"Wrath of Ghost – Citadel of Resistance" 
USA and the comprador Iraqi Government had started the Fellujah
Operation which they have prepared for a long time on 9th November.
This operation which is directed to Fellujah where has been the
strongest point of resistance from the beginning of the occupation is
tried to be legalized by USA with the reason of providing the
stability in Iraq before the elections which have been planned to be
executed on January. 
If one considers the events in Iraq in the aspect of Fellujah
operation, then likelihood, it may be said that this operation is an
operation to provide the public security. It is a rule of
international law that the occupying force is responsible for
providing the public order in the country where it occupies. In this
context, it may be said that USA attempted to such an operation to
provide the public order in Fellujah where is located at the Sunni
triangle which is claimed as the main source of those actions which
spoil the public order like continuous assassination attempts,
sabotages and taking hostages, after the occupation of Iraq. The issue
is, of course, assessed in this aspect under the shadow of elections
which approach. However, such manner of thinking will be a big
mistake; because the real reason of chaos in Iraq today is the
occupation itself. If it is remembered how the resistance had started
in Fellujah, this truth may be understood more easily. 
Fellujah is a city which attracted the wrath of the dictator, when the
imams of that city had refused to invite Saddam to the Friday
ceremonies in 1998. It challenged to Saddam during the recent years
under his ruling. Consequently, many imams had been arrested and the
entire city had been punished. Therefore, Fellujah was satisfied from
overthrowing of Saddam by USA. In fact, there was not any resistance
in the city against US at the beginning of US occupation. However, on
28th April 2003 after the US soldiers opened the fire to the families
and children who protested the military occupation, which still
continued, in a primary school and 18 of them died and 60 were
injured, the resistance had begun in Fellujah. Until this event, even
one bullet was fired to US soldiers neither in Fellujah nor in any
neighborhood of Baghdad. As being understood from those events which
occurred at the beginning of resistance, USA had created this
resistance by its own hands. As of today, it attempts a massacre in
Fellujah as claiming to stop the resistance which it created by its
own hands. To believe the claim that the operation, called "Ghost
Wrath", would provide the stability in Iraq, will be misleading. 
The second claim of USA, when attempting to Fellujah operation, was
that Fellujah became the den of terrorists, and the actions like
cutting the heads, attacks with bomb in the country were managed by
Zarkavi who was in Fellujah and Therefore it was aimed to seize
Zarkavi by this operation. In a report which was issued last week, it
was explained that 100.000 Iraqi civil persons had died since the
occupation has started due to the operations of USA. This figure is
equal to the one third of people who were killed by Saddam Hussein
during 25 years of his ruling period. This also clearly reveals the
massacre committed by US within 18 months. In addition, in the figures
which were reflected to the reports of international human rights
organizations, 300.000 Iraqi people died because of the lack of drugs
after the embargo which had begun in 1991. 
Relating to the Fellujah operation, the point, which is strongly
emphasized by whole world, is that the power is both used against the
civil persons and civil places. The Provisional Iraqi Government has
declared the state of emergency in entire country, except the Kurdish
region in the northern part of Iraq and banned to go out after 06:00
p.m. It is doubtful whether thousands of innocent people who are
imprisoned at their homes are aware of those resolutions; because, the
Provisional Iraqi Government doesn't have the capability to announce
those resolutions to them. However, occupying army has declared,
basing on the resolution on state of emergency that they would accept
all persons who go out after 06:00 p.m. as the "enemy" and target
them. The reporter of an international TV channel has expressed this
event that US naval infantry soldiers opened the fire to everything
which moves. Since the electricity and water supplies of the city had
been cut off before the operation, the dimension of unjust treatment
had become larger. 
Now, the amount of civil persons in Fellujah are between 30 and 100
thousand. America mercilessly strikes those people with its plains,
tanks, missiles and machine guns, musket bombs. In addition, US powers
doesn't let the responsible persons from Red Crescent and Red Cross
enter to the city, who want to help the injured persons,. Furthermore,
the sole ambulance in the city has been destroyed by the fire of US
soldiers. Fourth Geneva Convention, which was held in 2nd August 1949
clearly states that, "the hospitals which are established to help the
injured and sick persons, pregnant women may not be targeted in any
case." The Washington Government, who disregards all of the
requirements of international law, also neglects the law and
established practices for war in Fellujah. 
One father tells in TV that his child who was injured during the
attacks of US plains died because of losing blood, since he could not
bring him to the hospital and he had to bury him in his garden, that
he also could not bring him to the graveyard. When such humanity dram
occurs in Fellujah, USA is pictured as a country who brings the
democracy and freedom to Iraq, since the ocupation forces occupy the
hospitals, prevent the helps for injured persons, stop the servicing
of ambulances and kill the children on their fathers' arms, and on the
other hand shows the people who resist against the occupation is
defined as terrorists. 
The events, except those humanity drams are blood-curdling. It is
expressed that USA, who faced with a strong resistance during the
first two days of "Ghost Wrath" operation and could not move forward
as it wished, used the chemical and poison gases in the city. In
accordance with the information, given by Agency of Jerusalem Press
based on the medical doctors in Fellujah, "occupying forces have also
used the chemical and poison gases on a large area where there is a
strong resistance." It is informed that, in the northern part of the
city, the streets of the city filled with the dead bodies. It is not
become definite yet, if this news reflects the truth or not. US
Government censures the news from the region, except the news from the
reporters who accompany to its soldiers. Even if it is thought that
the information on whether chemical weapon has been used does not
reflect the truth; the fact, which its truth is proved, that US used
the musket bombs and napalm bomb during the operation. Even thic fact
is sufficient enough to reveal the lies of US such as, "operation is
not directed to the civil persons and maximum attention will be paid
to the civil persons". USA, who occupied the hospital in the city as
the first step of the operation, applies the "On War" of Clausewitz
exactly. In accordance with this, "the war is violence, to destroy the
conscious of enemy by violence." USA is in a psychological war with
its attitudes during the operation in Fellujah and tries to acquire
the final result in Fellujah where it could not defeat from the
beginning of war and in other words, "destroys its charisma." The dose
of the violence has become higher during the operation, since the US
power is questioned and Fellujah resistance becomes the example for
other regions. 
The attacks to the city follow a method which may cause very dangerous
results. USA who prepares to silence the resistance centers like
Fellujah, Ramada, Samarra, has brought the British soldiers in South
to Baghdad's surrounding as the first step. This, possibly, occurred
as the result of agreement with Shi'is. With the Fellujah attack, we
can derive the future strategy of USA as to break Iraq into pieces.
Firstly, it should be examined who assists to US soldiers who attacked
to Fellujah. The structure of Iraqi army must be analyzed well. It may
be said that USA applies its plan to divide Iraq into three pieces
with the Fellujah operation. 80 percent of the soldiers who
participated in the Fellujah operation from Iraqi army together with
USA and UK soldiers are Shi'i and most of them are under the control
of Sistani. Remaining part of the army consists of Kurds. That is, it
is told about the cooperation of Shi'i Arabs and Sunni Kurds with
occupying forces against the Sunni Arab resistance. If we remind the
scenarios on dividing Iraq into three parts before the occupation, we
may say easily that it is planned a Kurdish State in north, Shi'i
State in south and a Sunni State which is forced to unite with Jordan
at the center which is delivered to the Hashimi Kingdom. The
restricted areas for flights where are established after the Gulf War
in 1991 and the scenarios, applied after the occupation meet each
other completely. This supports the thesis that USA plans to divide
Iraq into three parts. 36th Battalion which is the well-trained
military unit attacks to Fellujah. There is some information on that
Bedir Brigades also attack to Fellujah. When the event comes to this
stage, it is claimed that the Sunni States in the region also begin to
support the Sunnis. President of Iraqi State, Gazi el Yaver also
declares that he is being against the Fellujah Siege. 
Some academicians and policy-makers say that USA would not accept a
Shi'i Government whom there is a possibility to close to Iran and
would not leave the rich oil sources to two Kurdish tribes. If their
truths are considered, it is accepted that USA damages its own
interests by this approach in Fellujah operation. It may be said that
it is a weak possibility that a hegemonic power like USA makes such a
simple mistake. In this aspect, it may be said that USA plans to
divide Iraq from the beginning of the war. The interesting point is
that Shi'is, who tried to employ a national character to their
resistance during the earlier period of the occupation, took part on
the side of USA. Despite of all endeavors of the Sunni imams in this
direction, Sistani did not issue any fatwa against the operation to
Fellujah. This case may be interpreted that Shi'is, who reached an
agreement with USA, wish to strength their political power which is
considered that they would already acquire it as keeping the Sunnis
out of this issue. However, the possible civil war in Iraq will cause
the big losses for Shi'is who dream to consolidate political power.
The Shi'i Ulama must consider this fact. USA does not only aim to
break the resistance with Fellujah siege, but also takes the most
important step to start the ethnical and sect wars in Iraq. Shi'is and
Kurds who take part beside USA facilitate to reach USA to this aim. 
The attack to Fellujah has the characteristic to start the "Clash of
Civilizations" which are expected by some people between the
Christians and Muslims as well as to start the civil war in Iraq. 
In this context, one should know the opinions of Huntington who is the
architect of the thesis, "Clash of Civilizations". The thesis of
Huntington is based on searching generally the reasons of wars through
the tensions between the national differences, ideologies and
"civilizations" instead of searching them through the social and
economic resources. Therefore, he accepts the 21st Century's wars as
the extensions of old wars, but places them under the different
category. Huntington says, "21st century will be the century of
clashes of the civilizations." He claims that 19th century became the
scene of the wars between the nation-states and resulted with the
demolishing of empires and that 20th century should be defined as the
age of ideologies and that the "Cold War" of communism which is
represented by USSR and Chine and of capitalism which is represented
by USA and Western countries has left its mark on this century. On the
same logical plane, he also claims that 21st century will not be the
scene of war of the nation-states or ideologies, but clasf of the
civilizations which form a more extensive umbrella than the former.
Huntington has defined the parties of 21st century's wars which he
claimed that it would occur between the civilizations with the symbols
of "Crescent and Cross". Briefly, the war will occur between Muslims
and Christians; however, this will not be the war of religions, but
the war between the different civilization levels which identify
themselves in the religions.
Most people say that Huntington is right as looking at the scenes of
"Palestinians who feel happy" which were broadcasted by CNN after the
attack to "Twin Towers". To become known that the CNN scenes were the
scenes which were recorded in Kuwait after the "Gulf War" has stopped
the spreading of those opinions. Throwing the bombs to the mosques in
USA and Europe and being written the slogans, "Death for Arabs" on the
walls were accepted as other evidences of the "hate between the
civilizations" and people began to believe that Huntington was right. 
Some characteristics of the Fellujah attack of USA also give an
impression that there is a war between the Civilizations. The most net
evidences of this situation are drawing the crosses on the tanks and
choosing the Night of Power which is told that it is "better than one
thousand months" for the Islam World to start the operation.
Especially, if it is reminded that the Clinton Government gave the
moderate messages to Islam World before each Ramadan month on TVs,
considered the holly days for Islamic faith even in the military
operations and suspends its operations during Ramadan month, it will
be more meaningful that Bush Government chooses the Night of Power to
start the attack. Short time ago, the resistant groups in Fellujah had
sent the message to all media establishments in the world, "… come to
Fellujah and show how Christians make oppression on Muslims to the
world, your security will be provided by us…" Those explanations are
very logical in aspect of the resistors. The people, who were declared
as the terrorists because of their resistance, since they don't want
the occupation in their country, have shown the aim of Fellujah
operation to the world in this way. 
The last point; USA has attracted the reaction of all Muslims in whole
world, since the operation was not stopped during the Ramadan Bairam
and after the broadcasting of scenes on execution without judgment
which was applied to the captives in the mosques. May be this is not a
reaction at the level of Governments of the countries whom their
people are Muslim, but the Muslim people feel more enmity gradually
against USA. It is not possible that a hegemonic power like USA
doesn't predict this situation. In this case, the points which must be
questioned are the neo-imperial policies of US Government and the
Evangelist beliefs. The hegemony policy of Clinton period as well as
of the Bush Government, based on international law, became the thing
of past and USA has forced to be accepted its hegemony by the military
power. Bush Government doesn't mind that the Muslims accept it as the
enemy and tries to place its hegemony by the military power. One
reason of extremely emphasizing on the religion theme during the
operation in Fellujah should also be searched through the Evangelist
beliefs of US Government. It may be said that USA weakens the Muslims
as performing its holly mission before the Armageddon War which it
believes that it will occur between the Jews and Muslims. 
However, it may be said that the thesis of "Clash of Civilizations",
which becomes the vogue term recently, has been suggested to conceal
the actual objectives of USA. The objective of USA attacks during the
recent period is known by everybody. The region where extends from
Balkans to Middle East and Central Asia is called as the "energy
corridor". USA, Europe and Russia struggle on this "corridor" and this
"corridor" almost entirely consists of Islamic countries. The
geography where Israel determines as its expansion areas is that of
Islamic geography. However, it may not be said that the war is between
the Christians and Muslims or Muslims and Jews. If the history played
a game and the Christian people lived on the same geography, then the
situation would be same. The lands don't become the war area in
accordance with the cultures of people who live on there, but in
accordance with the resources under them and with that they exist on
the road of which. 
Furthermore, the thesis of "Clash of Civilizations" is not new. When
the feudal kings of Europe had organized the Crusades to have the
right on the Silk and Spices Roads, they set off on the road to
"rescue the Holly Lands from Muslim infidels" and many historians have
not interpreted these wars as the "war between the religions,
civilizations and cultures". 
Therefore, even if the religious wars characteristic of Fellujah
operation is tried to be regarded as being its importance, it may be
said that this thesis is only a mean to conceal the actual objectives. 
After the importance of Fellujah operation is emphasized, it should be
mentioned what may happen after the operation. 
Since this attack has started after the Presidency election in USA, it
may be interpreted as the milestone toward the new period of President
Bush. Likewise, assigning Condeleezza Rice who is the National
Security Consultant in the falcon group of White House to the vacancy
position by the resigning of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Colin
Powell, who is the moderate name of the Bush cabinet, is a sign of the
policies which will be followed in the new period. Even if there were
comments before the elections that Bush would follow more moderate
policies during the new period, even if Bush is elected, those events
may be the evidences of that those comments are not true. 
One of the most important reasons of the comments, that Bush would
follow the moderate foreign policies during the new period, is that
Bush withdrew the Minister of Defense, Rumsfeld who was the architect
of Iraqi War and created an event that Rumsfeld would be discharged.
Before the elections, almost entire world had seemed that USA had a
Minister of Defense. However, when the elections were performed, the
"warrior" came into the scene and pressed the button of "Ghost Wrath"
So, may this operation stop the resistance?
The attack unavoidably reminds the paralleling which was previously
refused between Iraq and Vietnam. The Fellujah operation is look like
the Tet operation which was started to remove the army of North
Vietnam from the Hue citadel. Americans had seized the Hue citadel and
by the moral which they gained by this event, they began to accept
themselves as the winner of war, but the further stages of Vietnam war
are known by everybody. What important today is whether Fellujah will
be seized under the control of US soldiers easily; if it is seized
under the control, whether USA faces a different fate in Iraq, other
than Vietnam. 
The history doesn't say that the regular army, even if it is very
strong, may be victorious against a power which fights with guerilla
tactics. The only exceptional event of this situation is the Turkish
Army who fights against PKK terror. Even in this example, the struggle
was not won with the regular army, but with the powers which were
specially trained on the guerilla wars. And Turkish Army has struggled
in its own land and had not any logistic problems. It is not possible
that USA may completely establish the control over country with its
limited military forces. The resistors, who will understand that they
will not defense the city against the superior fire force of USA who
attacked to city with its all forces, will pass to the other regions.
It is not the emplacement war which occurs between USA and the
resistors, they will go and rescue another city and come back. It must
be reminded that USA had `rescued' Samarra from the resistors three
There is a very bloody dealing in Fellujah. If the resistors can
protect against the mass destroying weapons, they will make USA suffer
losses. It is not clear whether there will be a city, named Fellujah.
But one may say that the same scenes will occur in Ramada and Bakuba. 
USA started to get rid of a nation completely with the chemical
weapons in Fellujah disregarding children, women and old people in
name of democracy and freedom. The political structures, which decide
to become the disciple of democracy like EU, keep their death silence,
when USA infringes the human rights. EU, who claims the human rights
infringement of Turkey as the reason of hindrance of the EU membership
of Turkey, is in silence against the massacre of coalition which also
consists of its member states, in Fellujah. This event is also the
evidence of double standard against Turkey. Those who are in silence
against this massacre are not only Western countries, but the
neighbors of Iraq and the countries whom mostly their population is
Muslim; they are not reacting and are in silence. May be those
countries do not protest, since they are afraid of to be subjected to
the same operation. However, this deep silence causes that "Ghost
Wrath" will hit Fellujah in more destroying manner. USA whom is (can)
not be protested applies more power regarding this situation, i.e.
takes what it wishes before the operation. The request of USA is to
scare those who protest it as using its big military power, and nobody
in the whole world needs to protest this power, except the resistors
in Fellujah which has 300.000 of population. 
The human being faces the examination to re-reach to the "Age of
Enlightenment" which they had become successful centuries ago against
the endeavor of making strong of world ruling with the conscious of
the Middle Ages. But it is suspicious to be successful this time. 
                                                          Prepared By:
                                                          Serkan ÇELİK

USA and the comprador Iraqi Government had started the Fellujah
Operation which they have prepared for a long time on 9th November.
This operation which is directed to Fellujah where has been the
strongest point of resistance from the beginning of the occupation is
tried to be legalized by USA with the reason of providing the
stability in Iraq before the elections which have been planned to be
executed on January. 
If one considers the events in Iraq in the aspect of Fellujah
operation, then likelihood, it may be said that this operation is an
operation to provide the public security. It is a rule of
international law that the occupying force is responsible for
providing the public order in the country where it occupies. In this
context, it may be said that USA attempted to such an operation to
provide the public order in Fellujah where is located at the Sunni
triangle which is claimed as the main source of those actions which
spoil the public order like continuous assassination attempts,
sabotages and taking hostages, after the occupation of Iraq. 

The issue is, of course, assessed in this aspect under the shadow of
elections which approach. However, such manner of thinking will be a
big mistake; because the real reason of chaos in Iraq today is the
occupation itself. If it is remembered how the resistance had started
in Fellujah, this truth may be understood more easily. 
Fellujah is a city which attracted the wrath of the dictator, when the
imams of that city had refused to invite Saddam to the Friday
ceremonies in 1998. It challenged to Saddam during the recent years
under his ruling. Consequently, many imams had been arrested and the
entire city had been punished. Therefore, Fellujah was satisfied from
overthrowing of Saddam by USA. 

In fact, there was not any resistance in the city against US at the
beginning of US occupation. However, on 28th April 2003 after the US
soldiers opened the fire to the families and children who protested
the military occupation, which still continued, in a primary school
and 18 of them died and 60 were injured, the resistance had begun in
Fellujah. Until this event, even one bullet was fired to US soldiers
neither in Fellujah nor in any neighborhood of Baghdad. As being
understood from those events which occurred at the beginning of
resistance, USA had created this resistance by its own hands. As of
today, it attempts a massacre in Fellujah as claiming to stop the
resistance which it created by its own hands. To believe the claim
that the operation, called "Ghost Wrath", would provide the stability
in Iraq, will be misleading. 
The second claim of USA, when attempting to Fellujah operation, was
that Fellujah became the den of terrorists, and the actions like
cutting the heads, attacks with bomb in the country were managed by
Zarkavi who was in Fellujah and Therefore it was aimed to seize
Zarkavi by this operation. 

In a report which was issued last week, it was explained that 100.000
Iraqi civil persons had died since the occupation has started due to
the operations of USA. This figure is equal to the one third of people
who were killed by Saddam Hussein during 25 years of his ruling
period. This also clearly reveals the massacre committed by US within
18 months. In addition, in the figures which were reflected to the
reports of international human rights organizations, 300.000 Iraqi
people died because of the lack of drugs after the embargo which had
begun in 1991. 
Relating to the Fellujah operation, the point, which is strongly
emphasized by whole world, is that the power is both used against the
civil persons and civil places. The Provisional Iraqi Government has
declared the state of emergency in entire country, except the Kurdish
region in the northern part of Iraq and banned to go out after 06:00
p.m. It is doubtful whether thousands of innocent people who are
imprisoned at their homes are aware of those resolutions; because, the
Provisional Iraqi Government doesn't have the capability to announce
those resolutions to them. 

However, occupying army has declared, basing on the resolution on
state of emergency that they would accept all persons who go out after
06:00 p.m. as the "enemy" and target them. The reporter of an
international TV channel has expressed this event that US naval
infantry soldiers opened the fire to everything which moves. Since the
electricity and water supplies of the city had been cut off before the
operation, the dimension of unjust treatment had become larger. 
Now, the amount of civil persons in Fellujah are between 30 and 100
thousand. America mercilessly strikes those people with its plains,
tanks, missiles and machine guns, musket bombs. In addition, US powers
doesn't let the responsible persons from Red Crescent and Red Cross
enter to the city, who want to help the injured persons,. Furthermore,
the sole ambulance in the city has been destroyed by the fire of US
soldiers. Fourth Geneva Convention, which was held in 2nd August 1949
clearly states that, "the hospitals which are established to help the
injured and sick persons, pregnant women may not be targeted in any
case." The Washington Government, who disregards all of the
requirements of international law, also neglects the law and
established practices for war in Fellujah. 
One father tells in TV that his child who was injured during the
attacks of US plains died because of losing blood, since he could not
bring him to the hospital and he had to bury him in his garden, that
he also could not bring him to the graveyard. 

When such humanity dram occurs in Fellujah, USA is pictured as a
country who brings the democracy and freedom to Iraq, since the
ocupation forces occupy the hospitals, prevent the helps for injured
persons, stop the servicing of ambulances and kill the children on
their fathers' arms, and on the other hand shows the people who resist
against the occupation is defined as terrorists. 
The events, except those humanity drams are blood-curdling. It is
expressed that USA, who faced with a strong resistance during the
first two days of "Ghost Wrath" operation and could not move forward
as it wished, used the chemical and poison gases in the city. In
accordance with the information, given by Agency of Jerusalem Press
based on the medical doctors in Fellujah, "occupying forces have also
used the chemical and poison gases on a large area where there is a
strong resistance." It is informed that, in the northern part of the
city, the streets of the city filled with the dead bodies. It is not
become definite yet, if this news reflects the truth or not. US
Government censures the news from the region, except the news from the
reporters who accompany to its soldiers. 

Even if it is thought that the information on whether chemical weapon
has been used does not reflect the truth; the fact, which its truth is
proved, that US used the musket bombs and napalm bomb during the
operation. Even thic fact is sufficient enough to reveal the lies of
US such as, "operation is not directed to the civil persons and
maximum attention will be paid to the civil persons". 

USA, who occupied the hospital in the city as the first step of the
operation, applies the "On War" of Clausewitz exactly. In accordance
with this, "the war is violence, to destroy the conscious of enemy by
violence." USA is in a psychological war with its attitudes during the
operation in Fellujah and tries to acquire the final result in
Fellujah where it could not defeat from the beginning of war and in
other words, "destroys its charisma." The dose of the violence has
become higher during the operation, since the US power is questioned
and Fellujah resistance becomes the example for other regions. 
The attacks to the city follow a method which may cause very dangerous
results. USA who prepares to silence the resistance centers like
Fellujah, Ramada, Samarra, has brought the British soldiers in South
to Baghdad's surrounding as the first step. This, possibly, occurred
as the result of agreement with Shi'is. With the Fellujah attack, we
can derive the future strategy of USA as to break Iraq into pieces.
Firstly, it should be examined who assists to US soldiers who attacked
to Fellujah. The structure of Iraqi army must be analyzed well. It may
be said that USA applies its plan to divide Iraq into three pieces
with the Fellujah operation. 80 percent of the soldiers who
participated in the Fellujah operation from Iraqi army together with
USA and UK soldiers are Shi'i and most of them are under the control
of Sistani. Remaining part of the army consists of Kurds. That is, it
is told about the cooperation of Shi'i Arabs and Sunni Kurds with
occupying forces against the Sunni Arab resistance. 

If we remind the scenarios on dividing Iraq into three parts before
the occupation, we may say easily that it is planned a Kurdish State
in north, Shi'i State in south and a Sunni State which is forced to
unite with Jordan at the center which is delivered to the Hashimi
Kingdom. The restricted areas for flights where are established after
the Gulf War in 1991 and the scenarios, applied after the occupation
meet each other completely. 

This supports the thesis that USA plans to divide Iraq into three
parts. 36th Battalion which is the well-trained military unit attacks
to Fellujah. There is some information on that Bedir Brigades also
attack to Fellujah. When the event comes to this stage, it is claimed
that the Sunni States in the region also begin to support the Sunnis.
President of Iraqi State, Gazi el Yaver also declares that he is being
against the Fellujah Siege. 
Some academicians and policy-makers say that USA would not accept a
Shi'i Government whom there is a possibility to close to Iran and
would not leave the rich oil sources to two Kurdish tribes. If their
truths are considered, it is accepted that USA damages its own
interests by this approach in Fellujah operation. It may be said that
it is a weak possibility that a hegemonic power like USA makes such a
simple mistake. In this aspect, it may be said that USA plans to
divide Iraq from the beginning of the war. 

The interesting point is that Shi'is, who tried to employ a national
character to their resistance during the earlier period of the
occupation, took part on the side of USA. Despite of all endeavors of
the Sunni imams in this direction, Sistani did not issue any fatwa
against the operation to Fellujah. 

This case may be interpreted that Shi'is, who reached an agreement
with USA, wish to strength their political power which is considered
that they would already acquire it as keeping the Sunnis out of this
issue. However, the possible civil war in Iraq will cause the big
losses for Shi'is who dream to consolidate political power. The Shi'i
Ulama must consider this fact. USA does not only aim to break the
resistance with Fellujah siege, but also takes the most important step
to start the ethnical and sect wars in Iraq. Shi'is and Kurds who take
part beside USA facilitate to reach USA to this aim. 
The attack to Fellujah has the characteristic to start the "Clash of
Civilizations" which are expected by some people between the
Christians and Muslims as well as to start the civil war in Iraq. 
In this context, one should know the opinions of Huntington who is the
architect of the thesis, "Clash of Civilizations". The thesis of
Huntington is based on searching generally the reasons of wars through
the tensions between the national differences, ideologies and
"civilizations" instead of searching them through the social and
economic resources. Therefore, he accepts the 21st Century's wars as
the extensions of old wars, but places them under the different
category. Huntington says, "21st century will be the century of
clashes of the civilizations."

 He claims that 19th century became the scene of the wars between the
nation-states and resulted with the demolishing of empires and that
20th century should be defined as the age of ideologies and that the
"Cold War" of communism which is represented by USSR and Chine and of
capitalism which is represented by USA and Western countries has left
its mark on this century. 

On the same logical plane, he also claims that 21st century will not
be the scene of war of the nation-states or ideologies, but clasf of
the civilizations which form a more extensive umbrella than the
former. Huntington has defined the parties of 21st century's wars
which he claimed that it would occur between the civilizations with
the symbols of "Crescent and Cross". Briefly, the war will occur
between Muslims and Christians; however, this will not be the war of
religions, but the war between the different civilization levels which
identify themselves in the religions.
Most people say that Huntington is right as looking at the scenes of
"Palestinians who feel happy" which were broadcasted by CNN after the
attack to "Twin Towers". To become known that the CNN scenes were the
scenes which were recorded in Kuwait after the "Gulf War" has stopped
the spreading of those opinions. Throwing the bombs to the mosques in
USA and Europe and being written the slogans, "Death for Arabs" on the
walls were accepted as other evidences of the "hate between the
civilizations" and people began to believe that Huntington was right. 
Some characteristics of the Fellujah attack of USA also give an
impression that there is a war between the Civilizations. The most net
evidences of this situation are drawing the crosses on the tanks and
choosing the Night of Power which is told that it is "better than one
thousand months" for the Islam World to start the operation.
Especially, if it is reminded that the Clinton Government gave the
moderate messages to Islam World before each Ramadan month on TVs,
considered the holly days for Islamic faith even in the military
operations and suspends its operations during Ramadan month, it will
be more meaningful that Bush Government chooses the Night of Power to
start the attack. 

Short time ago, the resistant groups in Fellujah had sent the message
to all media establishments in the world, "… come to Fellujah and show
how Christians make oppression on Muslims to the world, your security
will be provided by us…" Those explanations are very logical in aspect
of the resistors. The people, who were declared as the terrorists
because of their resistance, since they don't want the occupation in
their country, have shown the aim of Fellujah operation to the world
in this way. 
The last point; USA has attracted the reaction of all Muslims in whole
world, since the operation was not stopped during the Ramadan Bairam
and after the broadcasting of scenes on execution without judgment
which was applied to the captives in the mosques. May be this is not a
reaction at the level of Governments of the countries whom their
people are Muslim, but the Muslim people feel more enmity gradually
against USA. It is not possible that a hegemonic power like USA
doesn't predict this situation. 

In this case, the points which must be questioned are the neo-imperial
policies of US Government and the Evangelist beliefs. The hegemony
policy of Clinton period as well as of the Bush Government, based on
international law, became the thing of past and USA has forced to be
accepted its hegemony by the military power. Bush Government doesn't
mind that the Muslims accept it as the enemy and tries to place its
hegemony by the military power. One reason of extremely emphasizing on
the religion theme during the operation in Fellujah should also be
searched through the Evangelist beliefs of US Government. It may be
said that USA weakens the Muslims as performing its holly mission
before the Armageddon War which it believes that it will occur between
the Jews and Muslims. 
However, it may be said that the thesis of "Clash of Civilizations",
which becomes the vogue term recently, has been suggested to conceal
the actual objectives of USA. The objective of USA attacks during the
recent period is known by everybody. The region where extends from
Balkans to Middle East and Central Asia is called as the "energy
corridor". USA, Europe and Russia struggle on this "corridor" and this
"corridor" almost entirely consists of Islamic countries. The
geography where Israel determines as its expansion areas is that of
Islamic geography. However, it may not be said that the war is between
the Christians and Muslims or Muslims and Jews. If the history played
a game and the Christian people lived on the same geography, then the
situation would be same. The lands don't become the war area in
accordance with the cultures of people who live on there, but in
accordance with the resources under them and with that they exist on
the road of which. 
Furthermore, the thesis of "Clash of Civilizations" is not new. When
the feudal kings of Europe had organized the Crusades to have the
right on the Silk and Spices Roads, they set off on the road to
"rescue the Holly Lands from Muslim infidels" and many historians have
not interpreted these wars as the "war between the religions,
civilizations and cultures". 
Therefore, even if the religious wars characteristic of Fellujah
operation is tried to be regarded as being its importance, it may be
said that this thesis is only a mean to conceal the actual objectives. 
After the importance of Fellujah operation is emphasized, it should be
mentioned what may happen after the operation. 
Since this attack has started after the Presidency election in USA, it
may be interpreted as the milestone toward the new period of President
Bush. Likewise, assigning Condeleezza Rice who is the National
Security Consultant in the falcon group of White House to the vacancy
position by the resigning of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Colin
Powell, who is the moderate name of the Bush cabinet, is a sign of the
policies which will be followed in the new period. Even if there were
comments before the elections that Bush would follow more moderate
policies during the new period, even if Bush is elected, those events
may be the evidences of that those comments are not true. 
One of the most important reasons of the comments, that Bush would
follow the moderate foreign policies during the new period, is that
Bush withdrew the Minister of Defense, Rumsfeld who was the architect
of Iraqi War and created an event that Rumsfeld would be discharged.
Before the elections, almost entire world had seemed that USA had a
Minister of Defense. However, when the elections were performed, the
"warrior" came into the scene and pressed the button of "Ghost Wrath"
So, may this operation stop the resistance?
The attack unavoidably reminds the paralleling which was previously
refused between Iraq and Vietnam. The Fellujah operation is look like
the Tet operation which was started to remove the army of North
Vietnam from the Hue citadel. Americans had seized the Hue citadel and
by the moral which they gained by this event, they began to accept
themselves as the winner of war, but the further stages of Vietnam war
are known by everybody. What important today is whether Fellujah will
be seized under the control of US soldiers easily; if it is seized
under the control, whether USA faces a different fate in Iraq, other
than Vietnam. 
The history doesn't say that the regular army, even if it is very
strong, may be victorious against a power which fights with guerilla
tactics. The only exceptional event of this situation is the Turkish
Army who fights against PKK terror. Even in this example, the struggle
was not won with the regular army, but with the powers which were
specially trained on the guerilla wars. And Turkish Army has struggled
in its own land and had not any logistic problems. 

It is not possible that USA may completely establish the control over
country with its limited military forces. The resistors, who will
understand that they will not defense the city against the superior
fire force of USA who attacked to city with its all forces, will pass
to the other regions. It is not the emplacement war which occurs
between USA and the resistors, they will go and rescue another city
and come back. It must be reminded that USA had `rescued' Samarra from
the resistors three times. 
There is a very bloody dealing in Fellujah. If the resistors can
protect against the mass destroying weapons, they will make USA suffer
losses. It is not clear whether there will be a city, named Fellujah.
But one may say that the same scenes will occur in Ramada and Bakuba. 
USA started to get rid of a nation completely with the chemical
weapons in Fellujah disregarding children, women and old people in
name of democracy and freedom. The political structures, which decide
to become the disciple of democracy like EU, keep their death silence,
when USA infringes the human rights. 

EU, who claims the human rights infringement of Turkey as the reason
of hindrance of the EU membership of Turkey, is in silence against the
massacre of coalition which also consists of its member states, in
Fellujah. This event is also the evidence of double standard against
Turkey. Those who are in silence against this massacre are not only
Western countries, but the neighbors of Iraq and the countries whom
mostly their population is Muslim; they are not reacting and are in

May be those countries do not protest, since they are afraid of to be
subjected to the same operation. However, this deep silence causes
that "Ghost Wrath" will hit Fellujah in more destroying manner. USA
whom is (can) not be protested applies more power regarding this
situation, i.e. takes what it wishes before the operation. The request
of USA is to scare those who protest it as using its big military
power, and nobody in the whole world needs to protest this power,
except the resistors in Fellujah which has 300.000 of population. 
The human being faces the examination to re-reach to the "Age of
Enlightenment" which they had become successful centuries ago against
the endeavor of making strong of world ruling with the conscious of
the Middle Ages. But it is suspicious to be successful this time. 
                                                          Prepared By:
                                                          Serkan ÇELİK

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