CBS does not deserve to hold a public broadcast license and our children
should not be taught that one of the most honorable and justifiable
endeavors in our nation's great history is a mistake and a failure when it
can be shown so easily by any reasonable person that the exact opposite is


CBS Motivates Terrorists

On Monday October 9, 2006 I walked into my home to see my wife and son
watching CBS Evening News just as Ms. Couric was introducing Ms. vanden
Heuvel's "freeSpeech" segment. 

As a combat veteran I was devastated to hear such an intentional
misrepresentation of the Iraq war. Because of what I heard, I was ashamed to
be an American for the first time in my life.

Truth, ethics, integrity, honor, professionalism, and patriotism have
meaning to the vast majority of U.S. Citizens. These values are part of our
nation's foundation and need to be maintained, protected, and promoted at
all costs. When we turn on the "news" on a publicly licensed national
broadcast channel, all listening Americans deserve these values reflected in
what they see and hear.

What I heard so closely mirrored the statements and sentiments of the
world's leading terrorists, I felt that they had entered my very home and
everything my fellow Marines have fought for was lost. I felt that the enemy
was winning, even though I know for a fact that it is impossible for our
enemies to beat us militarily.

Free speech is a privilege we must protect at all cost. However, what was
presented this evening was not free speech.

The United States Federal Communication Commission has granted CBS a
television broadcast license, which requires it to act for the benefit of
the American public. A child with a laptop and Internet access could
disprove absolutely every statement made by Ms. vanden Heuvel as I do
herein. A moral line has been crossed and CBS should have its broadcast
license revoked. At minimum, this segment should be classified as obscenity
and CBS should be fined.

I cannot comprehend the world in which Ms. vanden Heuvel lives, where the
honorable and just sacrifice of so many great Americans can be so completely
disrespected and dismissed. However, I do know that the weakness and
collapse of moral character she so clearly demonstrated on this evening, in
such a public forum, acts like a lighthouse to guide our nation's enemies.
It empowers the terrorists to a degree very few non-military personnel can
ever comprehend. Such displays of appeasement and cowardice are what
terrorists seek to fuel their recruiting efforts and to motivate their
ranks. This is the reaction the terrorists seek. They can now point to this
globally available video recording of Ms. Couric lending credibility to the
heartfelt statements of Ms. vanden Heuvel who passionately and eloquently
reinforces terrorist beliefs.

Each of Ms. vanden Heuvel's statements are presented below in bold italics
followed by my responses. It should be self evident that CBS is grossly
negligent in its charter and has intentionally promoted an extraordinarily
fraudulent description of the Iraq war.

(1) What has been the cost of our undeclared and unprovoked war in Iraq?

The following is the first half of a transcript of the December 16, 1998
speech by President Clinton (the rest is available online at numerous web

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and
security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission
is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and
its military capacity to threaten its neighbors. Their purpose is to protect
the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of
people throughout the Middle East and around the world. Saddam Hussein must
not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms,
poison gas or biological weapons. I want to explain why I have decided, with
the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force in
Iraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish.

Six weeks ago, Saddam Hussein announced that he would no longer cooperate
with the United Nations weapons inspectors called UNSCOM. They are highly
professional experts from dozens of countries. Their job is to oversee the
elimination of Iraq's capability to retain, create and use weapons of mass
destruction, and to verify that Iraq does not attempt to rebuild that
capability. The inspectors undertook this mission first 7.5 years ago at the
end of the Gulf War when Iraq agreed to declare and destroy its arsenal as a
condition of the ceasefire.

The international community had good reason to set this requirement. Other
countries possess weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. With
Saddam, there is one big difference: He has used them. Not once, but
repeatedly. Unleashing chemical weapons against Iranian troops during a
decade-long war. Not only against soldiers, but against civilians, firing
Scud missiles at the citizens of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iran. And
not only against a foreign enemy, but even against his own people, gassing
Kurdish civilians in Northern Iraq. The international community had little
doubt then, and I have no doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein
will use these terrible weapons again."

It is a historical fact that Saddam Hussein provoked this war. Completely
dismissing the overwhelming body of evidence, which is currently being used
against Saddam Hussein at his trail, reflects the gross malicious intent of
Ms. vanden Heuvel false statements.

It is very convenient of Ms. vanden Heuvel to completely ignore United
Nations Security Council Resolutions 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669,
670, 674, 677, 678, 686, 687, 688, 707, 715, 949, 986, 1284, and finally
1441, which passed unanimously on November 8, 2002, offering Iraq "a final
opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set
out in several previous resolutions.

In October 2002 the House and the Senate passed the "Congressional
Resolution on Iraq". Ms. vanden Heuvel should read this resolution. It
clearly authorizes the President of the United States to use military force
against Iraq in a legal and constitutionally approved fashion. I will state
this in a fashion even she can understand, our duly elected representatives
voted to approve military action in Iraq - this is what democracies do.

Ms. vanden Heuvel describing the use of military force in Iraq as
"undeclared" is not an example of free speech; it is a clear and intentional
misrepresentation of historical facts. Does she think that the American
people are so fundamentally ignorant that they cannot read public laws
(102-1, 105-235, 105-338, 107-40, etc.)?

(2) Let us begin with life itself - more than 2,700 of our men and women
killed, over 20,000 wounded. This is a cost that has caused grief for
families that nothing can heal.

The only way to fight a war is to fight it to win, and that cost lives. The
United States military is a voluntary fighting force that currently has no
equal or rival in world history.

When I accepted my commission as an officer in the United States Marine
Corps I clearly understood that I would be required to follow orders that
could result in my death. I raised my right hand and recited my oath of
office to defend our country. There are millions upon millions of Americans
just like me that will stand up and put their lives on the line to defend
the nation we love so dearly.

The vast majority of American families that have lost a loved one in combat
are not overwhelmed with grief - they see these men and women as heroes to
emulate and honor. They are a source of pride and strength that should not
be diminished.

Why must we put up with so much disrespect from individuals, and
organizations like CBS who support them, who do not even posses enough
courage or integrity to tell the truth?

The truth is that U.S. military reenlistment rates have been consistently
exceeded for all branches of service. This means that men and women who have
been placed in a life threatening combat environment have chosen to return.
All recruiting goals are being met or exceeded. Middle class Americans with
numerous employment opportunities in the strongest economy on the planet
have chosen to put their lives on the line - even while people like Ms.
Couric and Ms. vanden Heuvel work tirelessly to point out every flaw, death,
and injury on a daily basis.

There is a reason it is called a war. It is messy, ugly, bloody, and deadly
work. If Ms. Couric and Ms. vanden Heuvel truly and sincerely cared about
this nation they would be more focused on reducing the greater than 15,000
murders each year in the U.S. This means that while nearly 3,000 military
personnel have been killed in Iraq over the past three years, 45,000
Americans have been murdered. Where is the real outrage?

Using the CBS approach to journalism, and focusing on just the murders in
our 5 largest cities, I could convince the American people there was a civil
war going on in the U.S. and the death toll just keeps mounting. How does
the current CBS news approach differ from propaganda?

It also needs to be pointed out that the total number of U.S. military
deaths in Iraq is a historical low for a conflict of this size and duration
and is literally a testament to the overwhelming military successes of both
the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. Look at the death toll and casualty
figures during the two-month WWII Iwo Jima battle, which are twice what has
occurred in three years in Iraq. In fact, more military personnel died due
to accidents the decade before the Iraq conflict than have died during it.

On September 11, 2001 nearly 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered. We were
not in Afghanistan and we were not in Iraq - America did not deserve this.
Democracy and freedom is a barrier to the Islamic goal of globally enforcing
Sharia (Islamic Law). Americans are just useless infidels that need to be
slaughtered - the great Satan that must be destroyed. Yes simplistic, but
very true.

I am confident that on September 12, 2001, Ms. Couric and Ms. vanden Heuvel
wanted nothing less than justice for the murdered innocent Americans.
President Bush did as well and has demonstrated courage in maintaining a
deadly and risky endeavor that is critical to our national security.

(3) Nor should we forget, some 100,000 dead and wounded Iraqis.

The number of Iraq deaths per month since the U.S. destroyed Saddam's
military has been reduced dramatically in comparison to the average number
of deaths per month under Saddam's entire rule. In fact, in comparison to
thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians killed in mass numerous times by
Saddam, the U.S. can easily claim that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives
have been saved over the past 3 years. Again, it is very convenient for Ms.
vanden Heuvel to forget about how many mass graves have been discovered the
last three years.

(4) And the financial cost - over $400 billion has now been spent for this
war. That fiscal recklessness has already burdened generations of Americans
to come.

The United States of America has not spent $400 billion on the Iraq war. It
is very convenient of Ms. vanden Heuvel to ignore the contributions of
personnel, equipment, and money from the United Kingdom, Australia, South
Korea, Poland, Japan, Spain, Italy, etc. However, noting this would mean
presenting the fact that an international coalition operates in Iraq.

Our deficit is now below the level of the first 5 years of the Clinton
administration, we have the lowest unemployment in decades, higher paying
jobs have grown dramatically, the economy has grown by 20% in the past
several years (a value greater than the entire economy of China with a
population of 1.3 billion), and tax revenues keep increasing every quarter.
The American people are not financially burdened by the Iraq war and Ms.
vanden Heuvel's statement is a verifiable fabrication.

(5) The administration nonetheless justifies the war and its costs in the
name of national security But the reality is that this war has so weakened
and demoralized the US military that even retired military leaders have
risen in unprecedented revolt.

Again, "unprecedented revolt" is a complete fabrication. For every retired
General who has complained about the Iraq conflict, 7 can be found that
support it. The overwhelming majority of military personnel support their
current Commander in Chief.

The real "reality" is that we are facing a well-funded, zealous,
decentralized terrorist threat that takes time to diminish or destroy. "Stay
the Course" is not rhetoric, it is a requirement.

We are winning this war. We have a 100% success rate in killing or capturing
terrorists once we find them. This takes time and unfortunately, many more
military personnel will die.

If only people like Ms. vanden Heuvel would stop encouraging the terrorists,
the enemy would see a national resolve so coherent they would come to
understand that there is no return on investment in their efforts. The
terrorists are trained that if they are persistent America will withdraw
because it is weak. CBS, Ms. Couric, and Ms. vanden Heuvel, are proving them

(6) Moreover, sixteen of our own intelligence services now tell us that the
war has only increased the terrorist threat.

It is unconscionably disgusting of Ms. vanden Heuvel to neglect to mention
that the same sixteen intelligence services say the terrorist threat will
get worse if we pull out of Iraq. Again, she assumes Americans are too
stupid to read the intelligence reports themselves.

(7) And then there is the incalculable cost to America's reputation. We have
lost the respect of allies who once looked to us as a beacon of hope--not

Why is the United States of America still the number one nation on the
planet people want to immigrate to? In fact, we now host between 10 to 20%
of the entire Mexican population within our borders, which could not be
possible if our economy was as bad as Ms. vanden Heuvel implied earlier.

Why does every terrorist and drug runner on the planet use U.S. currency -
because the U.S. has the most respected, powerful, and stable economy.

United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, Japan, India, Poland, Germany, and
too many other nations to list are our military and economic partners. The
global economy would fail if America fails. In fact, I can say with
confidence that a few billion people know that the United States of America
is the most prosperous and free nation on the planet and still the most
desirable place to live.

There is no "incalculable cost to America's reputation". If there were any
measurable negative impact, our economy would not have continued to grow so
significantly and foreign investment would have declined.

Democracy is a threat to much of the world because it puts power in the
hands of the people instead of thugs, dictators, and terrorists. The only
lack of respect the U.S. faces is from the global community of liberals,
communists, socialists, and Islamic terrorists that will continue to hate
America no matter what we do.

(8) Nor should we ignore the grave costs to our democracy at home. We have
permitted an executive branch to seize unprecedented power, subverting our
constitutional system of checks and balances, and even sanction torture. And
from its inception, truth and accountability has been this war's victims.

This is the most offensive, egregious, unfounded, and irrational statement
of Ms. vanden Heuvel's presentation. There has been no subversion of our
constitution and no sanctioning of torture and no evidence of such can be

I have a significant amount of experience with Iraqi prisoners. My unit
captured over 7,000 Iraqi prisoners in 48 hours. Torture is defined as the
intentional permanent infliction of injury. Torture is illegal under the
Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The U.S. military has not
tortured prisoners and treats prisoners better than any other military on
the planet. I challenge Ms. vanden Heuvel to present a single valid case of
sanctioned torture by U.S. military personnel. We are men and women of honor
and we operate under a clearly defined code of conduct. No other military
has gone through such great lengths to investigate every complaint and
punish those personnel that cannot comply with the UCMJ. Again, Ms. vanden
Heuvel would not bother reading the UCMJ because the facts would undermine
her fabricated message.

Additionally, Ms. vanden Heuvel cannot produce any examples where our
democracy has been diminished in any measurable fashion or where the
President has exceeded his constitutional powers. In every action taken by
President Bush he has balanced our rights with the necessity of providing
security. Our elected representatives have been properly informed.

The only person killing the truth, as can be seen herein, is Ms. vanden

(9) Despite all these costs, we are told that we must stay the course. By
any rational and humane reckoning, it is time to end this misadventure.

It is clear that Ms. vanden Heuvel is not a student of history or military
tactics and strategy.

How do you surface a well funded and globally distributed enemy that waits
patiently for a chance to kill as many innocent Americans as possible? How
do you surface an enemy that our "sixteen intelligence agencies" say is
actively seeking weapons of mass destruction? You must destroy their very
foundation of support. You provide freedom of choice, information flow, and
economic opportunity within the center of their region of greatest

The prosperity and freedom observed throughout the Iraqi Kurdish region and
other places within Iraq has attracted Islamic terrorists from all over the
world. That is why the level of terrorist violence has increased so
dramatically in the past several months - democracy and capitalism are
showing clear signs of success. Yes, the violence has increased in Iraq
because the Bush plan has been successful. The Islamic terrorists know that
if democracy becomes permanent their goals cannot be achieved. Democracy and
oppression/control (Sharia) cannot coexist.

The presence of U.S. forces in Iraq and NATO forces in Afghanistan are
consuming on a daily basis the global resources of a threat Ms. vanden
Heuvel completely ignores at her own peril.

In the recent Israeli/Hezbollah conflict, if not for the Iraq war, the loss
of life and chaos would have been extraordinary. Over the past several
years, Iran through Syria has been arming Hezbollah with billions of dollars
of missiles and other weapons with the goal of destroying Israel. If Ms.
vanden Heuvel would only bother looking at a map she would see that Iran
could not reinforce or directly provide military support to Hezbollah -
because of the U.S. presence in Iraq. Syria and Iran know they could not
survive a military conflict with the U.S. They are afraid. That fear
provides stability in the region. Millions of Israeli lives have been
protected. This alone justifies our presence in Iraqi, even if a significant
number of Iraqis wish all Jews were dead.

The Iraq war is one of the most brilliant strategic maneuvers in military
and political history. By staying the course our military will continue to
consume at an increasing rate the manpower and financial resources of a
global threat to peace and civilization. Our military has the ability to
evolve faster than the Islamic terrorists. We keep getting better at what we
do. We are in fact winning the global war on terror and Ms. vanden Heuvel is
too ignorant, misinformed, and biased to see it.

The presence of the U.S. within Iraq has had a significant and measurable
stabilizing affect in the region. Democracy now has a viable foothold
throughout most of Iraq, particularly the Kurdish region where Iraqis now
enjoy a quality of life beyond anything they could have ever imagined
otherwise. It is a fabulous social and economic success. A success that is
real, measurable, and will be lasting regardless of the number of terrorist
bombs that explode on any given day in Baghdad. The Iraqi Kurds are now
routinely broadcasting commercials within the U.S. thanking America for
their newfound peace and prosperity, which has been mostly ignored by the
American media and CBS. The successes in Iraq are significant and completely
justify the conflict. Hiding the innumerable successes by just presenting
death tolls on a daily basis is dangerous and unacceptable. CBS needs to
stop feeding the great lie that Iraq is nothing more than a "misadventure".

The intellectual dishonesty displayed within this and previous comments by
Ms. vanden Heuvel

is incomprehensible. Her entire statement is nothing more than poisonous,
irrational, unfounded emotionalism that undermines our nation's security by
giving terrorists a voice. Statements of this kind have no business being
presented as "free speech" by CBS. Again, this is an obscenity.

CBS does not deserve to hold a public broadcast license and our children
should not be taught that one of the most honorable and justifiable
endeavors in our nation's great history is a mistake and a failure when it
can be shown so easily by any reasonable person that the exact opposite is

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