star BATH, Ont. - In neat handwriting that fills three pages are Mahmoud Jaballah's complaints about daily

[osint] Militants plotted second wave of UK bombs

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070115/ts_nm/britain_plot_dc Militants plotted second wave of UK bombs, court told By Michael HoldenMon Jan 15, 12:40 PM ET An Islamist cell tried to carry out suicide bombings on London's transport system just two weeks after attacks that killed 52 people

[osint] Iran, Venezuela agree to finance third countries to oppose U.S. domination

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/01/14/america/LA-GEN-Venezuela-Iran.php Iran, Venezuela agree to finance third countries to oppose U.S. domination CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said they were ready to spend billions

[osint] Why Islam Hates Democracy

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://bsimmons.wordpress.com/2007/01/14/why-islam-hates-democracy/ http://bsimmons.wordpress.com/2007/01/14/why-islam-hates-democracy/ Why Islam Hates Democracy IN 1989, Iran's Islamic tyrant Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa - a compulsory religious decree in Islam - that condemned

[osint] Iraq wants Iranians freed

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Clear whose side the Iraqis are on. Bruce http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/World/2007/01/15/3382563-sun.html Iraq wants Iranians freed BAGHDAD -- The Iraqi foreign minister called yesterday for the release of five Iranians detained by U.S. forces in what he said was a legitimate

[osint] Iraq President Makes Landmark Syria Trip

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/01/15/ap/world/mainD8MLFSMO1.shtml Iraq President Makes Landmark Syria Trip Iraqi president visits Syria to discuss security issues, strengthening relations Syria's leader promised to help ease tensions in neighboring Iraq during Iraqi President

[osint] 30 militants killed in Afghanistan

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.rxpgnews.com/asia/30-militants-killed-in-Afghanistan_11837.shtml 30 militants killed in Afghanistan More than 200 militants, according to officials, have been killed so far this year. By Xinhua, [RxPG] Kabul, Jan 14 - Afghan and NATO forces killed 30 Taliban in the

[osint] Six wounded by suicide car bomber in Afghanistan

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.tv3.co.nz/News/InternationalNews/tabid/187/articleID/18250/Defaul t.aspx Six wounded by suicide car bomber in Afghanistan A suicide car bomber drove toward Afghan soldiers patrolling in Paktika province's Bermel district and blew himself up, wounding six soldiers. The area is


2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://newsbyus.com/more.php?id=6794_0_1_0_M TERRORISTS' 'JIHAD' MAKES NO NATION SAFE By Gordon Bishop on Jan 15, 07 After the 9/11 terrorists attacks on America, leaving some 3,000 innocent men, women and children dead, the world finally realized that if a global superpower is not

[osint] War with Traditional Islam

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.aqoul.com/archives/2007/01/war_with_tradit.php War with Traditional Islam An interesting blog post from miltiary specialist and commentator Col. Pat Lang (a real colonel, unlike my old Col appelation, a mere shortening of my name) on

[osint] Blocking Turkey 'keeps Islam out of the European Union'

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.gulfnews.com/world/France/10097209.html Blocking Turkey 'keeps Islam out of the European Union' By Emmanuelle Landais, Staff Reporter Dubai: Nicolas Sarkozy's recent comment that Turkey does not have its place in the European Union is just to keep Islam out of Europe,

[osint] Iran: Thinking the Unthinkable

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/3910 Iran: Thinking the Unthinkable Conn Hallinan | January 15, 2007 Editor: John Feffer, IRC javascript:openTafWindow('?action=etfformurl=http://fpif.org/fpiftxt/3910' ,'TellAFriend','scrolling=yes,resizable,width=600,height=400')

[osint] Pentagon: militia gangs more dangerous than al Qaeda

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
They all serve the same purpose. Bruce . http://www.tv3.co.nz/News/InternationalNews/tabid/187/articleID/17081/Defaul t.aspx Pentagon: militia gangs more dangerous than al Qaeda http://www.tv3.co.nz/News/InternationalNews/tabid/187/articleID/17081/Defau lt.aspx A new

[osint] U.S.: Iraq oil won't be nationalized

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/20453.html U.S.: Iraq oil won't be nationalized WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 President Bush is confident Iraq won't nationalize its oil sector and, instead, will open it up to investors, including U.S. oil companies. White House Spokesman

[osint] Fact, fiction or bioterror drill? How to cook up a ricin scare

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/01/15/ricin_scare_mashup/ Fact, fiction or bioterror drill? How to cook up a ricin scare Take one reservoir, two tons ricin mash, stir vigorously By George Smith, Dick Destiny http://forms.theregister.co.uk/mail_author/?story_url=/2007/01/15/ricin_sca

[osint] Imam suspected of sexually harassing 3 students

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3352688,00.html Imam suspected of sexually harassing 3 students Fifty-seven year-old Muslim cleric from Jerusalem accused of indecent assault, attempted rape of students inside mosque. Cleric's arrest extended by 4 days Efrat Weiss

[osint] Group Charges U.S. Troops Engaged Al-Qaida

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7006143225 Group Charges U.S. Troops Engaged Al-Qaida Linked Philippine Insurgents January 15, 2007 11:29 a.m. EST Komfie Manalo - All Headline News Correspondent Manila, Philippines (AHN) - A leftist organization in the Philippines has accused

[osint] Islam in the Russian Federation

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://austrolabe.com/2007/01/15/islam-in-the-russian-federation/ http://austrolabe.com/2007/01/15/islam-in-the-russian-federation/ Islam in the Russian Federation January 15th, 2007 by http://austrolabe.com/author/delicious/ Austrolabe The http://da.mod.uk/ Defence Academy of the

[osint] The left, feminists and Afghanistan

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.hamiltonspectator.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=hamilton/L ayout/Article_Type1 http://www.hamiltonspectator.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=hamilton/ Layout/Article_Type1c=Articlecid=1168816508978call c=Articlecid=1168816508978call _pageid=1020420665036col=1112188062581

[osint] Jihad Jimmy

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.federalistjournal.com/fedblog/?p=2882 http://www.federalistjournal.com/fedblog/?p=2882 Jihad Jimmy The http://www.nypost.com/seven/01152007/postopinion/editorials/jimmy_for_terro r_editorials_.htm NY Post catches Jimmy Carter seeming to offer approval of Palestinian

[osint] Financial burden of war in Iraq reaches historic proportions

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.wilmingtonstar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070115/NEWS/70115 0339/1002 Financial burden of war in Iraq reaches historic proportions By Joel Havemann, Los Angeles Times Washington | By the time the Vietnam War ended in 1975, it had become America's longest war, shadowed

[osint] What Thomas Jefferson learned from the Muslim book of jihad

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.usvetdsp.com/jan07/jeff_quran.htm http:// What Thomas Jefferson learned from the Muslim book of jihad By Ted Sampley U.S. Veteran Dispatch January 2007 Democrat Keith Ellison is now officially the first Muslim United States congressman. True to his pledge, he placed his hand on

[osint] Feds Defend Partnership With Islamic Group Under Scrutiny

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page=/Nation/archive/200701/NAT2007011 6a.html Feds Defend Partnership With Islamic Group Under Scrutiny By Fred Lucas CNSNews.com Staff Writer January 16, 2007 (CNSNews.com) - Federal government agencies are defending their continuing cooperation with a

[osint] Backgrounder: What Critics Say About CAIR

2007-01-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp?Page=/Culture/archive/200701/CUL20070 116a.html Backgrounder: What Critics Say About CAIR By Fred Lucas CNSNews.com Staff Writer January 16, 2007 (CNSNews.com) - Criticism leveled at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has focused

[osint] Venezuela, Iran to finance opposition to US

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=48899NewsKin d=Current%20Affairs Venezuela, Iran to finance opposition to US Monday, January 15, 2007 - C2005 IranMania.com Related Pictures Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, fiery anti-American

[osint] The Issue of Music in Islam

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://truthline.wordpress.com/2007/01/14/the-issue-of-music-in-islam/ http://truthline.wordpress.com/2007/01/14/the-issue-of-music-in-islam/ The Issue of Music in Islam http://truthline.wordpress.com/files/2007/01/bismigold.jpg

[osint] U.S military strike on Iran seen by April, 2007

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
U.S military strike on Iran seen by April, 2007 U.S. might launch a military strike on Iran before April 2007, Kuwait-based daily Arab Times released on Sunday said in a report. The report, written by Arab Times' Editor-in-chief Ahmed al- Jarallah citing a reliable source, said that the

[osint] And still they're preaching poison...

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
And still they're preaching poison by SUE REID – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/dmsearch/overture.html?in_page_id=711in_o verture_ua=catin_start_number=0in_restriction=bylinein_query=sue%20reidi n_order_by=relevance+date Last updated at 22:00pm on 12th January 2007 Secretly filmed: Dr

[osint] Be careful when judging Islam, Moslems

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.aberdeennews.com/mld/aberdeennews/news/local/16458753.htm Be careful when judging Islam, Moslems One positive result of Pope Benedict's Regensburg lecture that linked Islam and violence was an open-letter response sent by 38 Moslem religious leaders and scholars, including

[osint] The Muslim Problem in Australia, and some Suggestions for addressing it

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.henrytho http://www.henrythornton.com/print-article.asp?article_id=4150 rnton.com/print-article.asp?article_id=4150 The Muslim Problem in Australia, and some Suggestions for addressing it A distinguished Australian, onetime Secretary of Treasury, onetime Senator

[osint] The Anti-Profiling Agenda

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=26388 The Anti-Profiling Agenda By Robert Spencer http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/authors.asp?ID=1240 FrontPageMagazine.com Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) has been

[osint] U.S. Terror, Espionage Suspects

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=politics http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=politicsid=4935497 id=4935497 U.S. Terror, Espionage Suspects Cheney Defends Bank, Credit Records Searches By Pentagon, CIA Jan. 14 - Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday the Pentagon and

[osint] Structural Vulnerabilities of Networked Insurgencies

2007-01-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Structural Vulnerabilities of Networked Insurgencies: Adapting to the New Adversary MARTIN J. MUCKIAN [From: Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly Winter 2006-07, Vol. XXXVI] The ongoing conflict in Iraq has sparked a renewed interest in the study of counterinsurgency, leading many to

[osint] Iraq backs Iranians seized by US

2007-01-12 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6255335.stm Iraq backs Iranians seized by US Six Iranians held in a US military raid in northern Iraq were working there with the approval of the authorities, Iraq's foreign minister has said. They were part of an Iranian liaison office

[osint] Blizzards versus hurricanes

2007-01-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
This from the Denver Post: This text is from a county emergency manager out in the central part of Colorado after today's snowstorm. WEATHER BULLETIN Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic event--- may I even say a

[osint] The Private Arm of the Law

2007-01-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
The state of North Carolina has given police powers to dozens of private security firms, part of a growing trend in various parts of the country. At present, there are about 700,000 sworn U.S. law enforcement officers, compared with 1 million contract security officers and roughly another 1

[osint] FBI probes terror threat against BWIA

2006-12-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.newsday.co.tt/news/0,48601.html FBI probes terror threat against BWIA Sunday, December 3 2006 BWIA INTERNATIONAL and two US carriers flying out of Guyana have been threatened with a chemical attack from an independent militant group. Government officials in Georgetown

[osint] Tracking terror, policemen find success most at rail stations

2006-12-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://cities.expressindia.com/fullstory.php?newsid=211805 Tracking terror, policemen find success most at rail stations 10 out of 28 militant arrests this year took place at Capital's 3 main terminals http://www.expressindia.com/about/[EMAIL PROTECTED] com Aditya Kaul

[osint] Taxi driver, commuter helped ATS solve 7/11 blast case

2006-12-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?NewsID=1067331 Taxi driver, commuter helped ATS solve 7/11 blast case MUMBAI: A taxi driver and a commuter, who had identified the accused as the people who planted bombs in commuter trains, have helped the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in solving the July

[osint] RE: Islam in America?

2006-12-03 Thread Bruce.Tefft
All of this nonsense, and I mean the absolute garbage coming from certain American muslims like Imam Omar Shahin, from CAIR, etcetera, etcetera, about the so-called radicals who are not true Muslims or have nothing to do with true Islam is all an absolute crock. When they talk about the

[osint] Homeland security chief tours state's anti-terror center

2006-12-03 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061202/LOCAL19/61202050 2/-1/ZONES04 Homeland security chief tours state's anti-terror center Office that coordinates crime-fighting efforts will more than double size of staff by January By Will Higgins [EMAIL PROTECTED] December 2,

[osint] Islam and Nazis: Match made in Hell

2006-11-17 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Home http://www.militantislammonitor.org | Weblog http://www.militantislammonitor.org/docs?type=2 | Articles http://www.militantislammonitor.org/docs?type=1 | Satire http://www.militantislammonitor.org/docs?type=3

[osint] Simulation tests bioterrorism readiness

2006-11-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_S_bioterror16.389b0 38.html Simulation tests bioterrorism readiness RIVERSIDE COUNTY: The scenario begins with a powerful virus and a hijacked school bus. 11:36 AM PST on Thursday, November 16, 2006 By JOHN ASBURY The Press-Enterprise

[osint] Dozens of Pakistani Immigrants Arrested

2006-11-15 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Final sentence: Bureaucrats are committed to a program rife with fraud. Bruce http://www.newsday.com/news/politics/wire/sns-ap-religious-visa-arrests,0,41 83446,print.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines Dozens of Pakistani Immigrants Arrested By MATT APUZZO Associated Press

[osint] More Terror May be Waiting Nearby in The Caribbean

2006-11-14 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.bloggernews.net/11994 More Terror May be http://www.bloggernews.net/11994 Waiting Nearby in The Caribbean By David Schussler Washington - AP- Katherine Shrader -The government believes Fidel Castro's health is deteriorating and that the Cuban dictator is unlikely to live

[osint] NYPD's Falkenrath Aims To Keep N.Y. Safe - Day by Day

2006-11-10 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.nysun.com/article/43295 NYPD's Falkenrath Aims To Keep N.Y. Safe - Day by Day The new deputy commissioner for counterterrorism at the New York Police Department, Richard Falkenrath, is one of the people responsible for keeping 8 million New Yorkers safe. It's a stressful

[osint] Mock terror strike tests local response

2006-11-10 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/index.ssf?/base/news/116306745619050. xml http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/index.ssf?/base/news/116306745619050 .xmlcoll=1 coll=1 Mock terror strike tests local response Emergency crews from area team up for Redstone drill Thursday, November

[osint] Caribbean: US Ambassador warns of terrorism

2006-11-09 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.cbc.bb/content/view/8235/45/ US Ambassador warns of terrorism Wednesday, 08 November 2006 BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC - Newly appointed United States Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Mary Ourisman warned Wednesday that Cricket World Cup 2007

[osint] Hundreds dead in Mumbai train serial blast

2006-11-09 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.newasiatimes.com/news/reports/?report=11407 Hundreds dead in Mumbai train serial blast NAT News Network 7/11/2006 10:17:26 PM The Indian financial capital Mumbai was rocked by as many as seven serial blast in the western line train leaving scores of people dead and injured.

[osint] Mumbai trains to test upgraded security after bombing

2006-11-06 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.mumbaimirror.com/nmirror/mmpaper.asp?sectid=1 http://www.mumbaimirror.com/nmirror/mmpaper.asp?sectid=1articleid=11520062 322028111520062305315 articleid=11520062322028111520062305315 Coming soon: City's biggest security check Every commuter entering or leaving Churchgate station and

[osint] The Threat of Islamic Radicalism in Suriname

2006-11-06 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.jamestown.org/terrorism/news/article.php?articleid=2370193 The Threat of Islamic Radicalism in Suriname By Chris Zambelis The threat of radical Islamism in Latin America and the Caribbean remains a vital concern for U.S. and regional security officials, particularly in light of

[osint] Explosives screening for rail passengers begins Tuesday in Buffalo, NY

2006-11-06 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny--tsatrains1106nov06, 0,3735841.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork Explosives screening for rail passengers begins Tuesday By CAROLYN THOMPSON Associated Press Writer BUFFALO, N.Y. Rail passengers in Buffalo will undergo explosives screening

[osint] Thieves Using Secret Weapons To Break Into Homes

2006-11-03 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Thought this was worth passing around as anyone can become a victim to this little known secret. A good alarm system and a large dog are good deterrents too. http://www.wesh.com/news/10224422/detail.html?taf=orl Thieves Using Secret Weapons To Break Into Homes POSTED: 4:09 pm EST

[osint] TSA to Investigate Threats of SSI Litigants

2006-11-02 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://cryptome.org/tsa110106.htm 1 November 2006 _ [Federal Register: November 1, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 211)] [Notices] [Page 64288-64289] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr01no06-101]

[osint] Investigation finds Massachusetts unprepared for terror attack

2006-11-01 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www1.whdh.com/news/articles/local/BO32651/ Investigation finds Massachusetts unprepared for terror attack BOSTON -- A Beacon Hill committee believes local leaders aren't doing enough to protect the Bay State. A new report by the senate post audit committee is based on a

[osint] Police: Briton slain in his Trinidad home; no arrests

2006-10-26 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.thenewanatolian.com/ap-340563.html Police: Briton slain in his Trinidad home; no arrests PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad Two armed intruders invaded a home in Trinidad and killed a 67-year-old British national in his bed, a police spokesman said Tuesday. David Power, who sold and rented

[osint] With Beheadings and Attacks, Drug Gangs Terrorize Mexico

2006-10-26 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/26/world/americas/26mexico.html?_r=1 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/26/world/americas/26mexico.html?_r=1oref=sl oginref=americaspagewanted=print oref=sloginref=americaspagewanted=print With Beheadings and Attacks, Drug Gangs Terrorize Mexico By JAMES C.

[osint] FW: Bobblehead

2006-10-25 Thread Bruce.Tefft
www.dashboardmohammed.com/store.html [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] -- Want to discuss this topic? Head on over to our discussion list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Brooks Isoldi, editor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[osint] Irish Govt urged to take more serious approach to terror threat

2006-10-25 Thread Bruce.Tefft
_ From: CodeTen7 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:06 PM To: ##WDSI## Subject: Govt urged to take more serious approach to terror threat http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=199266382

[osint] Multiple Terrorist Doctrine

2006-10-23 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.borelliconsulting.com/articles/multerdoctrine.htm Multiple Terrorist Doctrine By: Frank Borelli with thanks to John Giduck Not long ago I read through the book, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0976775301/ref=sr_11_1/002-9360529-6320037 ?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Terror At Beslan: A

[osint] CRICKET: Ashes action on terror threat

2006-10-23 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0200sport/0400cricket/tm_headline=ashes-a ction-on-terror-threat- http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0200sport/0400cricket/tm_headline=ashes- action-on-terror-threat-method=fullobjectid=17976768siteid=50061-name_pag e.html

[osint] Peace Bridge Bomb Threat

2006-10-20 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Peace Bridge - Buffalo, NY http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/ http://www.homelandsecurityus.com 20 October 2006: The Northeast Intelligence network has received information that the Peace Bridge, spanning from Buffalo, NY to Fort Erie, Canada has been closed due to a bomb threat.

[osint] UK number one al Qaeda target

2006-10-19 Thread Bruce.Tefft
Doubtful.but everyone wants to be #1! UK happens to be one of the the easiest targets because of it's policy of offering refuge to terrorists and its cluelessness about Islamic terrorism. Al-Qaeda is NOT your father's IRA. Bruce BBC NEWS UK number one al Qaeda target Al-Qaeda has

[osint] The Southcom commander speaks

2006-10-19 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/15793262.htm http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/15793262.htm The Southcom commander speaks Two days ahead of his formal installation, Adm. James Stavridis sat down with The Miami Herald's Carol Rosenberg and her colleagues from The Associated Press,

[osint] How Al Qaeda views a long Iraq war

2006-10-19 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/1006/p01s04-woiq.html How Al Qaeda views a long Iraq war A letter from Al Qaeda leaders found in Iraq shows that the group sees the war as a boon for its cause. By Dan Murphy | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor CAIRO In appearances across the US,

[osint] AFGHANISTAN: War in Afghanistan: Drugs, Money Laundering the Banking System

2006-10-18 Thread Bruce.Tefft
The War in Afghanistan: Drugs, Money Laundering and the Banking System by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya October 17, 2006 GlobalResearch.ca http://www.globalre http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? search.ca/index.php? context=viewArticlecode=NAZ20061017articleId=3516 The iron law of the market is

[osint] Terror fear at 'unchecked' air cargo

2006-10-18 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uklatest/story/0,,-6154273,00.html Terror fear at 'unchecked' air cargo Press Association Wednesday October 18, 2006 12:53 AM An investigation has revealed major security flaws in the air cargo industry, it has been reported. Cargo on passenger flights is

[osint] (Lack of) Buffalo disaster response troubling

2006-10-18 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2006/10/over_20_in_.html Over 200,000 in Buffalo Still Without Power, But Federal Disaster Not Declared Yet October 18, 2006 1:42 PM Maddy Sauer and Brian Hartman Report: Over 200,000 homes are still without power in the Buffalo, N.Y., area, yet

[osint] Computer-based training helps first responders strengthen decision-making

2006-10-17 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.washingtontechnology.com/news/21_20/emerging-tech/29508-1.html Washington Technology home http://www.washingtontechnology.com/ 10/16/06 issue http://www.washingtontechnology.com/news/21_20/ 10/16/06; Vol. 21 No. 20 Practice makes perfect

[osint] New Computer Program CopLink To Link LAPD Databases

2006-10-17 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.nbc4.tv/news/10091227/detail.html New Computer Program CopLink To Link LAPD Databases POSTED: 5:53 pm PDT October 16, 2006 LOS ANGELES -- The Los Angeles Police Department will begin using a $1.3 million computer program in two months aimed at linking multiple databases while

[osint] Indictments Against Drug Gang and Kidnappers of US Undercover Agent

2006-10-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.commonvoice.com/article.asp?colid=6057 Indictments Against Drug Gang and Kidnappers of US Undercover Agent Jim Kouri October 15, 2006 On Friday, 56 suspects were indicted for drug trafficking and money laundering charges within Puerto Rico, Colombia, St. Martin,

[osint] Congress gives DHS six months to revise terrorist watch lists

2006-10-16 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?articleid=35246 http://www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?articleid=35246printerfriendlyVers=1 printerfriendlyVers=1 Congress gives DHS six months to revise terrorist watch lists By Chris Strohm, CongressDaily

[osint] 8 counties participating in terror exercise

2006-10-14 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.publicopiniononline.com/localnews/ci_4479056 8 counties participating in terror exercise mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] n:%208%20counties%20participating%20in%20terror%20exercise By VICKY TAYLOR Staff writer If terrorists ever strike south central Pennsylvania, first responders

[osint] Four Muslims face charges after pregnant woman held, sexually assaulted

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=fa1c2a3c-8b04-4a36-8d 38-beb5767a023f http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=fa1c2a3c-8b04-4a36-8 d38-beb5767a023fk=97548 k=97548 canada, canadian search engine, free email, canada news Tuesday October 3 2006

[osint] Gurkha spirit triumphs in siege of Nawzad

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/10/05/wafghan05.xm l Gurkha spirit triumphs in siege of Nawzad By Tom Coghlan (Filed: 05/10/2006) Daily Telegraph The Gurkhas were never supposed to fire a shot in anger in Helmand. Their main duty was to protect the main British Army

[osint] France in virtual Civil War with Muslims

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/intifada-in-french-suburbs-say-police/2006/ 10/05/1159641462841.html Muslims are waging civil war against us, claims police union By David Rennie, Europe Correspondent (Filed: 05/10/2006) Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared

[osint] Police to Start Inspecting Bags on Boston Subway

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/05/us/05boston.html?_r=1 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/05/us/05boston.html?_r=1oref=sloginpagewan ted=print oref=sloginpagewanted=print Police to Start Inspecting Bags on Boston Subway By http://query.nytimes.com/search/query?ppds=bylLv1=KATIE%20ZEZIMAfdq=19960

[osint] Homeland Security grants overhaul to begin as key official departs

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/1006/100406cdpm1.htm Homeland Security grants overhaul to begin as key official departs President Bush on Wednesday signed the fiscal 2007 Homeland Security spending bill that will make major changes in how urban anti-terror grants are awarded, just days

[osint] DHS Awards $399 Million in Grants to Secure the Nation's Critical Infrastructure

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/interapp/press_release/press_release_1008.xml DHS Awards $399 Million in Grants to Secure the Nation's Critical Infrastructure For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary Contact: (202) 282-8010 September 25, 2006 FY

[osint] Blair defends military action in Afghanistan

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.kuna.net.kw/home/Story.aspx?Language=en http://www.kuna.net.kw/home/Story.aspx?Language=enDSNO=910836 DSNO=910836 Blair defends military action in Afghanistan LONDON, Oct 5 (KUNA) -- British Prime Minister Tony Blair Thursday defended military action in Afghanistan after fears were

[osint] The Brotherhood's Early Ties to Violent Islam

2006-10-05 Thread Bruce.Tefft
The Muslim Brotherhood is STILL a terrorist organization. It is behind the PLO and now HAMAS and the Islamic Jihad (of Egypt and Palestine) as well as the fomentors of the al-Qaeda (Sunni) alliance with Iran (Shi'ites). Bruce

[osint] National Driver's License and the Fading Right of Anonymity

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
The REAL ID Act says that agencies issuing driver's licenses must require from applicants a photo ID, birth certificate, proof of the person's Social Security number, and evidence of lawful status. http://www.counterpunch.org/cox10032006.html A National Driver's License and the Fading Right of

[osint] EU-US air data deal in 'legal chaos'

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.globalsecurity.org/security/library/news/2006/10/sec-061002-irna0 1.htm EU-US air data deal in 'legal chaos' IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency Brussels, Oct 2, IRNA EU-US-Air Data The European Union appears to be in a fix after the 25-member bloc failed to negotiate a new

[osint] North Korea plans nuclear test

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.teluguportal.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=16099 http://www.teluguportal.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=16099 North Korea plans nuclear test Seoul, Oct 3 (DPA) North Korea announced Tuesday it plans to carry out a nuclear test, saying it was being compelled to do so

[osint] Foreign Fighters Influence Increasing in Somalia

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2006/10/mil-061003-voa04 .htm Foreign Fighters Influence Increasing in Somalia By Alisha Ryu Nairobi 03 October 2006 In Somalia, recent terrorist attacks in Baidoa and reports of foreigners training and fighting alongside Islamic court

[osint] USS IKE deployed to gulf

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/navy/batgru-69-med07.htm Dwight D. Eisenhower Strike Group MED 07 Deployment IKEBATGRU CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower IKE In September 2006 it was reported that the Eisenhower Strike Group was under orders to depart the United States in early

[osint] SUDAN: Uneasy calm after 11 killed in Darfur

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2006/10/mil-061003-irin0 3.htm SUDAN: Uneasy calm after 11 killed in Darfur clashes KHARTOUM, 3 Oct 2006 (IRIN) - Clashes between fighters loyal to the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) have

[osint] A Prime Minister Surrenders

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.kashmirherald.com/main.php?t=OP http://www.kashmirherald.com/main.php?t=OPst=Dno=204 st=Dno=204 A Prime Minister Surrenders G. PARTHASARATHY Since July 2005 there have been five major terrorist attacks outside Jammu and Kashmir (JK) in Ayodhya, Delhi, Varanasi, Bangalore and

[osint] Eight US Soldiers, Two Marines Die in Iraq

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2006/10/mil-061003-voa01 .htm Eight US Soldiers, Two Marines Die in Iraq By VOA News 03 October 2006 The U.S. military in Iraq says eight American soldiers were killed in insurgent attacks in Baghdad on Monday. The military says four

[osint] War on Iran? Peace Movements must act now !

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticlecode=COA20061002 articleId=3367 code=COA20061002articleId=3367 War on Iran? Peace Movements must act now ! For some years now there has been concern about the confrontation between

[osint] The New Face of Canada

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
While on a visit to Canada, the President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, put the anti-war Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in its place. In an interview, he told the CBC that Canada should stop complaining about its casualties in Afghanistan, saying his country had lost 600 dead in combat

[osint] Real Intelligence Estimate, By Numbers: Terrorism and Conflict Not Up

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://www.nationalinterest.org/Article.aspx?id=12358 A Real Intelligence Estimate, By Numbers: Terrorism and Conflict Not Up Worldwide With most of the “opposition” still in the throes of post-NIE euphoria, few have bothered to give a politically uncompromised analysis of the report’s

[osint] Norway to strengthen fight against terrorism

2006-10-04 Thread Bruce.Tefft
http://english.people.com.cn/200610/03/eng20061003_308430.html Norway to strengthen fight against terrorism javascript:void(0); http://english.people.com.cn/200610/03/images/spacer.gif javascript:void(0); Norway http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/norway.html 's fight against

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