+ The present Inspector General of Police has been alleged to be a
collaborator of the genocida! l Pakistani army of 1971 and the current
Home Secretary is known to have a Jamat connection. Thus it can be
clearly surmised why to arrest or keep in custody the militant
fundamentalists or to judiciously run the criminal cases against them
is not on cards for the Khaleda-Nizami government. Whenever there have
been any allegation against any activities of the militant
fundamentalists, immediately the Jamat-i-Islami chief and Industries
Minister of the coalition government Matiur Rahman Nizami states that
Jamat has no relation with militant fundamentalists. On last 24th May
he again stated in a news conference, "Jamat does not have any
relation with so called JMJB or Bangla Bhai. Jamat does not have any
relation with Hijbut Tahrir, Hijbut Tawheed, JM or similar
organizations."  +

Dak Bangla:

Jamat-i-Islami of Bangladesh and the Regional Jihadi Networks
Shahriar Kabir

Most national dailies of Bangladesh published on May 21, 2004, the
gruesome photographic testimony of brutality of Bangla Bhai, the
self-proclaimed militant fundamentalist, from greater Rajshahi area.
Picture showed dead body of Abdul Qayum Badshah (52) of the Raninagar
of Naogaon district, hanging from the branch of a tree. It has been
alleged that Badshah was a member of Sarbahara Party. The Jihadi
outfit, Jagrata Muslim Janata of Bangladesh (JMJB) brutally killed him
and hung his dead body from a tree to warn the anti-fundamentalists of
dire consequences that anyone opposing them.

Such grisly pictures were familiar during the liberation war of 1971.
The Pakistani army used to kill the Bangladeshi freedom lovers and
hung their dead bodies from the trees. They would at times hung them
alive from the trees upside down and light fires below to roast living
human beings. Alternatively, they skinned them alive while hanging.
Again we saw such pictures in Taliban's Afghanistan. They killed
pro-communist President Najibullah and hung his dead body publicly in
Kabul. This was to demonstrate to their socialists and communist
opponents what brutality the Mullah Omar's Taliban were capable of.
Now again after eight years, with Talibanist coalition Government of
Bangladesh, we visited similar pictures of fundamentalist brutality.

Three days after the publication of the vicious picture of hanging
dead body of Badshah an appeal was published in Daily Janakantha,
under the title, " Aro asankhya gachhe asankhya lash jhule thakar
aggei kichhu karun" (Please act before numerous more trees have
innumerable more dead bodies hanging from them). This appeal was a
letter from Shafiqpur High School's Head Master Mahmud Musa, a victim
himself, who wrote as follows "I am the Head Master of Shafiqpur High
School of Rani Nagar Sub-District, Naogaon District of North Bengal.
My home is also in the same village. In the last fifteen years I built
this High School on own paternal property step by step, with help of
education loving public of the area and public representatives. With
persistent personal effort, and in my small way, thus I had managed
propagation of education in the area.

On May 8th last the JMJB cadres attacked and razed to ground my four
roomed inherited paternal living quarters. This incident was published
in various national dailies on May 16t! h, 2004. On the same day
another seventy houses were razed to the ground including that of
another Head Master and an elected chairman. In these conditions me
and other member of my family have taken shelter in near by town.

Before the tragedy of destruction of our ancestral house and leaving
the village could be absorbed, the JMJB cadres abducted my elder
brother (Abdul Qayum Badshah) on Wednesday May 19th. The next day they
killed him after public announcement in the microphone, all over the
area. Later they hung his dead body from a road side tree in the
neighboring Baman village, of Nandigram sub-district, of Bogra
District. Newspaper readers have seen this picture on last May 21st. I
heard that these butchers are looking for me. They will probably kill
me with similar brutality and display my dead body, if they can find
me. I am also frequently hearing similar threats of life to other
members of my family.

Another brother of ours has stayed back in the village risking his
life, because it is now the harvesting time. They have once abducted
him and after torturing him in their camp have let him go. Our family
has a well- established reputation in the area. Our family has a
tradition of association with progressive politics and culture. My
father and brother both were established in literature and social work
in the area. We were also trying to perpetuate this tradition to the
best of our ability. Probably that is now considered to be my family's
crime ! and mine.

The state of Bangladesh has a government and an administration. The
country has a police and an army. This area has an elected MP, who is
a deputy minister. This district also has a responsible minister.
There are many human rights organizations in this country. There is a
civil society. There is a government and an opposition party. I want
to earnestly appeal to all of them and their sense of responsibility
and conscience.

I want to let them know that a citizen and an ordinary teacher is now
dangerously threatened and is at high risk of life. Will you not come
to the aid of this teacher, who is a refugee from his own home with
friends and family, due to danger to his life Will none of you feel
responsible enough to stop this medieval terror Do these goons who
have destroyed my home and killed my brother perpetrate it in my fate
to continue to see horrors.

Those who are not threatened today, how are they assured that they
will not be threatened tomorrow Who is giving them this assurance
Their silence today may turn too dangerous for tomorrow. It may be too
late then. I appeal to the government, the administration and
conscientious citizen&n! " Please do something" And please do it
before you observe many more dead bodies dangle from road side trees."

The writer of the above letter Mahmud Musa came to see me on 26th May.
He came to inform me about the helplessness of his whole family. I
asked him if his murdered brother was actually connected with the
"Sarbahara Party". Mahmud Musa said, "May be, but I do not know." He
stated, "Suppose my brother had done some crime, there is a
government, a police, a judicial court and law. If my brother was
ordered hanged after the judicial procedure â I would have no

But who is this Bangla Bhai ? Is he the court or the government ? By
which law has he ordered the execution of my brother" I asked Mahmud
Musa if there were any pending cases against his brother with the
police. The younger brother of the murdered confirmed that there were,
some. But he claimed them to be all false cases.

For example he said there is a case with date of crime 3022000.
Obviously there was never a 30th February. I asked him, what proof he
had that Bangla Bhai's JMJB had killed his brother. Musa said they
(JMJB) have themselves announced and the newspapers have carried this
in their report. Bangla Bhai's 2nd in command Hemayet Hussain Himu,
Jamat Amir (a leading position of Jamat-i-Islami party) of Raninagar
sub-district. Muf! fajjal Hussain and Jamat's former worker Abul
Master lead a JMJB armed gang which abducted Badshah and three others.

They have hung the dead body of Badshah on a roadside tree, the other
three are still missing. I asked Mahmud Musa further whether they have
filed a case (FIR) in the police station. He said, "No, not yet."
Badshah's family is out of the area due to the militant acts of Bangla
Bhai. He himself is unable to go back to his village. Additionally,
police does not accept complaints against Bangla Bhai. Police's
refusal to accept complaints against Bangla Bhai is very normal. It is
published in the newspapers that the Police O.C. follows around as
bodyguard of Bangla Bhai, the militant fundamentalist leader.

The district A.S.P., the divisional D.I.G. are also the protectors of
Bangla Bhai, hence in the greater Rajsahi area there is no one with
enough courage to complain against Bangla Bhai. Then he revealed why
the fundamentalists were mad at his family. Their family is a
politically conscious family of the area. Family wise they have been
associated with left movements and he once was a member of
left-oriented National Awami Party of Bangladesh.

Badshah and Musa! 's father Abdul Kader was a participant of the
Tebhaga movement. Ila Mitra personally knew Abdul Kader. His grand
father Sakim Sardar and great grand father Kasim Sardar were know to
Rabindra Nath Tagore and had hearty relation with him. Patisar, the
famous Tagore Zamindari, skirts Raninagar area. In the Ahmed Rafiq's
research paper on Tagore there is a description of Rabindranath's
friendly relations with Kasim Sardar of Raninagar. In their family
they still learn and practice Rabindra Sangeet.

They also have a tradition of reading modern literature. They had
family relations with Ismail Hussain Siraji. The books that police
party confiscated from their house included books by Aroj Ali Matobbar
and Ahmad Safa. Musa said JMJB did not allow this year's Rabindra
Jayanti celebration at Patisar. They said, "You can't sing Rabindra
Sangeet â you ! have to sing Hamd and Naa't."

Musa does not know when they will be able to go back to their home,
destroyed by Bangla Bhai. Due to the terrorist activities of militant
Bangla Bhai, hundreds of people have left the area. This has been
admitted by Maolana Abdur Rahman, JMJB's Amir and spiritual guru of
Bangla Bhai. In an interview with Asaduzzaman Samrat of Ajker Kagoj,
Maolana Rahman explained that in the greater Rajshahi area, in seven
sub-districts, in this task of suppressing 'the Sarbaharas' they had
active cooperation of Post and Telecommunication Minister Barrister
Aminul Haq, Housing and PWD Deputy Minister Alamgir Kabir, Land
Minister Ruhul Quddus Talukdar Dulu and member of Parliament Nadim

In Bagmara, where their! activities are at the peak, even M.P. Abu
Hena is not opposing their action. They are getting full cooperation
of the administration. He said there is widespread support among
ordinary people of the area. In a short time they have arrested fifty
people and found huge amount of weapons. More than five thousand
Sarbahara have surrendered. (Ajker Kagoj, 13 May, 2004).

The atrocities of Bangla Bhai, under the shelter of two BNP ministers,
three MPs and Police has become so widespread that he has not been
bothered by the arrest warrant ordered by the Prime Minister (before
her departure for China). He is very safely and openly moving around
in the area, without any cover. On May 23rd last Bangla Bhai's storm
troo pers have marched in Rajshahi under police protection and
displayed their arms.

They came to the city riding on hundreds of motor cycles and
mini-buses and submitted a memorandum to the administration. The
police officers have congratulated the so-called Jihad of Bangla Bhai
against the Sarbahara group. The militant activities of Self-styled
militant fundamentalist Ajijur Rahman, aka Siddiqul Islam, aka "Bangla
Bhai"' are being published in Bangladeshi national daily newspapers
again since April 1st week of this year.

In August of last year, militant fundamentalist organization Jamiatul
Mujaheedin (JM)'s members were in the limelight, when they attacked
police to decamp with arms, ammunitions and the wireless sets. At that
time reportage on their activities continued for about 2021 days. In
January of 1999, militant fundamentalist organization Harkat-ul Jihad
al Islami's (HUJI) killers were in the news when they attacked poet
Shamsur Rahman at his home.

At that time Dhaka newspapers serially published story of their
fundamentalist militant activities. But the present coverage of Bangla
Bhai's JMJB is more widely covered. The organization was once secret
and after a few arrests â the reportage subsided. This time however
the reportage is continuing even after eight to nine weeks and will
not subside till fundamentalist militant Bangla Bhai is arrested and
JMJB banned. In 1999 and in 2003 we were stunned and frightened to
know the countrywide militant fundamentalist network of HUJI and JM,

Like the underground tunnel network of a sly fox the network of these
militant organizations are spread all over the country. The reason
JMJB is getting more reportage is HUJI and JM are not open
organizations, but JMJB, is. Hadn't HUJI's potential killers were not
caught on January 18, 1999 while trying to kill poet Shamshur Rahman,
we would not have known about their presence in Bangladesh.

Initially only three were captured who admitted their association with
HUJI. Later, based on their admission police arrested another forty
eight persons of which one was South African! and another Pakistani.
All these facts have been published in various national newspapers. On
24th January, 1999, Daily Ittefaq had published, based on an
investigative report, that twenty eight other prominent artists, poets
and novelists were on the hit list of HUJI.

In a publication, Afghan Atlas, published from Nebraska University,
USA an important research paper states, " bin Laden has ISI's
logistics and intelligence support. HUJI and quite a few of Pakistan's
militant organizations have connection to bin Laden. HM has connection
with Dhaka based Jihadi Islami, the organization whose assignment is
to recruit Bangladeshi and Indian Muslims to fight in Kashmir."

At that time the Pakistani citizen Mohammad Sajjid and South African
Ahmed Sadeq Ahmed had a! dmitted to police that bin Laden had given
them two crore Taka ( more than 300,000 US dollars) to build a
Taliban-style militant group in Bangladesh. This money they had spent
via 821 madrassas. (Reuters, Jan 28, 1999) In spite of such concrete
proof, police submitted such weak charge sheet, that the superior
court criticized police for weak charge sheet.

It has been seen in the last seven years that whether it is JM or HUJI
â police arrested them when there is hue and cry in the newspapers â
later they submitted such weak charge sheets that criminals were let
go or released on bail. There is never any problem for them to get out
of the jail. Last year the militant cadre of JM, who were arrested red
handed with arms and seditious pamphlets, they had no problem to get
out of jail on April 2nd of this year.

The present Inspector General of Police has been alleged to be a
collaborator of the genocida! l Pakistani army of 1971 and the current
Home Secretary is known to have a Jamat connection. Thus it can be
clearly surmised why to arrest or keep in custody the militant
fundamentalists or to judiciously run the criminal cases against them
is not on cards for the Khaleda-Nizami government.

Whenever there have been any allegation against any activities of the
militant fundamentalists, immediately the Jamat-i-Islami chief and
Industries Minister of the coalition government Matiur Rahman Nizami
states that Jamat has no relation with militant fundamentalists. On
last 24th May he again stated in a news conference, "Jamat does not
have any relation with so called JMJB or Bangla Bhai. Jamat does not
have any relation with Hijbut Tahrir, Hijbut Tawheed, JM or similar
organizations." (Janakantha, 25th May 2004).

On the same day at a news conference sponsored by Ekatturer Ghatak
Dalal Nirmul Committee(EGDNC) and South Asia People's Union Against
Fundamentalism and Communalism, Professor Kabir Choudhury said, "On
January of this year in Sylhet, at Hazrat S! hah Jalal's Mazar, there
was bombing and five persons were killed. In February, the powerful
voice against fundamentalism, Professor Humayun Azad was attacked with
machete and he survived narrowly.

Again on May 21, at the same Mazar of Hazrat Shah Jalal, an attempt
was made on life of the newly appointed British High Commissioner to
Bangladesh. In this attack another three persons were killed and
nearly hundred were injured. Even though the British High Commissioner
survived the attempt on his life, he is still in the hospital. Even
though the investigative reporters of Bangladesh's national dailies
found a member of the coalition Jamat-i-Islami responsible for the
terrorist act, the coalition government, in an attempt to protect
Jamat, has taken no act! ion."

The U.S. Asst. Secretary of State Christina Rocca expressed
displeasure about the activities of Bangla Bhai, during her 3 day
visit to Bangladesh , on May 18th , last. She asked Jamat leader
Matiur Nizami about Bangla Bhai's whereabout. (Janakantha, 20th May
2004). Obviously, before coming to Bangladesh she must have done her
homework on the related information and documents of proof in this

If Bangla Bhai did not have any relation with Jamat, Ms. Rocca would
not have asked Nizami about this issue, since the issue is not about
his Industries Ministry, but his party Jamat-i-Islami. No one else is
expected to know better than Nizami in this regard.The chief of Jamat
is an influential member of the present cabinet. Thus there is no
possibility asking Nizami under arrest and oath about his party's
relation to JMJB, Jamiatul Mujaheedin or other militant organizations
of Bangladesh.

If such hypothetical scenario ever happens, the close links between
Nizami's Jamat-i-Islami and the Islamic extremist organizations would
have been divulged in a second. In August of last year, JM militants
had a clash with police and a few were arrested, Jamat as usual said
they had no connection with Jamat. Again on May 20th of this year,
Nizami repeated the same story to Ms. Rocca. But in last August all
Bangladeshi newspapers had published reports about relation between
Jamat and Jamiatul Mujaheedin.

When police raided the house of Montajurul Islam, the chief accused of
Khetlal militant attack, the documents they found not only had
distinct proof of Jamat connection to JM but also to al Qaeda in
Afghanistan. Also in August of 2003, three books written by Maolana
Masud Azhar were found in the Jamiatul Mujaheedin office! in
Jaipurhat. Pakistan based Jaish-e Muhammad's commander Masud Azhar's
name flashed across the newspaper headlines in the sub-continent in
December of 1999, when Indian Airlines flight number IC 414 was

The Islamic extremists hijacked the passenger plane to Afghanistan
with a primary demand to release the militant leader Masud Azhar. The
Indian government was forced to release him to meet the demand of the
hijackers. When he was arrested in India he had submitted in his
deposition the following facts He was born in Bhawalpur in Pakistan on
July 10th, 1968. His father was a Deobandi type strict religious
person. He joined Harkatul Mujaheedin(HM) during his student days and
went t! o Afghanistan as a Jihadi per instruction of the
organizational head M aolana Fajlur Rahman Khalil.

In 1993 catching an Air Emirate flight he flew in to Dhaka, Bangladesh
accompanied by Sajjad Afghani. Then he went to Karachi but Sajjad
Afghani went to India. In January 1998 he again came to Bangladesh, on
a Portuguese passport, to enter India. On January 29th he boarded a
Bangla esh Biman flight to New Delhi. In February, on his way from
Delhi to Srinagar he was arrested.

At the time of Khetlal terrorist attack, Jamat declared, that the
principal accused Montajurul Islam was expelled from their party two
years earlier. But according to published newspaper reports Montajurul
had applied for becoming Roqan (Jamat-i-Islami's senior hierarchical
position) of the Jamat and these papers were found by the police.
While Police is not admitting publicly to the news reporters any
connection between Jamat and JM, they admit that diaries found in the
terrorist hideouts provide full list of workers and leaders of Jamat
and Shibir.

"âThe following were also found during search there Election leaflets
of Abbas Ali Khan, ex-Amir of Jamat. An application for monetary help
from Sirajul Islam, a local Beniapara madrassa student to the Jamat
funding organization Baitul Maa'l. A Baniapara Ahmedia Madrassa
receipt book for donations received. A copy of Dhaka's Bengali daily
Bhrorer Kagoj dated February 13, 1995. The newspaper had the head
lines in Bengali "Rajshahi University declared closed â two dead in
Chhatradal- Shibir clash â more than 150 injured.

" After militant-police confrontation, police informed that in the
hideout they also found 1. Many books and publications belonging to
Jamat and Shibir. 2. Monogrammed diaries of many Shibir activists. The
recent full day's investigation has yielded that the building where
the militants had congregated for training was owned by Jamiatul
Mujaheedin leader Montajurul Islam. In the concerned area processions
were taken out under the leadership of Montajurul, more than a months
before the January 20, 2003 brutal murder of five persons in the Pir
place of Begunbari sub-district.

He had openly declared in these rallies that they would oppose and
annihilate any anti-Islamic activity in the area, soon after which the
brutal murders were conducted. The absconding militant leader, was
seen in the open, hobnobbing with the Jamat leaders and was also
actively building armed JM organization. Many sources in the area
inform tha! t he regularly trained more than 100 persons military and
guerrilla tactics and warfare, in his private compound. Additionally,
a letters have been found which clearly establishes Jamat and Jamiatul
Mujaheedin connections.

In this letter district Jamat secretary Abdul Matin Sardar had given
Montajurul Islam significant number of organizational directives. (see
Bhorer Kagaj, 2oth Aug, 2003). In all Dhaka newspapers including
prestigious "Daily Star", "Prothom Alo" and "Janakantha", in their
investigative reports have stated that the Bangla Bhai's, JMJB is the
open manifestation of banned organization JM.

It has been noticed that whenever the government is under pressure
from donor nations they ban the fundamentalist organizations and
arrest some of their operatives. Then soon after the banned
organizations and operatives resurface under a different name, with
the same activities. The jailed activists are soon released, as usual.
The jailed militants came out of prison on April 2nd, 2004.

The same day's Janakantha carried the news that in Rajshahi, under
police protection, the militants attacked and mercilessly butchered a
person named Babu, who was allegedly a Sarbahara activist. They
shouted slogans like, " Nara e Takbir, Alla ho Akbar." Since then for
the next eight weeks, the news of Bangla Bhai's of JMJB has been
reported in Bengali media with clear reference of the organization's
link with Jamat and Afghan Taleban.

The brother of Badshah,(the Hanging dead body of May 21), Mr. Mahmud
Musa informed that Jamat's Raninagar Amir, Mufajjal Hussain was in the
team of Badshah's abductors. In the long sixty three years of
Jamat-i-Islami's history, there is no example of any of their leaders
ever accepting the blameresponsibility for any of their misdeeds. In
1953 Jamat's Chief Maududi was charged with murder of thirty thousand
innocent Ahmadiya in Pakistan's Lahore, after a riot in which that
many had lost their lives.

Maududi was prosecuted, proven guilty and sentenced to death by
hanging. Yet until today, Jamat has not acknowledged that they were
responsible for the massacre of innocents. During the Bangladesh's war
of independence, Jamat-i-Islami's militant wings like Razakar, Al Badr
and Al Shams were formed simply to assist Pakistan army's perpetration
of genocide, which they did in the na! me of protection of Islam. They
tortured and murdered the freedom fighters and intellectuals in large
numbers, which were published in their own party paper "Daily

Now, however, they say that they were not involved in those murders
but Awami League was. I had retorted to this blatant lie in a BBC
interview. I stated that if we had to assume that Nizami or Jamat were
not involved in the preparation of the list of intellectuals till the
last days of 1971's Bangladesh liberation war, then we had to assume
that Nizami was an Awami League activist in 1971. In that context we
were supposed to believe that "Daily Sangram" was the party paper of
Awami League.

This is the same daily, which published vivid details of many
massacres by Al Badr of freedom fighters with glowing tributes. And
lastly, Nizami himself wrote many columns to inspire Al Badr cadres to
kill the freedom fighters, in this i! gnoble newspaper. There is a
commonality of purpose between the Nizamis and the JMJB, JM and other
Islamist fascist outfits.

Every one of them has a goal to establish an "Islamic state" in
Bangladesh like the one under the Taliban in Afghanistan, with a Koran
and Shari'a based law. Where is the difference between Jamat and these
militants, in goal and ideal It is now quite evident the main pillars
of Jamat's politics are lies, deception and slyness. When Matiur
Rahman Nizami says that he and Al Badr have no connection with 1971's
mass murder of the Bangladeshi intellectuals, or Bangla Bhai or
Montajurul have no connection with Jamat â the lies became very
glaring and self-evident. !

If every thing is false then why does police look for Shibir activists
after the bomb attack on the British High commissioner, at Shah
Jalal's Mazar in Sylhet Why did Christina Rocca ask Nizami, and not
others, "What about the whereabouts of Bangla Bhai" According to the
psychologists, continuous lying develops into a type of mental
disorder. Nizami is so much overtaken by this disorder that soon a day
may come when Nizami would say, "I have no relation with Jamat" or may
beâ "I am not Nizami." Nizamis may think that the people of Bangladesh
are fools, as they perceived them in 1971.

They claimed then that without Pakistan there would be no trace of
Islam in the face of earth. In 1971, the people of Bangladesh, buried
Pakistan, the beloved land of Nizami and his likes, to create
Bangladesh. In 1971 also Jamat had a two member representation in the
cabinet and they jubilantly performed all the murders and atrocities.
They are repeating the story, now, again. Had any one in March, 1971
envisioned that the burial of Pakistan and Jamat would have been
conducted only nine months later, in these very banks of Buri Ganga in
Dhaka The Dhaka of 1971 is now a metropolis. The progeny of the three
million martyrs and this old city are waiting eagerly and are counting
the days for the upcoming disaster of Jamat.

Dak Bangla is a Bangladesh based South Asian Intelligence Scan Magazine.
URL: http://www.dakbangla.blogspot.com

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