+  It would be a mistake to think that Awami league will pass up an
opportunity to forge alliance with religious fundamentalist parties if
they think that will take them to power. Ideologically the party is
not totally secular, their public stance notwithstanding, as evidenced
by their leaders frequent visit to holy places. While in power, Awami
League did not do anything to clip the wings of Jamat or any other
fundamentalist parties. By some account, the number of madrashas
established and recognised by them were greater than during the
previous regimes. If Awami League is trying to taint BNP as a
pro-fundamentalist party for its guilt by association, it is because
of political opportunism. +

Dak Bangla:

What price power?
Hasnat Abdul Hye

At the time of its appearance in New York's Time, Ms Grisworld's news
story about the next 'Islamist revolution is Bangladesh' was
considered by many as laughable, even malicious or misguided. There
seemed to be a whiff of sensationalism and the infantile frisson of
having made a news scoop. Who does not know that any news about
Taliban-like figures walking the earth is a topical one to be followed
in hot pursuit by media that are 'embedded' and are not so. Many in
Bangladesh pooh poohed that Ms. Griswold was barking at a wrong tree
and her 'sources' were creative ones. Those who gave her benefit of
doubt considered it to be a case of studied exaggeration.

The story revolved around the ubiquitous and yet elusive figure of
Bangla bhai, the leader of 'Jagrata Muslim Janata Bahini' (JMJB) who
had been in news for ever six months in northern part of the country.
His followers are known to be religious fanatics and work as
vigilantes in the upazilas in Rajshahi, particularly Bighmara.
Ostensibly, their targets are the left wing extremists operating in
the area but people who feel foul with them also had to pay their
lives in gruesome some manner, according to news paper repots.
According to the newspapers some local residents rejoiced at the 'good
riddance' of anti-social elements, but the majority became panicky and
insecure. Bangla Bhai and his minions were lording it over in their
jurisdiction and allegedly even had police support or connivance of
what they were doing. They went in a procession to Rajshahi district
headquarters where reportedly they were received by high civil and
police officials and were given a patient hearing. They left, as they
went, triumphantly.

Authorities in Dhaka at first feigned ignorance about the putative
presence of fringe group in a remote corner of the country. But when
media played up the news something had to be done to demonstrate who
was in command. According to news paper report no less a person then
the Prime Minister ordered for the arrest of the self-styled law
enforces which was subsequently corroborated by the Finance minister.
But strangely, Bangla Bhai remained at large along with his henchmen
and continued to surface at their free will leaving, a trail of
murders and torture which were publicly demonstrated in good measure.
Finally, last month the Prime minister again gave instruction to
arrest him on sight, an expression that puzzled some because it is
usually associated with some thing more extreme. Be that as it may,
Bangla Bhai is reportedly on the run and is in all probability trying
to make good his escape from this country, which implies that he has
'connections' and safe havens elsewhere.

Meanwhile, police have arrested three Mujahedeens in a block raid in
Joypurhat among whom is the second in command (Training) of Jamatul
mujahedin. Police have recovered as booklet from one of the suspects
which lays down details of their activities and gives important
information about Iraq war and America. The some day police in Savar
and Dhamrai thana arrested nine young men and recovered materials for
making bombs, diary, there pairs of boots, mask, fake hair. From the
diary police got names and address of leaders and members of a central
Islamic organization. The detainees confessed themselves to be
followers of Bangla Bhai. The most important figure among those
arrested is Golam Mastafa of Joypurhat upazila who was at first
arrested on 13 February 2003 in connection with a bomb blast in a
students hosted in Dinajpur. The same year he fled away from a
training camp of militants belonging to Jamatul mujahideen in a
village in Joypurhat after injuring police on duty. A few days later
he was arrested in connection with that incident. Golam Mostafa is
known to be involved in JMJB's activities in Natore, Rajshahi,
Naugoan. Accroding to news report published on the same day
(23-02-05). Police arrested two more militants in Pachbibi upazila. A
total of 5 detainees have been sent on remand to police for 10 days
for interrogation. They will also be sent to the Joint Interrogation
cell in Dhaka, according to newspaper report. On 17th February police
arrested four members of a Islamic militant organization from areas in
Thakurgaon district. After initial interrogation they confessed to be
disciples of Dr. M. Asadulla, Head of the department of Arbic,
Rajshahi University. On 18th February nine live bombs, and one hand
grenade were recovered in Madhupur, Tangail and, Panchagarh in
Kurigram. Earlier, on 15th February bombs were thrown in the debating
society meeting in Dhaka University's TSC where tight security by
police and RAB was already in place. It has been alleged that an
Islamic fundamentalist organization were involved in the TSC bomb
blast because it was giving threats against celebrating the Day. Bombs
have also been recently recovered from near Jahangir Nagor University.
The weopons of choice of militants have always have been homemade
bombs or sophisticated grenades imported from abroad. According to
news reports, lethal arms and explosive are popping up like popcorns
almost all over the country and no place seems to be free from the
reach of the attackers.

The most sensational news was revealed when a close associate of
Bangla Bhai informed the police and other intelligence agency that
JMJB was preparing for Jehad and they had as their targets shrines,
cultural functions and organizations, Jatra, Cinema and NGOs. Soon
after this confession BRAC office in Porsha upozila in Naogaon
district was attacked with bombs injuring four and three powerful
grenades were recovered from BRAC office in Rangpur. About the same
time a branch office of Grameen Bank in Uallapara in Serajgonj was
attacked with powerful bombs. The recovered grenades bore the initial
JMJB-3 and eye witnesses said that young men were seen throwing bomb
and grenades before fleeing in motor cycles. Police arrested three
militants on suspicion of their involvement in the attack on BRAC
office of Joypurhat. They reportedly all belong to a fundamentalist
organization and were in possession of a monthly leaflet called 'Al
Mugabi'. According to police, all the detainees are members of Jamatul
Mujahideen. They have also reportedly admitted that they are members
of Ahle Hadith and support Jamatul Islam. According to them only
Jamat-type Islam can be the salvation of the country. While these
interrogations and information gathering were going on, the militants
were active elsewhere, according to their previous plan. In Kulaura,
Sylhet, madrasha students were arrested by police while they were
throwing grenade in Shahdinjir majar during holy Ashura. Other
attackers escaped with their motorcycles.

>From the above resume of some of the activities of terrorist nature,
it is evident that a number of fundamentalist religious organizations
are active in verious parts of Bangladesh through a well connected
network. They have reportedly connections with madrashahs whose
teachers and students are active members in these kinds of activities
and who carry out attacks on pre-determined targets. As mentioned
earlier, they use homemade bombs and foreign grenades. According to
reports training camps are organized for them regularly at various
places. While planning and guidance are done by teachers of some of
the madrashas and by their higher ups, attacks at field level are
carried out by their students or trained cadres in a planned and
coordinated manner. At least in one case, a university professor in
Rajshahi university was found to be involved with these fundamentalist
groups and he had reportedly visited other countries. Even in Jahangir
Nager University, a teacher of physics cajoled and coaxed female
students to wear burqua. According to latest reports, twelve militants
have been arrested at Dhamrai near Jahangir Nagor University on 21st
February with bomb making formulas, masks, wigs and documents. The
university authourities also found a timer and an audio tape
containing speeches protesting criticism against Bin Laden, Mufti
Amini and Shoukhul Aziz.

As in a jigsaw puzzle the pieces are now falling in places giving a
more or less clear idea about the state of affairs in this front. When
the first bomb blast exploded in Udichi function in Jessore people
were completely clueless. Many thought that it could be a result of
factional rivalry. Similar conclusions were drawn when a Pahela
Baisakh function was attacked in Ramna. Even the bomb attacks on Awami
League meetings were construed to be the result of internecine strife.
The bomb and grenade blasts in the shrine in Sylhet gave the first
inkling about the religious nature of the crime. Then came attacks on
mosques of Ahamadya community, one on a Christian Church, on several
cinemas and a jatra (folk drama) in a remote village in Bogra.
Gradually, but unmistakably a pattern emerged from these deadly
attacks and also an understanding was possible of the modus operandi
used. The gruesome and barbaric grenade attack on 21st August last
year and in early February this year that took the lives of Ivy Rahman
and 20 others and that of SAMS Kibria and four others respectably,
left no doubt about the identity of the organizations and the people
who could be behind these mayhems and about the motives of the
perpetrators of the attacks.

The organizations involved are many but they seem to share the same
vision that of establishing the pristine type of Islam where shrine
worship, cultural activities of secular nature and an indifference to
the tenets of Islam is daily life are unpardonable. These
organizations seen to be fairly co-ordinated in their planning and
execution of activities and have steady sources of fund and lethal
arms to kill, maim or destroy the targets. The Apex organisations,
have evidently fundamentalist leanings and espouse that ideology to
indoctinate the gullible and fanatic elements, who are mostly young,
probably madrasa students and believe that they have no future other
than in a fundamentalist system. These organizatons may have links
with Islamic political parties like Jamat and IOJ, whose ultimate goal
may be to establish an Islamic theocratic state. They are at the
moment nationlist in the sense that their mission is not directed
against other countries.

The fundamental religious organizations had always visions for an
Islamic state, beginning from Pakistan. From that point of you there
was no distingsion between religious Islam and political Islam. But
politically they were weak and less organized and that is why during
Ayub Khan's martial law they were crushed mercilessly, even by
employing tanks in attacks in mosques in Lahore. Inspite of the
majority of population being religious minded they did not respond to
the call to arms by the firebrand zealots, then as well as at present.
At the time of liberation war the religious elements, particularly
Jamat cast their lot with Pakistan considering Bangladesh to be their
nemesis. After Bangladesh they went into hibernation, plotting and
conspiring for the future in league with their erstwhile
collaborators. When late president Ziaur Rahman gave them
recognination as a political party religious Islam morphed into
political Islam. Former president Ershad gave them further booster by
declaring Islam as a state religion. These developments were made for
political expediency, no doubt. But Jamat and other religious parties
felt emboldened to go for electoral politics independenly.

Their electoral success at first was measly and they could capture
only four seats in the Jatiya Sangsad in 1991 (Jamat-3, IOJ-1). Their
performance in rural areas was particularly abysmally low which came
even as a surprise to them. This was obviously the result of the
social advancement done by NGOs. But in the general election in 2001
their electoral fortune turned favorable because of the electoral
alliance they made with a major political party, BNP. In a spirit of
bravado and a good deal of hubris, the chief of IOJ has recently
declared in a public meeting that in future no government in
Bangladesh can be form without the participation of Islamic parties.
Though lacking in sophistication and restrain an even exuding
arrogance, he may be telling the truth. If politics of electoral
alliance prevails in future, the religious political parties will
remain wield considerable political cloud and may very often be the
kingmaker. Thereby they will increase their seats in the parliament
becoming a force to be reckoned with. Even as a minor party in the
alliance, the Islamic parties can exact concession and opportunities
from the majority party in lieu of their support and thus continue to
strengthen their political base. At the least, they can ask for
protection and immunity from legal actions that would otherwise be

It would be a mistake to think that Awami league will pass up an
opportunity to forge alliance with religious fundamentalist parties if
they think that will take them to power. Ideologically the party is
not totally secular, their public stance notwithstanding, as evidenced
by their leaders frequent visit to holy places. While in power, Awami
League did not do anything to clip the wings of Jamat or any other
fundamentalist parties. By some account, the number of madrashas
established and recognised by them were greater than during the
previous regimes. If Awami League is trying to taint BNP as a
pro-fundamentalist party for its guilt by association, it is because
of political opportunism.

The overwhelming majority of Bangladeshi muslims are very religious
minded but they are not fundamentalist in the ideological sense, not
to speak of being militants. When they fought for and supported the
independence of Bangladesh, they knew that it would be a state where
all religion will have equal rights and opportunities and there would
be no rule by religious fiat. Both BNP and Awami League leaders at
least majority of them who participated in the war of liberation gave
the people that assurance and promise. Of course, in a democracy, once
a religious organization is given recognition as a political party it
has the right to contest in election. But for BNP or Awami League to
curry favor with them or agree to become alliance partners is a sharp
departure from their stated ideological manifesto and convictions.
Both the party, in their own way, can be said to have betrayed the
people in this respect, wittingly or unwittingly. BNP is doing it now
after they made the alliance in the 2001 general election. Awami
League did it by default when they were in power by not taking
appropriate actions. The sequence in time makes no difference. It is
the strategy and the mind-set that matters.

Matters have come to such a pass now that the world bank, European
Union and America are meeting confidentially in Washington to analyse
the Bangladesh situation and perhaps to decide what to do with a
country where a deceptive robe is being woven through arcane warp and
weft by a group of shrewd political weavers. That the emperor is naked
can perhaps, no longer be concealed under the rubric 'moderate'.
Unless political expediency and all consuming hunger for power are
forsaken by both the major parties, the jury will soon meet and give
their verdict. It may not be to the liking of the government and fair
for the majority of Bangladeshis.

Dak Bangla is a Bangladesh based South Asian Intelligence Scan Magazine.
URL: http://www.dakbangla.blogspot.com

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