"There's nothing that you can do in Iraq today that will work," said
Lind, one of the original Fourth Generation Warfare authors. "That
situation is irretrievably lost.


Chicago Tribune

Critics: Pentagon in blinders
Long before 9/11, the military was warned about low-tech warfare, but
it didn't listen

By Stephen J. Hedges
Washington Bureau

June 6, 2005

WASHINGTON -- Nearly 16 years ago, a group of four military officers
and a civilian predicted the rise of terrorism and anti-American
insurgencies with chilling accuracy.

The group said U.S. military technology was so advanced that foreign
forces would be unlikely to challenge it directly, and it forecast
that future foes would be non-state insurgents and terrorists whose
weapons would be suicide car bombs, not precision-guided weapons.

"Today, the United States is spending $500 million apiece for stealth
bombers," the group wrote in a 1989 article that appeared in a
professional military journal. "A terrorist stealth bomber is a car
with a bomb in the trunk--a car that looks like every other car."

The five men dubbed their theory "Fourth Generation Warfare" and
warned that the U.S. military had to adapt. In the years since, the
original group of officers, joined by a growing number of officers and
scholars within the military, has pressed Pentagon leaders to
acknowledge this emerging threat.

But rather than adopting a new strategy, the generals and civilian
leaders in the Defense Department have continued to support
conventional, high-intensity conflict and the expensive weapons that
go with it. That is happening, critics say, despite lethal
insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"They don't understand this kind of warfare," said Greg Wilcox, a
retired Army lieutenant colonel, Vietnam veteran and critic of
Pentagon policies. "They want to return to war as they envision it.
That's not going to happen."

Wilcox is just one of a number of maverick officers, active and
retired, who have been agitating for change. Others include Marine
Col. T.X. Hammes, whose recent book on the subject is required reading
in some units, as well as Marine Col. G.I. Wilson, currently serving
in Iraq, and H. John Poole, a retired Marine who has written
extensively on insurgencies.

Together they make up the public face of a much larger debate within
the U.S. military over whether the Defense Department is doing enough
to train troops to fight insurgents.

It is a debate with enormous consequences. Though most of the more
than 1,350 American combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan have been
caused by low-tech insurgent weaponry such as roadside bombs, the Army
plans to spend more than $120 billion in the next decade on a future
combat system of digitally linked vehicles, weapons and unmanned
aircraft. It is based largely on conventional warfare theory.

The Army also is reorganizing its 10 divisions into 43 more flexible,
5,000-soldier brigades that can be plunked down in a war zone. But the
weapons and training those forces receive still will lean heavily
toward the traditional view of conflict, with heavy tanks,
helicopters, close air support and terrain-holding troops.

Soldiers take initiative

The mavericks' Fourth Generation Warfare theory is about as far as one
can get from current Pentagon doctrine. But many of the captains,
corporals and privates fighting today have adopted the mavericks'
theories and tactics.

"So much of it was validated that it's theoretically right on the
money," said Jim Roussell, a chief warrant officer in the Marine
Reserves who focuses on gang crime in Chicago as a sergeant in the
city's Police Department. He recently returned from Iraq after leading
a Marine unit against insurgents.

Army and Marine Corps officials in Washington declined to answer
questions on the changes suggested by the mavericks.

But in November, the Army issued a revised field manual on fighting
insurgencies that had not been updated in more than a decade. It has
received a mixed reception.

"We really have a lot of institutional friction right now," said Lt.
Col. Jan Horvath, the Army manual's primary author. "There are a
number of junior officers who understand this." Senior officers,
Horvath said, have been less accepting.

Still, some units are adapting. The Army's 3rd Armored Cavalry
Regiment, for instance, last month began its second tour of Iraq after
months of innovative training, including a requirement that all
officers and soldiers receive basic Arabic language and culture

"It's working," said Col. H.R. McMaster, the regiment's commander, who
has lectured at U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., and written
a book about the failures of the Vietnam War. "It's a hard problem.
Nothing is easy over here. But I'm telling you we're getting after it,
we're pursuing the enemy, we are totally on the offensive right now."

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's office has given irregular warfare
a "higher priority" in the upcoming 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review,
according to an excerpt of the document. But the report will not be
completed until next year. Real war, the mavericks point out, is
happening now.

Chinese war philosopher "Sun Tzu had it right," said one Army
lieutenant colonel who spent a year fighting insurgents in Iraq and
who requested anonymity. "If you know your enemy and if you know
yourself, you'll never lose. We know about half of what we should
about the enemy, and we don't know ourselves. We can't figure out what
kind of Army we want to be."

The 1989 article that broached the rise of terrorism and insurgencies
sprang from a group of officers who met regularly to discuss tactics
and strategy. The group gathered in the Alexandria, Va., home of
William Lind, a military analyst and former Senate aide who is
director of the Free Congress Foundation's Center for Cultural

Lind already had written about the first three generations of modern
warfare: Napoleonic-style lines of battle, World War I trench conflict
and the swift-moving "maneuver" warfare that the German army displayed
in World War II. In the 1980s, the Marine Corps adopted maneuver
warfare as its official doctrine.

What, the group wondered, would be the next generation of war?

The group--Lind, Wilson, John Schmitt of the Marines, and Keith
Nightengale and Joseph Sutton of the Army--put its collective answer
in a short article in the October 1989 issue of the Marine Corps
Gazette. As the Soviet Union faltered, they wrote, new insurgencies
and terrorist groups could erupt in countries with an "Islamic or
Asiatic tradition."

"Mass, of men or fire power, will no longer be an overwhelming
factor," they wrote. "In fact, mass may become a disadvantage, as it
will be easy to target. Small, highly maneuverable, agile forces will
tend to dominate."

The article marked a radical departure from military thinking. Until
then, the word "insurgency" had been virtually banned inside the

In his 1986 book, "The Army and Vietnam," military analyst and Army
veteran Andrew Krepinevich details just how reviled a fight against
insurgents is among U.S. military leaders. Top Army commanders in
Washington, Krepinevich found, brushed aside orders from President
John Kennedy in the early 1960s to build a counterinsurgent capability
in Vietnam.

And after the war, he said, counterinsurgency theory was purged from
the Pentagon. Instead, the military returned to preparing for a
conventional war with the Soviet Union.

"In a way, the lesson of Vietnam for the American people and the Army
was `No more Vietnams,'" Krepinevich said. "Vietnam was a searing
personal experience for the Army, incredibly negative."

After the 1991 Persian Gulf war, the mavericks argued that it was less
a victory than it appeared. The war was "a throwback to World War II
in Europe with updated weapons," they wrote in a 1994 Marine Corps
Gazette article. U.S. claims of success, they suggested, masked the
vulnerabilities of lumbering, heavy armor, a notion borne out in 1993
during the U.S. military's misadventure in Somalia.

The Pentagon, though, continued to equip for battlefield warfare,
encouraged by a Congress that was more than willing to back big
weapons, ships and aircraft programs and the jobs they create.

"There's no money in counterinsurgency," said Hammes, the Marine
colonel, who served in Iraq and whose recent book, "The Sling and the
Stone," has stirred more debate within the military. "It's about
language skills. It's about people. It's about a lot of soft money
moving over to [the Departments of] State, Commerce, Treasury, and
there's no F-22 [fighter jet] in this program."

A 9/11 realization

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Schmitt, a former Marine and a
co-author of the 1989 article, was at O'Hare International Airport on
his way to Pittsburgh. Minutes before boarding his flight, he saw a
television report that an airliner had hit New York's World Trade
Center. He kept watching as the second plane hit.

"I was thinking, `We're at war here,'" said Schmitt, a military
consultant based in Champaign, Ill. "This is the new warfare."

The Sept. 11 attacks, Schmitt and others hoped, would bring change
within the Pentagon. Even an Al Qaeda terrorist Web site referred to
the 1989 article, noting that "some American military experts predict
a fundamental change in the future form of warfare" and that "this new
type of war presents significant difficulties for the Western war

But little changed. The U.S. forces that flowed into Afghanistan in
late 2001 and into Iraq in March 2003 were largely conventional.

The U.S. military quickly toppled the Taliban regime in Afghanistan
and the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. But after those successes, both
the Afghan extremists and Hussein's sympathizers transformed into
effective insurgencies.

The mavericks contend that the U.S. response has been a string of
classic military mistakes, especially in Iraq.

U.S. forces took over Hussein's palaces and military bases, secluding
themselves from ordinary Iraqis and cutting off lines of intelligence.
Thousands of innocent Iraqis were wrongfully imprisoned in a
ham-handed search for insurgents, breeding contempt for the American

Training to fight insurgents lagged. Emphasis instead was put on
finding technical solutions--another echo of Vietnam. They include
devices that detect roadside explosives placed by insurgents,
surveillance drones and the belated armoring of vehicles, which so far
has cost more than $600 million.

"Here's an army that went into Iraq in 2003 with exactly the same set
of equipment it had in 1991, with very few modifications," said
Douglas Macgregor, a tank commander in the first Iraq war who wrote
several books about reforming the Army before retiring as a colonel a
year ago. "It hasn't produced anything new at all in 20 years."

Still, the mavericks argue that, even today, changes could have an
impact on the way soldiers are fighting.

First, the mavericks call for ground forces to reorganize into
distinct, small units--not large, lumbering divisions or expeditionary
forces--that will live among Iraqis.

"Why are we still riding around in Humvees?" asks Poole, the retired
Marine, whose Posterity Press has published books on counterinsurgent
tactics. "In a war like this, you've got to get off the vehicle and
into the neighborhood."

Second, more needs to be done to give soldiers language and cultural
training, they say, something that officers in the Army and Marine
Corps say has recently begun.

A third reform would prescribe a more judicious use of powerful
weapons, such as tank rounds and 2,000-pound precision aerial bombs,
especially in cities. Insurgencies exploit the deaths of civilians,
the mavericks argue.

They say that the most important change would be a new command system,
one that bases promotions on initiative rather than obedience and
encourages taking risks, recognizing that mistakes will happen.

"One of the things we found in our experiments was the idea of
strategic corporals," said Roussell, the Marine reservist and Chicago
policeman. "The corporals are capable of doing it. We just need to
empower them."

The military has taken some small steps toward change, and it is
promising more.

Other units are following the lead of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment
and offering more language and cultural training, as well as a review
of tactics.

Units rotating to Iraq now get several weeks of specialized training
at the Army's two national training centers; tactics simulate life
among Iraqis, including the use of Iraqi-American role players.

Additional focus has been put on running road checkpoints, detecting
roadside explosives and protecting convoys.

But those efforts give new troops just a brief taste of the challenges
they will be facing, and they put a heavy emphasis on defensive
measures. According to officers who have been involved in
counterinsurgent operations, there still is a reluctance among top
commanders to acknowledge the nature of the enemy and what skills
American soldiers need to fight.

"There's definitely the sensation that the Army's holding its breath,"
said one officer who recently took command of deploying forces, "that
this will all blow over, and they can go back to what they want to

Changes in the field

At the same time, said the officer, who requested anonymity, younger
officers with command of fighting units are making the changes they
need to, whether the Pentagon approves or not.

"There's a way the institution does things," he said, "and then
there's the way that things are actually done."

Receiving little notice inside the Pentagon, the maverick officers
have continued to post their theories, criticisms and extensive
PowerPoint briefings on unofficial military Web sites.

One notable article last year, written by Marine Col. Wilson, was
titled "Iraq--Fourth Generation Warfare Swamp." The Marines denied
permission for Wilson, who is in Iraq, to be interviewed for this

Although they differ on the particulars of changing the military, the
mavericks agree that the U.S. effort in Afghanistan and Iraq has been
a lost opportunity. At best, they say, the outcome of both conflicts
is uncertain. Some say they are doomed.

"There's nothing that you can do in Iraq today that will work," said
Lind, one of the original Fourth Generation Warfare authors. "That
situation is irretrievably lost.

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