

Detainees Transferred Or Freed Despite 'High Risk'

Tom Gjelten <> , Dina
Temple-Raston <>  and
Margot Williams

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April 24, 2011 

An NPR investigation of secret military documents from the detention camp at
Guantanamo Bay details the system used to assess how dangerous the detainees
would be if released.

More From This NPR News Investigation

uantanamo> U.S. military guards arrive for their sunrise shift at Camp Delta
at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Military Documents Detail Life At Guantanamo

NPR INVESTIGATION: Reports put a name and history to hundreds of men held at
the detention camp.

Tracking Guantanamo detainees

Tracking The Guantanamo Detainees

Who are the Guantanamo detainees and what risk did they pose?

decisions> Suspected Taliban and al-Qaida detainees sit in a holding area at
Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, during in-processing to the temporary
detention facility.

Guantanamo Timeline: Key Events and Decisions

After nearly a decade the U.S. is still assessing its policies regarding
detainees at the camp.

More than 160 of the prisoners released or transferred from the Guantanamo
detention camp under Presidents Bush and Obama had previously been judged as
"likely to pose a threat to the U.S." The decision to release or transfer
these detainees, despite their former classification as "high risk,"
contradicted the Pentagon's own recommendation that prisoners in this
category should remain in detention.

The detainee risk profiles and other classified findings are contained in
hundreds of secret Guantanamo documents obtained by The New York Times and
shared with NPR. The files were part of a trove leaked last year to the
anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, but the Guantanamo files were made available
by another source on condition of anonymity. No documents classified as "top
secret" were included in the collection.

The assessments were made between 2002 and January 2009.

Among other findings in the documents:

- Abu Zubaydah
<>  and
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
ed> , the Guantanamo detainees who were famously waterboarded while in CIA
detention, are cited as having provided interrogators with information about
hundreds of other Guantanamo detainees.

Heard On NPR

heard on Morning Edition <> 

April 25, 2011

'High-Risk' Detainees Released From Guantanamo

[8 min 55 sec] 

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- One detainee from Yemen, a convicted drug dealer who later affiliated with
al-Qaida, informed on so many of his fellow detainees at Guantanamo that
authorities there decided the reliability of his information was "in

- A Russian detainee was transferred to the control of Russian authorities,
on the basis of assurances that he would be incarcerated back in Russia,
only to be released from Russian custody a short time later.

- A Saudi detainee, who has since been transferred, threatened to arrange
the murder of "four or five" Americans in revenge for his imprisonment but
offered not to follow through on the threat if he were paid $5 million to
$15 million in compensation for his unemployment while at Guantanamo.

Detainees As Security Threats

Administration's Response
mo-documents?ps=rs> April 24, 2011 

The classified documents, consisting largely of official "detainee
assessments" by the Pentagon's Guantanamo Joint Task Force, suggest that
military intelligence officials and counterterrorism analysts sometimes
found it difficult to determine whether detainees were truly dangerous. The
assignment of detainees to "high," "medium," or "low" risk categories seems
to have been haphazard in some cases. Some intelligence about the detainees
came from informants whose credibility was subsequently questioned or was
secured under conditions tantamount to torture. Some U.S. federal judges
have questioned the reliability of the evidence cited to support the
detainee risk assessments.

NPR/New York Times

Explore the NPR/New York Times database featuring government documents,
court records and media reports on the 779 detainees at Guantanamo. 

Database: The Guantanamo Docket <>  

New York Times: The Guantanamo Files

The large number of detainees who were transferred or released from
Guantanamo despite their "high-risk" assessment is nonetheless striking. Of
600 detainees known to have been transferred out of Guantanamo since 2002,
at least 160 were previously in the high-risk category. The repatriation of
more high-risk detainees appears likely.

The Obama administration has not yet named the 89 current Guantanamo
detainees it says are due to be transferred, but only about 40 of those
still in detention at the camp were assessed as "medium" or "low" security
risks as of early 2009, according to the investigation by NPR and The New
York Times. Some risk assessments have since been revised. The Obama
administration carried out a new review of all Guantanamo detainees after it
took office in January 2009, and those reports are not included in the
documents reviewed by NPR.

Among the "high-risk" detainees who have been transferred from Guantanamo
since 2002, NPR and the Times have identified at least a dozen who have
returned to terrorism or otherwise reassociated with al-Qaida, including two
Saudis who became leaders of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

Related Documents

These files were part of a massive trove of secret documents leaked last
year to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. They were made available to The
New York Times by another source on condition of anonymity and shared with

Guantanamo Document: Threat Matrix

Guantanamo Document: Interrogation Memo

Guantanamo Document: Abdallah Saleh Ali al Ajmi

Guantanamo Document: Abu Sufian Bin Qumu

The repatriation of Guantanamo detainees has been controversial under both
the Bush and Obama administrations. Republicans and Democrats alike have
opposed the transfer of any Guantanamo detainees to U.S. territory, and some
members of Congress want to restrict the U.S. government's leeway in sending
current detainees anywhere.

"There's a group there [in Guantanamo] that we all agree never gets let out,
and then there's the rest," said Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) at a recent
congressional hearing. "As you close on that number of folks who should not
ever be let go, then you run the risk of letting somebody go who shouldn't

In an official statement to NPR and the Times, the Obama administration
defended the process of repatriating detainees or transferring them to third
countries, despite their former risk assessments. "Both the previous and the
current administrations have made every effort to act with the utmost care
and diligence in transferring detainees from Guantanamo," the statement
said. "Both administrations have made the protection of American citizens
the top priority, and we are concerned that the disclosure of these
documents could be damaging to those efforts."

The statement said it's "unfortunate" that NPR and the Times and other news
organizations are publishing the classified Guantanamo documents. "We
strongly condemn the leaking of this sensitive information," the statement
said. It was signed by Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell and Ambassador
Dan Fried, the State Department's special envoy in charge of negotiating the
closure of the Guantanamo facility. 

Assessing The Detainees

The classification of Guantanamo detainees by threat level was explained in
a classified 2008 memo included in the documents reviewed by NPR.
"High-risk" detainees were defined as those "likely to pose a threat" if
released, and the memo stipulated that such individuals should face
continued detention. A demonstrated connection to al-Qaida or the Taliban
was among the risk qualifiers, as was an individual's age (young men are
said to be "more susceptible to recruitment and lacking valid alternate
opportunities"), and an uncooperative attitude.

Key Findings From The Documents

- A former detainee, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda Bin Qumu, who is
believed to be training rebel forces in Libya, has closer ties to al-Qaida
than previously understood publicly.

- Tariq Mahmud Ahmad al Sawah, who claimed to have designed the prototype
for a shoe bomb that failed to ignite on a U.S. plane in 2001, was
recommended for release from the prison.

- Shaker Aamer, also known as Sawad al-Madani, said he had no connection to
al-Qaida. His military assessment says he was Osama bin Laden's personal
English translator. 

- Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the suspected plotter of the USS Cole attack in
Yemen, reported directly to Osama bin Laden.

- Guantanamo officials were aware that they had innocent men in captivity,
yet it took months to return them to their home countries.

- Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Guantanamo detainees who were
famously waterboarded while in CIA detention, are cited as having provided
interrogators with information about hundreds of other detainees.

- One detainee from Yemen informed on so many of his fellow detainees that
authorities decided the reliability of his information was "in question." 

- A Russian detainee was transferred to the control of Russian authorities,
on the basis of assurances he would be incarcerated back in Russia, only to
be released from Russian custody a short time later.

- A Saudi detainee threatened to arrange the murder of "four or five"
Americans in revenge for his imprisonment but offered not to follow through
on the threat if he were paid $5 million to $15 million in compensation.

Detainees assessed to be "medium risk" ("may pose a threat") were noted as
candidates for transfer out of Guantanamo, while "low-risk" detainees
("unlikely to pose a threat") could possibly be released.

The Guantanamo prisoners were also assessed according to the difficulties
they presented "from a detention perspective" and the "intelligence value"
of their knowledge. The decisions of whether they should be transferred to
the control of another government was influenced by those assessments as

The information that went into the assessments came from a variety of
sources, including CIA intelligence reports, FBI field interviews and the
interrogation of other detainees. In addition to the Pentagon's Joint Task
Force at Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO), another Defense Department group, the
Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF), also conducted investigations at
Guantanamo. The documents indicate that disagreements between the JTF-GTMO
and CITF were not uncommon and may have contributed to uncertainty about how
dangerous a detainee may be.

Among the challenges facing the Guantanamo investigators was assessing the
veracity of the detainees' own stories. One Yemeni, Ahmed al Hikimi
hikimi> , a former taxi driver with a seventh-grade education, is quoted as
claiming that a sheik gave him $1,100 to go to Afghanistan to teach Afghan
children to read the Quran. He was captured by Pakistani forces with other
Arab men after fleeing from the Tora Bora area of Afghanistan, where Osama
bin Laden had taken refuge.

"Detainee's story about traveling to Afghanistan to teach the [Quran] to
children is not credible," the assessment concluded, "based on detainee's
lack of religious education and credentials." The Guantanamo investigators
noted that another detainee had reported that a Pakistani prison warden had
advised the men that under U.S. interrogation they should claim to be in
Afghanistan for religious purposes.

Such accounts were so common among the Guantanamo detainees that the Joint
Task Force in 2004 issued a four-page advisory memorandum on similar cover
stories, titled "Assessment of Afghanistan Travels and Islamic Duties as
They Pertain to Interrogation." 

Courts Challenge Assessments

A U.S. trooper mans a machine gun in the turret on a vehicle as a guard
looks out from a tower in front of the detention facility at the U.S. Naval
Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Brennan Linsley/AP 

A U.S. trooper mans a machine gun in the turret on a vehicle as a guard
looks out from a tower in front of the detention facility at the U.S. Naval
Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The abundance of evidence cited in the Guantanamo documents is compelling,
but some of the conclusions about the detainees were later called into
question. The JTF-GTMO assessment of Musab al-Mudwani
onee> , a 32-year-old Yemeni, identified him as "an al-Qaida operative who
planned to participate in terrorist operations targeting U.S. forces in
Karachi, Pakistan, and possibly inside the United States." His intelligence
file cites other detainees testifying under interrogation about al-Mudwani,
including one who gave information suggesting al-Mudwani "was associated
with high-level al-Qaida operatives" and another who is said to have told
his interrogators that an operative who trained al-Mudwani in explosives "is
concerned that [al-Mudwani] will talk about him."

When al-Mudwani filed a habeas corpus petition challenging his detention,
however, the judge hearing his case, Thomas F. Hogan, rejected much of the
government's argument. Some of the information presented to the court came
as a result of "coercive interrogation," while other charges struck Hogan as
exaggerated. "The record reflects that Petitioner was, at best, a low-level
al-Qaida figure," Hogan wrote. "It does not appear he even finished his
weapons training. There is no evidence that he fired a weapon in battle or
was on the front lines."

The Guantanamo documents suggest that a few individuals, under harsh
interrogation themselves or possibly in exchange for preferential treatment,
provided so much information about other detainees, or did so under such
pressure, that the accuracy of their testimony might be questioned. Abu
Zubaydah, who was deprived of medical treatment and pain medication and
subjected to numerous waterboarding sessions in an effort to induce his
cooperation, is cited as the source of information on many Guantanamo
prisoners, including one whose detention was rejected by a federal judge on
the grounds that it was based on tainted testimony.

Concerns have also been raised about information provided by Yasim Mohammed
h> , a Yemeni who is said to have provided details about more than 60 other
Guantanamo detainees. Some military investigators expressed doubts about
Basardah's accusations against other detainees, wondering how he could know
so much about so many. Basardah's JTF-GTMO file, compiled in 2008, hinted at
those concerns. "Detainee's firsthand knowledge in reporting remains in
question," the document says. "Any information provided should be adequately
verified through other sources before being utilized." Basardah was
nevertheless rated as having "high" intelligence value, and his risk
assessment was lowered from high to medium, "based on detainee's exceptional
level of cooperation." In 2010, Basardah resettled in Spain.

The Politics Of Detainee Transfers

The Guantanamo documents do not reveal whether uncertainty about the
accuracy of the detainee assessments was a factor in the decision to
transfer some high-risk detainees. The files do suggest, however, that
political considerations were important. Two countries, Saudi Arabia and
Afghanistan, account for more than half of the detainees transferred from
Guantanamo. Of 220 Afghans detained at Guantanamo, all but 19 have been sent
home as a show of U.S. support for the Afghan government. Similarly, all but
14 of the 135 Saudis originally detained at Guantanamo have been

In 2002, Saudi intelligence officials visited Guantanamo and interviewed
Abdallah Faris al Unazi Thani
i-thani> , a Saudi who had been captured with other Arab men at Tora Bora in
December 2001. According to his JTF-GTMO file, "the Saudi delegation
indicated that the government of Saudi Arabia would be willing to take
custody of detainee for possible prosecution as soon as the U.S. determined
it no longer wanted to hold him." Despite his status as a high-risk
detainee, Guantanamo commanders eventually recommended his transfer, and he
left Guantanamo in September 2007.

Such agreements were made with some reluctance. In 2005, Guantanamo
commanders softened their previous opposition to transferring another Saudi
detainee, Jabir Jubran al Fayfi
, but only on the condition that "a satisfactory agreement can be reached
that ensures continued detention and allows access to detainee and/or to
exploited intelligence." Al Fayfi was transferred to Saudi custody the
following year.

The U.S. willingness to transfer detainees to Saudi custody was based
largely on confidence in Saudi Arabia's program to rehabilitate Islamist
militants who had previously embraced violence. Saudi authorities had
promised to provide former jihadi fighters with religious counseling, a job,
a house and a wife. The program was supposed to discourage jihadis from
returning to terrorism.

The Saudi program had both successes and notable failures. The Yemen-based
wing of al-Qaida, known as AQAP, welcomed allegedly rehabilitated jihadis
into its ranks. Saudi authorities now insist that the rehabilitation program
is working better, and U.S. officials agree.

The repatriation of Russian detainees at Guantanamo was also arranged in
government-to-government negotiations. As with the Saudis, U.S. commanders
sought assurances from Russian intelligence officials who visited
Guantanamo. Some of those commitments subsequently proved hollow. The
JTF-GTMO file on Rasul Kudayev
<> , a
Russian national who took up arms with the Taliban in Afghanistan, indicates
that Guantanamo commanders agreed to his transfer only after conferring with
Russian intelligence officials. "Since the Russian government has agreed to
incarcerate this detainee upon his transfer," the document says, "he poses
no future threat to the U.S. or its allies." But Kudayev was released from
custody almost immediately after his removal from Guantanamo.

Another possible factor in decisions about whether to transfer detainees was
their behavior while in detention. Some analysts have suggested that
detainees who seemed determined to commit suicide, for example, were more
likely to be transferred out of Guantanamo than those who were compliant.
Prisoners were regularly evaluated on their conduct in detention and
assessed as high, medium, or low threats in terms of the difficulty of
detaining them. Tallies were kept of each disciplinary infraction. Some
detainees were cited for assaults on their guards, unauthorized
communication with other prisoners, and even "inappropriate use of bodily
fluids," which generally meant a detainee had collected his own urine and
tossed it at a guard.

Hostility toward their captors and toward the United States was carefully
documented. Guantanamo commanders, for example, noted that Abdallah Aiza al
> , a 47-year-old Saudi who worked with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and
eventually repatriated, told interrogators that "his tribe would ... kidnap
four to five Americans at a time and sever their heads" in revenge for his
imprisonment. Al Matrafi's document also notes, somewhat dryly, "these acts
could be stopped if detainee received $5 [million] to $15 million as
compensation for his unemployment status during detention." 

Miscalculations Could Lead To A Return To Terrorism

NPR and The New York Times have documented 42 instances of transferred or
released Guantanamo detainees returning to terrorism or insurgent activity
or otherwise reassociating with al-Qaida. The Pentagon reports a larger
number but has not identified all by name nor described their activity.

Among the former detainees who have returned to the fight are 10 whom
Guantanamo commanders considered "high-risk" individuals and whose transfer
they opposed, as well as two they considered high risk but were willing to
repatriate. There were also seven detainees who were judged during their
Guantanamo years to present little or no risk to the United States or its
allies. Said Ali al Shihri
of Saudi Arabia and his brother-in-law Yussef al Shihri
k-al-shihri>  were both in the "high-risk" category at Guantanamo, but U.S.
officials consented to their transfer in the expectation that they could be
successfully rehabilitated through the Saudi program. It was a serious
miscalculation. Both men were subsequently released and moved to Yemen,
where they became active in al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. Yussef al
Shihri, who had expressed a desire for martyrdom while at Guantanamo, was
killed in a shootout on the Saudi-Yemen border in October 2009.

In other cases, the miscalculation was in the original judgment of how
dangerous a detainee could turn out to be once he was released. Five former
detainees from Afghanistan who had been assessed as presenting little or no
risk took up arms with the Taliban upon their repatriation. A Kuwaiti
detainee, Abdallah al Ajmi
ajmi> , whose JTF-GTMO assessment was scarcely a page and a half long, was
characterized as only a "medium" threat, and in 2004 Guantanamo commanders
recommended his transfer to Kuwait. They were assuming he would remain in
custody there, but four months after his 2005 repatriation, al Ajmi was
released. In the months that followed, he began associating again with old
Islamist friends, and in early 2008 al Ajmi journeyed to Iraq on a suicide
mission for al-Qaida in Iraq. In March, he drove a truck loaded with
explosives onto an Iraqi army base and detonated it, killing as many as 13
Iraqi soldiers as well as himself


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